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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. so are you saying that if i want to bring one friend to the day game and a different friend to the night game, I can't??! I have a huge bulldog fan friend that I wanted to bring to the afternoon game. My wife can't make the afternoon game, but she really wants to see the SIoux at 7. No readmission is the most stupid thing that i've ever heard. If you can please confirm, I guess I will tell my BullDog friend not to bother.
  2. could, but seems like unnecessary extra travel...
  3. So, Atkinson and Miele are off with their respective pro teams now...neither will likely be at the Hobey Ceremony as a result...the plot thickens... Wouldn't Miele wait for the Hobey award in order to better his negotiating position? He was a free agent after all...again, one could prognosticate and infer and deduce and induce many thoughts from these related facts. Have they told the boys who has won it already? It would be pretty lame to have an announcement ceremony without the winner present.
  4. Looks like Miele signed a pro deal with Phoenix. Fratty is the only Hobey hat-tricker that is still an amateur.
  5. Awesome! We will connect for sure.
  6. Yeah! We'll look for you too! I haven't seen my seats yet, but I know we've got them.
  7. Tally Ho- My much better half and I are in!!!! Go Sioux!
  8. An NCAA title and a first class ticket to Toronto > Hobey Baker Award
  9. If the SIoux beat MI and Frattin gets slighted in the Hobey race, you can guarantee an NC$$ championship for your University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux. I
  10. Biggest difference is age...the oldest players in the CHL are generally the same age as the youngest at many NC$$ programs. Obviously there are exceptions, and J. Schwartz is one of them. I contend that the CHL is the best route for the extremely skilled, top-end players who go major junior at 16. I contend the NC$$ route is better for late bloomers and for most players who aren't in that ultra-elite tier. The WJC is always the great tell from my perspective. Last point- CHL was the route back in the day when Canada was virtually the exclusive creator of NHL talent. Now, more top-end talent is coming from the US and many of those kids naturally gravitate to the NC$$.
  11. I've lived in Mpls for 14 years and I have never eaten at Mickey's...I probably should, eh?
  12. Well, the tournament is in St. Paul, so I'd suggest staying there out of convenience. The St Paul Hotel is very nice and near the arena. The Holiday Inn is nice and is also right by the arena. The Twin Cities is a large metro area, but the two cities of Minneapolis and St Paul aren't really that big, its the suburbs that make it large. Of the two, Minneapolis feels like more of a big city with a bigger corporate footprint downtown and the big University campus. St Paul feels more like a bigger small town and more "neighborhoody". Minneapolis feels more modern, and St Paul feels more nostalgic. Public transportation is poor for a metro area with 3 million people. The light rail connects Minneapolis to the airport and the Mall of America, but doesn't yet reach St Paul (they're working on it). Taxis are also inconvenient compared to other cities. Restaurants: lots of them- for a nicer meal you can do Kincaid's near the arena, but there are numerous bars and restaurants to fit the type of meal you're looking for. I don't think there is one place that I would say is "can't miss" or anything like that. Minneapolis is known as the city of lakes, and there are several medium sized lakes around the city that are all connected. This chain of lakes is a park system and has parkway with walking, running and biking trails. If it is nice out, that is a fun option. Other things: There's a lot of art and culture with several theaters (Ordway, Orpheum), a professional orchestra, a few art centers (Walker, Minneapolis Institute), There's a children's museum, a science museum, two zoos, the Mall of America. Stillwater is a suburb that is an old river town and can be quite pretty with quaint shops and tourist stops.
  13. It is definitely delay of game and can also be a "go cheat from the press box" dq as well.
  14. 90% on board with you...just keep the mix...this is an on the rocks affair today.
  15. Real question: How does an arena hosting an NCAA regional f this up? I'd fire people over less.
  16. So was the ice bad all day? Thereby not allowing UND to get a good morning skate in? It would only be fair to George's boys who had to play late and will be too tired to skate or practice
  17. Well, the ice wasn't really good last night, so that wouldn't surprise me. It does disappoint me. Did they give an estimate of when they'd know?
  18. We gotta stay out of the box today. I've been disappointed in the apparent desire for the officials in this tourney to want to create games that are little more than special teams battles and to try and even things up when one team starts to dominate. The game is meant to flow and to be played 5x5. Too much special teams hinders our depth advantage as well. DU will try to get us to play undisciplined...keep it in check boys.
  19. Nelson in is Sioux hockey. Tough. Way to go Brock!
  20. Are you serious? I certainly hope it had nothing to do with the fact that DU is staying there and playing UND today.
  21. With regard to the business suits, doesn't the home team have the right to pick their color? I thought they did...
  22. I was 10 years old and my parents had season tickets, so I saw almost every home game. I did not go to Detroit, but I loved that team dearly and remember them like yesterday.
  23. ...or drive to Illinois...
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