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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. True, they can't accept gifts, but the pro team can influence decisions related to medical care and often do so. They can't pay for it, but they can facilitate.
  2. Go east from the X down 7th Street (so away from McGovern's and Reid's). It will be on the north side of the street, maybe 6 blocks down. Loaded with all WCHA fans.
  3. A fun sports bar in St Paul...its a Chicago and cop bar...and the waitresses like low cut shirts and hot pants. It is quick walk to the X and they run a shuttle to and from
  4. Do you know this for sure? Let's hold off on speculation...we have a very good young hockey player who is likely in some serious trouble. It is also possible he was sent to Regions as a precautionary measure.
  5. Archibald, Schriner, Greene, Commodore, Prpich and either Dean Daschyn or Dan Brennan
  6. It is quite possible that Wisconsin would get moved for attendance, but the committee has stated they want to preserve bracket integrity above all. I don't think they'll do a wholesale swap, maybe just Michigan and Wisconsin.
  7. If the season ended today we'd get to hear Red complain about playing us (again) we'd get to hear Yale complain about bracket integrity we'd get to hear that fat guy on ESPNU talk about how great UNH is...and in the end, I would see a Frozen Four that looks like this: UNO, UNH, UND, BC WCHA and Hockey East flexing their muscles yet again, but we owe all three of these teams: UNH for two years ago, BC for everything and UNO for hanging 8 on us in our barn Again...way too early to prognosticate, but I'm doing it anyway for conjecture.
  8. It is really, really, really early, but here is Yzerman 19's Jan 26, 2011 Bracketology: Straight seeding: Yale vs RIT(first place in Atlantic) Notre Dame vs Rensselaer UMD vs Dartmouth UNH vs Wisconsin UND vs UNO Merrimack vs Michigan DU vs Union Western MI vs BC Avoiding intraconference first round matchups (only UND and UNO, UNO has to go to Yale, because the other 3 #1s are WCHA. RIT plays UMD due to UMD being the higher seed. Yale might complain, but playing UNO in the first round will certainly answer questions regarding schedule): East Regional (Bridgeport) Yale vs UNO Notre Dame vs Rensselaer UMD vs RIT (Manchester) UNH vs Wisconsin UND vs Dartmouth (Green Bay) Merrimack vs Michigan DU vs Union (St Louis) Western MI vs BC
  9. Does he understand the tongue in cheek nature of this? A few oddball fans aside, most of this has been in jest...
  10. Sure, we missed a couple good local recruits in the Potulny brothers and Danny Irmen, but let's not forget in that same time frame we landed Zach Parise, Travis Zajac, Johnny Toews...got look at both the strikes and gutters
  11. The Tiger head haunts my dreams...it's soul-less black eyes and confused expression...is it drunk or simply retarded?
  12. If I were really to assemble my full all-decade team, including 4 full forward lines and 3 scratched forwards and 2 scratched D it would look as follows: Scoring 1: Parise with Bochenski and Bayda Scoring 2: Toews with Oshie and Duncan Energy: McMahon with Porter and Kaip Scoring 3: Vandevelde with Stafford and Zajac Scratched but on the team: Frattin, Malone, Trupp D1: Greene and Schneider D2: Jones and Hale D3: Smaby and Fuhrer Scratched but on the team: Genoway and Chorney G1: JPL G2: Parise G3: Eids This would be an unbelievable team...It is hard to add this year's stars to the team, so I have the Pony Express on the team but scratched. Spirko and Brady Murray are honorable mention...didn't see them long enough, but they were good while here.
  13. I'd like to see: Malone with Frattin and Trupp Knight with Gregoire and Cichy Lammy with Davidson and Hexy Nelson with Rodwell and Kristo Chay and Mac Marto and Blood Forbert/Simpson and Lapoint
  14. *2. Goaltenders (Choose 3):: Eidsness, Brad | Lamoureux, Jean-Philippe | Parise, Jordan *3. Defensemen (Choose 6):: Fuher, Nick | Greene, Matt | Hale, David | Jones, Matt | Schneider, Andy | Smaby, Matt *4. Forwards (Choose 9):: Bochenski, Brandon | Duncan, Ryan | McMahon, Rory | Oshie, T.J. | Parise, Zach | Porter, Chris | Stafford, Drew | Toews, Jonathan | Zajac, Travis
  15. Huge series here...We've split with the top teams in the league (UMD, DU, UNO) and our most hated rival (MN)(which is fine) we need to continue to beat up the teams we should beat up (SCSU, WI, MSU-M, AA, Tech). CC is also one of those that we need to separate ourselves from. I'm assuming that Jayden Schwartz is still out from his injury at the WJC? If so, this helps us, although I hate to see a young man of that caliber talent on the shelf. Olympic ice sheet and altitude means the boys better have their legs. Hak needs to really leverage our depth to keep the boys fresh- those things considered. It will be interesting to see who gets the nod and who rides pine. Again, we win with Davidson in the lineup. I thought Cichy looked good...I've said before I'd like to see him get a shot on the Knight line with Corban and Gregs...either him or Rodwell
  16. For the record, income does not equal wealth. The biggest problem (government included) is people repeatedly spending beyond their means. It is the driver of the housing market, the credit card debt issue, the uninsured issue, student loan debt issue... If you can't afford it, don't buy it. I understand that people make mistakes, but I for one, am tired of living within my means so that I can pay for others to live outside of theirs. Don't have health insurance? You better gd not have a new car, boat, gun, or tv in that house you can't afford! (not targeted at anyone on this board- just a rant) Also for the record, I am a resident of Minnesota, so I have no vested interest in NoDak not paying into the feds to bail out bankrupt states.
  17. I have a bit of a beef with significant federal dollars going to provide Fargo with flood protection...isn't NoDak one of the few states with a surplus? Philosophically what bothers me is that if the feds are expected to pay for something like this, what's to stop them from expecting NoDak to help bail out California? The two way street is dangerous. Regarding healthcare, the bill really became insurance company legislation specifically targeted at for-profit payors. Removing single payor from the bill really changes the whole argument against the legislation away from death panels and access issues. It now is more of a business freedom issue regarding the mandates.
  18. Funny you say that...I had written a diatribe on the housing market, as a correlary to my previous post, but i deleted it before i posted it...
  19. We let too many people into college who are not qualified or prepared. To quote the great Judge Smails "the world needs ditch diggers too." In all seriousness, too many treat college as a walk about or a way to dodge life for a few years...the entire economy is in shambles because we coddle people and tell them that they can have everything, but we don't tell them how much work it is or how smart or talented you have to be.
  20. So we split with a decently ranked Omaha team and Duluth beats up Michigan Tech, and they leapfrog us in the PWR due to the RPI needing to be adjusted...weak...
  21. He had post secondary credits from when he was in juniors, and he's taken a few summer classes when he's been in GF anyway...I think it is a good achievement, but I don't think it has affected his play...I don't think he's taking 7 classes a semester or anything
  22. Just remember that the plaque for the alternates is in the ladies room, and that second place is still the first loser.
  23. Benching Nelson is an odd play to me...I didn't notice anything pathetic out of him. I am nervous about the Gleason-Lapoint pairing...Gleason will be rusty for sure... I just don't get the Marto at forward decision, and it appears that it will be that way here on out...The only thing I can think of with that is that it allows us to play 7 dmen...Jake can rotate back in there on the pk or if someone needs a breather... A third line forward will be lucky to log 12 minutes of ice in a game assuming no special teams...a regular dman will log 18-22 minutes. This way Jake can log 12 minutes up front and 6 minutes in the back (as needed), and keep us fresh??? I guess so. Win the foot races, win the one on one battles, passes on the tape, get to open ice before you receive a pass, heads up, feet down...if we come out flying we are championship material, if we come out flat, this team lacks the character to win number 8...I'm just calling it now...not because this is a must win game or anything, but a champion won't take kindly to being embarrassed on home ice.
  24. This game is making our weaknesses really stand out. Our weaknesses are consistent: Defensive zone play. Simpson, Lapoint, Forbert all look slow, with poor footwork, lazy feet with stupid sticks. Really frustrating to watch this poor of a defensive performance tonight.
  25. Our two highest drafted forwards skate on our third line...
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