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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Does anyone know if Sensers can pick up the game tonight?
  2. Tech in last year's playoffs first round WCHA
  3. Andrew had a very heavy shot, but he seldom found the time and space necessary to let it rip. Note to the kiddies- you are better off with a quicker release and soft mitts than you are with a howitzer. Look at Parise or Patrick Kane- neither have a very heavy shot, but Kane's hands are just plain sick, and Zach just never quits and has a knack around the net. I'd rather score 35 goals with only one or two 70+ mph water bottle shots than 10 with every one being a 80 mph bar down
  4. Correction to above, JT started that year a 21 year old, but he was 22 when he won the cup...semantics
  5. Ryan Potulny put up massive numbers as a 21 year old in the WCHA....when Jonathan Toews was a 21 year old he won the Conn Smythe.
  6. Again...how did we not win with Osh and Toewser...unbelievable
  7. Osh didn't do the same move twice. he went five hole a couple times, but with different moves
  8. We need to win 6 of 8 in order to feel good about the NCAAs at the end of the regular season. I think in all practicality, we have to expect (maybe even hope for) splits on the road vs UMD and vs SCSU- these are two of the better teams in the league. That means we absolutely must sweep WMU and Miami at home. The conference playoffs will be a coin flip for the most part.
  9. Its a good class, with a nice mix. Schmaltz is the only blue chipper- he's petty much a lock as a later first rounder.
  10. Well put. Both camps have facts on their side. This gets to my earlier point of confidence. Does anyone feel confident about the performance of the team and where we are heading? Does anyone think that we have a team in the pipeline that has a better shot at a title than the 2004 or 2006 or 2011 teams? I know I dont.
  11. Its poor management as a whole- lose the TV deal, generate an awful product on the ice...I haven't seen us play "Sioux" hockey all year. By Sioux hockey, I mean 2 lines that are loaded with skill, speed, and talent, 1 line that will just work you on the end boards, and 1 line that will just beat the sh$t out of you... By Sioux hockey, I mean a forecheck that blows the opposition out the zamboni door and dman that make going to the high probability scoring areas very painful. By Sioux hockey, I mean a relentless tenacity from every player in every zone. By Sioux hockey, I mean crisp passing on the tape, speed through the neutral zone, creativity, and picking corners. By SIoux hockey, I mean finishing every check, even if you wear a letter in Sochi this week. Let's get SIoux hockey back. Time for a change agent.
  12. Love that little island...the Plantation restaurant...the waterfalls...the whales...Honelie (sp) Bay...Duke's...Kauai Happy!
  13. "Poindexter, you want to F or what?" name the film. I don't think I've ever been called anything like that in my life...funny. I'll take it though As a note, I wasn't referring to you. I think your logic on the Don Lucia turn-around is sound and applicable- you have to make changes, and you have to play to the strengths of your team. Also, as stated, having won 2 natty's cuts a guy a lot of slack! WIthout
  14. too many on this sight use flawed logic. Post Hoc Ergo Proctor Hoc...economic speak for after this therefore because of this. You cannot make an airtight assertion based on history without significant understanding of all of the influencers. Nothing happens in isolation. There is no basis to assume that a similar track record for 10 years as a coach will result in the same outcome in year 11 or the like.
  15. Eades won 2 as a player... I think Eades fired up the boys. This thread is funny. I am a realist. Neither a Hak apologist nor a pitchfork and torcher. Hak has not won the big one, despite having awesome talent. We all get that you don't always win when you should, but we haven't been in a drought like this since the 70's. My confidence in Hak has waned, and that is what is more important than stats. I do not have confidence that he is the coach to take us to our next banner. I dont fire people at work based on historical performances, I make those decisions based on confidence in their ability to go forward, some of which is based on the past, but more of it is based on their ability to perform in the evolving environment. This is the first year that I have stopped watching every single game- I used to watch via internet in the old DOT and Parise days too, so it isn't just the TV deal. Hak has failed to win the big one- twice with overwhelming teams. I get that he doesn't have the horses this year, but that is an excuse. Our # of draft picks is a bit of a joke, as we are loaded with late rounders... Would we be a different team with Miller and Matteau? Maybe, but we'll never know. Bottom line: we've been an elite program under Hak, but it is difficult to know his influence on that. We haven't won a title in 14 years, 10 of which are on his watch. I am concerned about the pipeline coming in. I have zero confidence in Hak as a big game coach. He gets paid too much not to win. We have the history and the facilities and the environment to breed champions. We haven't done so in too long.
  16. Hak would be revered like Blaiser and Gino if he had simply coached us to a title the years that we should've won. The Zajac, Stafford, Oshie, Toews year should've been a title and the Pony Express year should've been a title...heck if we win one of those two years, people would not be gnashing their teeth. The coach needs to get the boys to the dance every year (Hak has done this) then he has to close the deal the years where they're the favorite (Hak has not).
  17. yup...and our season likely depends on the last two weekends of February...UMD and SCSU...both on the road...we HAVE to splt at a minimum...a sweep of one and a split at the other would be the best of the likely outcomes. I doubt we can go out and sweep the two of them on the road.
  18. If you're drafted highly you have to prove to the ownership that you can't play. If you're undrafted or drafted late, you have to prove you can. Not saying its a death sentence to not go in the first or second round, but your path is a lot easier, thus more forgiving of youthful indiscretions and poor choices.
  19. We can't get swept from here on out, and we have to sweep a couple series.
  20. He was quoting me...and not bitter. I could care less. Just calling out what I think.
  21. We aren't disagreeing then at all. My comments regarding Tambellini which you refer "not drafted high enough and not talented enough" refer to a player who is choosing a shorter, easier route, quitting from a lot of people's perspectives among other things. Not talented nor drafted highly can still equal NHL with some luck as your anecdotal player exemplifies; certainly a ton of hard work and dedication, no short cuts, finding a role, having a unique package to fill that role, and NEVER QUITTING. Another more Sioux example is absolutely Matt Frattin.
  22. When he used to dip the shoulder to take the dman outside in, then the quick move to the forehand to the upper corner. .. No such thing as gap control against guys who are that good one on one with the puck.
  23. They call it the Mississippi Ocean down here
  24. Made a swedish kid named Forsberg a household name though...
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