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Everything posted by siouxfaninseattle

  1. At this point the fire Berry discussion is way premature. And to add a little something to think about - this is a team with 14 new players (no, not all freshman) and you don't turn over half the team and perform at the level we've seen the last two years. And I have to speculate that there were probably at least a couple seniors that wanted to come back and were told thanks but no. Pure speculation on my part! And I expected that this would be a challenging year due to all the new faces but that if in fact Berry thought it was best for the team in the long run since not retaining seniors would not push back any recruits, it would work out better in the long run. Or maybe it's a push since not all the portal players he brought in are fifth year seniors.
  2. So let's pretend that COVID is not an issue, and the NHL decides (forget about COVID) again that they are not allowing NHL players to participate. Sanderson gets an invite to play in the Olympics. Do you say anything other than " Go USA!"?
  3. He seems to have a bit of Rocco in him. Makes a lot of great plays away from the net but has a hard time scoring.
  4. My crystal ball shows another split.
  5. Interesting. I always thought that scoring more goals than the other team wins the game.
  6. Maybe this has been said already but I don't want to read the whole thread so.....The spearing by Jandric was inexcusable. He will probably get a game suspension from the league but that's not enough. He needs to watch from the stands for a few games. It really shows the lack of discipline on this team.
  7. I see another split this weekend.
  8. Driscoll did not play well. He had at least two chances to freeze the puck on the first goal but didn't do it. Obviously completely muffed the second goal. Shoot high glove or high blocker and he won't make the save. His sub .900 SV isn't going to get the team to the tournament. Let's see what the Swede can do.
  9. The logo sucks. I don't like it now and didn't like it when it was introduced. PC Bull####.
  10. I filled out a form today that asked my sex - I checked male. It also asked for my gender - I checked other and wrote in "Martian". Nobody said a word. I've been wanting to do that for a long time.
  11. Why would we want to join the L10?????
  12. A couple of observations. The team was shorthanded and consequentially outplayed. When will the coaches do something about penalties? The Jamernik crosscheck was just stupid - maybe a five or maybe not. Embellishment by the UMD player -uh, yeah. Worthy of a DU dive. But the net result was the far better team won. The UND team we watched tonight is at best the third or forth place team in the NCHC.
  13. I think the hawks logo would look great......on the bottom of the player's skates.
  14. Anything less than a split is unacceptable!
  15. Kinda hard to agree at this point. The top line doesn't hold a candle to the CBS line. The Heavy Line of '15-'16 was far better than this year's version. Defense this season has the potential to be one of the top groups but after 15, 25 and 26 the talent drops off. Plenty of talent though. The next three weekends will be key. 3 and 3 would be acceptable. 4 and 2 would be better. 5 and 1 or 6 and 0 would mean @wilbur should buy me a beer.
  16. I hate the inconsistency in posting the conference standings. North Dakota is on top with a 2-0-0 record and St. Cloud is in second with a 2-0-0 record. UND has 6 points and St. Cloud has 5. How can this be with identical records? Well go to the NCHC site and you see that the records are 2-0-0-0 and 2-0-0-1 respectively. Arrggh......
  17. I really didn't think Kleven's hit deserved a suspension but I'm shocked that Savoie didn't get at least a game. Terrible message that the NCHC is sending to the rest of the teams. Open season on head shots!
  18. It looked to me like he got a penalty for being too big.
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