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Everything posted by redwing77

  1. Uh, All problems with the Goopher's broadcasters aside, they sound like the Senate compared to the Badgers' TV broadcasters. Wow. Anyone who watched the last two games of the season last year between UND and UW would probably agree.
  2. Thank you UMD. You guys should slaughter them, but watch them closely. European hockey players play the game very differently than US teams. Vanek plays in a very European style... of course he's from Austria. Yes, I know he played for Sioux Falls of the USHL. Trust me, it'll be different... if they can get up from all the hits you guys put on them. I would be interested in getting a program for that UMD game, but i doubt I'd be able to travel to Duluth to get it.
  3. Sagard, I don't think you have the point of the Holiday Tournement. It's a "Holiday" tournement, dangit! It's not meant to be challenging! Think British English when you think of Holiday and you'll do fine. Seriously though, I do believe that our Holiday tournement isn't supposed to be like the other tournements out there at that time. I think they want to play smaller regional opponents as well as some eastern programs like the ECAC. I would anticipate a strong CHA, ECAC, and maybe even Atlantic Hockey presence at our holiday tourney for that reason. And when I say ECAC, I don't mean Harvard, Yale, or Cornell. I think all the teams I would like to see play either cannot come to play (Michigan) or hold their own tourneys (UNO)
  4. WPoS, It does make it easier to tailgate, yes. However, I always atributed tailgating to brats, burgers, chicken on the grill and beer. We can have the grill stuff, just not so sure about the beer. Personally, I don't drink. Medical reasons (like I don't like missing the hockey game because I have to go to the ER). However, I've never seen a sober tailgating event that was really "hopping." That doesn't mean it can't happen. I'd love to do something and the best time to try it is when the Gophers are in town, actually. Despite the fact it will be cold in November. But I will be in Chicago during that series. Maybe some of the other folks can think of something. Or does it have to be run by the REA?
  5. Not bad... except it was your 1001st post
  6. No. I think the question you have to ask first is: Is there a concession item that ISN'T overpriced? THe answer will probably be "No" which means they'll have to raise the price of a bottle of water to $3 (Dasani water at Sta mart costs 78cents)
  7. Even rereading my own post I have to say we are getting riled up about a Gopher fan's assessment of UND's schedule. We can't expect blind Gopher fans (excluding WPoS and GE of course) to make accurate predictions of their arch rival, no? Hell, he even disrespected UMD! Don't get riled up folks. This is just typical Woog.
  8. It's a possibility this year thanks to reserved seats, but it takes a lot to start a tradition. Tailgating has a connotation of being a football and even a baseball thing.
  9. That's it. No cookie for PCM. Throw that guy a bone and all you get is a Bronx jeer.
  10. redwing77


    WOOHOO! I'm going to be on USCHO! "Vollrath doesn't make the Sioux, fans respond "Blah!""
  11. How much did Ballard contribute last season? I'm just curious. Wooger is a tried and true Gopher's fan. Look at his history. However, standings, he's mostly correct in his predictions of the WCHA standings. He needs to flip CC and UMD around. Their defense is going to keep them in games, period. As for offensive defensemen, I guess 41 points isn't quite respectable for Woog's taste. That's ok. Wouldn't want to give too much to the Sioux. BC will make the FF, as will Michigan. Those are safe predictions. Minnesota will be in the post season, that's for sure, but how far will they reach? Just like in the ECAC, it isn't a sure bet with Minnesota or Harvard. It really comes down to goaltending. Who has the better goaltender? Or more appropriately, which goaltender will step up when the back is against the wall. I admit, UM has a good shot of going all the way this year, but we'll see. Mostly Woog is correct. He didn't say anything truly inflamatory. Maybe he was mislead with the defense situation with UND and we differ in the strength of UMD, but all around, it's just Woog playing the middle of the road. He works for the Gophers so having him saying that UND is better than UM at anything would be highly suspect.
  12. redwing77


    PCM, BLAH! And you can quote me on that!
  13. Starts with a computer image of REA and moves into the arena where there is a little bit of Sioux footage, none of which is as remarkable as even last year's montage. No real big hits, goal footage that was from not so good camera angles. Does anyone recall if there was music to it? I mean, Eminem (though I'm not a fan of his) was a good choice to warm us up. Sometimes all I think I want to see is a montage of D Hale, M Greene, Schneider, and Prpich hits finalized by a Parise and Bochenski goal.
  14. Let's not forget that USCHO has PCM! PCM, the only sports writer west of the Mississippi who can write college hockey without blowing smoke up HE's breezers and can see teams beyond Vanek. INCH is just a highly organized fanclub. To them, UND probably means University of Notre Dame... wait a minute, shouldn't that be just Notre Dame? North Dakota? Where's that? OH! Fargo. Yeah. Sports Illustrated said something about them, yeah.
  15. redwing77


    Actually, I'm not sure we'll see Prpich against Concordia either. Concordia, IMO will be the best chance to see Ziggy, Fabian, Vollrath (or whatever his name is), and it would be a good chance to see Palmo and Bina as well if they were healthy (are they/will they?) I would suspect that Prpich would be one of the scratches to accomodate. Discipline on the ice was a big thing for Blais last season (Greene?) and so I would think that, regardless of the fact that EVERY STUDENT IN THE ENTIRE ARENA LOVES PRPICH right now, Prpich would sit. It's not like this contest is going to be a physical one... or even close.
  16. Hey! I have a jersey from the Latvian team! Who do they play this year?
  17. I say we just blame the polar bear
  18. What would happen to our overall rankings if we lost against Concordia? I doubt we'd lose, but since UAA lost to St. Francis Xavier or something like that in an exhibition game, I thought I'd ask. Does it effect the rankings, PWR, record at all? I kn ow warmups don't really account for in game performance, but Ziggy's warmups on Saturday weren't too sharp. He got beat 5 hole and stick side a lot more than Parise did. That's why I got nervous early. Reichmuth didn't let anything in during warmups.
  19. What a loss.. This definitely brings a whole new light to excess. Unfortunately it came at a tremendous price. I feel really bad for the Snyders, the Heatleys, The Trasher organization, and the sport of hockey in general. Hockey fanship is small enough as it is on the whole. Bad publicity is never good... especially when it costs a life.
  20. Awwwww he's so cute! Your dog, PCM? Obviously these aren't the dogs we're going to pound. They are the Terriers no? Little rat dogs...... HEY! Maybe they can take care of that skating rodent we have with the green sweater on! Oh.. wait... that's a Polar Bear. And FYI, the Polar Bear wasn't wearing a throwback Jersey. He was wearing a kelly green sweater saying "UND" on it. Maybe paying for that suit is why our tickets went up a buck each! Polar Bear mascots on hockey rinks: The only time high sticking isn't a penalty If they had only listened and had him running around the stands instead of on the ice.
  21. Each goalie suited up for the game. We are not allowed to suit up all three goalies. My guess is that Brandt will start both games with Ziegelman seeing some time in the Concordia game perhaps in the 2nd or 3rd period. Why? Blais has said over and over that Jake's the #1. Well, that message has to be sent, which is why Jake will start both games. I also see that Parise will be the official #2, but I highly doubt that they won't play rotat-a-backup if Brandt works out. Let's say this: If We beat BC or tie them, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Brandt will be named #1. If we don't, then get ready for another year of rotat-a-goalie. This isn't saying that Ziegelmann (we gotta give that dude a nickname) and JParise won't get playing time. I'm saying that, if the BC serioes goes well, we may finally have a #1 through and through.
  22. My guess is that they wanted the money to come from the Suite holders. Give them an advantage for being suite holders and encourage them to re-up their suites. It is also assumed that they are quite free with their money and that is the crowd to flirt with. It has nothing to do with the students really. We have other expenses assumedly and we, as a group, would be less likely to shell out the big bucks.
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