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Everything posted by redwing77

  1. I certainly hope so and I hope the DIII board chokes on it. As for the rest, who knows.
  2. Good news for Wild fans, Gaborik dumped his agent. Bad news, the new agent works with the old agent.
  3. Nah, I think they'll try one down field pass, then run for a loss... Then throw 30 straight screen passes (when they are not punting). Ok, so screen passes helped them win the NC that one year, but this is 2 years post NC, no? Look at the Rams 2 years post Super Bowl. Are they still unstoppable? A strategy that worked one year might work the next but eventually they are going to figure out how to play us and then we'll lose. I am not going to predict the score for this game. Last year I tried and I failed miserably. I just hope we start going down the field. It matters little who our QB is provided he can do that.
  4. Montana Institute of Technology? Ok, I'll buy into NDSU being like that. As for Mount Holyoke.... I've never heard of them. Are her six sisters cute?
  5. I can't make it Friday to the early games. I will be at the BC game though. I work until about 5pm or so.
  6. It's amazing how the ranking system works. I STILL think Maine is overrated. Yeah, they have an ok offense and a decent goaltender, but so what? Whoopie. Let's just wait until they play Providence and split or perhaps get swept. I will say it for the Sioux as well as Maine and the Gophers too: Lose to an unranked team and you have to question just how much of a threat they are. We lost to MTU last season. They lost to Providence like twice? I think there were other unranked teams that beat them too. Main'es overrated and they will be for quite some time until they can show the world that they can sweep all the unranked teams and suffer loses to only teams that are highly ranked if they lose at all. Blah. Maine won't be #5 for very long. I project them to end up ranked #9 or #10
  7. Don't confuse ACL with MCL. Very different ligaments. ACL anything is more severe than MCL anything. In fact, if it was an ACL sprain, I'd say Blais would make ZP sit out this series, if not the Yale series as well. Why? Tear the ACL, and ZP will miss the rest of the season. That's far more costly than 2-4 games. Sprained MCL? I say he sits Firday. And the results of Friday's game will determine ZP's return date. If we win on Friday, I'd say he should sit out on Saturday and return perhaps against Yale.
  8. Hey hey hey, back off of Bison guy whatever number. He, by his own admission, says we talk smart. Let them play football better than us. Let them dominate Divison I-AA. Like my friends say, NDSU alums can farm. UND alums can own the farm. They talk about riots after the games... I'd be more worried about NDSU rioting than us. Hell, I lived in Fargo most of my life. It's pretty well known that they make Mankato look like Princeton.
  9. Don't be so hard on the Marketing crew. They have to make a living. How do you market something to a crowd that (except students) of season ticket holders who are spending $325+ for Sioux hockey to buy $150 hockey game package (World Juniors) when it's the players themselves that put the butts in the seats and not the marketing really? A mascot is really the easiest way. I mean, look, it has us frothing at the mouth. Yeah, it may evoke wishes of its demise, but it still has us talking. I think Nixon said Bad publicity is still publicity. Ok, maybe not Nixon... Don't mistake this note for me being pro-skating rat. I'm just optimistic that there may be honest folk at the REA. Not just heartless, clueless ticket takers like those at the women's hockey game.
  10. Is it me or is it just UND Flickertail just talking to itself/himself/herself? A discussion board with only one poster is just a technological way of talking to a wall.
  11. I just look at it as venting really. You see, if the people of the world had nothing to complain about because everything in the world was perfect, I firmly believe they'd invent something to complain about. Or they would suffer massive brain trauma and go insane. UND is supplying some people with something to complain about that doesn't require you to actually attend the University. Therefore, you can argue, UND is giving people like this some mental health.
  12. It is on the Concordia website. He was joined by Martin Havlat of the Senators (who has since signed with Ottawa), Igor Kravchuk (who is still a free agent) and I believe one other.
  13. Didn't we blow a 3 goal lead vs MN at the Mary last season? They came out in the 3rd and scored and won 5-4 I think.....
  14. I was unaware that 3 yard gains could get you anyplace. My bad.
  15. Just hearing a "pop" is serious enough. The problem may not manifest itself when walking. For example, before I got orthotics, I could walk fine, but I couldn't run at all. Running uses the leg muscles differently than walking. I'd guess the same goes for skating like they do at the game. Zach could walk, but can he run? skate? It would be serious enough if he couldn't run, but if he can't skate, then it is serious. My guesstimate is that Zach's not going to play the first game at the very least. I'm sure he won't practice hard if he even takes the ice. It may be wise to just have him sit out the BC series. I know that would raise all our stress levels (higher than it is going to be anyways come game day), but perhaps we should see where we are at without him? If we can pull a win or a tie vs BC without Zach, it will show that the rest of our team is for real and not just the ZP show. Hmmm Who will take his place? Stafford, Massen, Fylling would be my top three (in that order). Don't count out Lundbohm though.
  16. Oh, I have nothing against women's hockey. Nothing at all. I enjoyed /the game/. It was getting inside that was the problem. I just don't think women's hockey is getting the billing that men's is and, therefore, has a hard time establishing itself. Also, if they made bodychecking legal, it may improve the games. Like it or not, the physicalness of hockey is one of the main attractions to the sport. Women's hockey isn't really physical. There are some bumps and jolts, but any serious physical contact will get you sent to the box. I guess I don't really know how to alleviate this issue. I'm not sure it would be wise to have it be as rough at the women's game as at the men's. Not that the women can't handle it, just that it may cause a lot more damage than just physical injury. Thoughts?
  17. Here's my thought to ponder: We've now gone two straight games with large deficits at halftime. We've done so with two different QBs at the helm. Yes, we came back to win both of those games, but, at least with SCSU, we really should have lost that game. So, going up against NDSU, we're not going to see a choking performance like the last two. I'm not saying we're going to get slaughtered. I'm saying this: With 2 QBs experiencing the same thing, that tells me that it may not be the QB that is having the trouble running the offense. If we get blown out of the water at NDSU, and UND was a professional team and you all were the GM/Pres of the UND team, would you keep the O Coordinator, assuming he's the one telling the QB what play to run? Let's talk about the UND attack. Their favorite first half passing play vs SCSU was the screen pass. Now, being that NDSU protects well against the run, I would expect to see a LOT of screen passes. What does this mean for points for UND? That's right, we're not going to get very far. What won us the game vs SCSU was the ability to throw down the field. I would say that that is the ONLY way we'll even score points against NDSU barring we don't recieve gifts from the Bison and allow penalties to take us into field goal range on 4th down. I admit being a hockey fan more than a football fan, but let's face it: If the hockey team was continuously down by 4+ goals after 1.5 periods of play, wouldn't you feel like a change is in order? NDSU is good this year and I want to see them get annihilated, but darn it! Screen passes don't work! ENough with the stupid screen passes! If we play the same type of football that we have against NDSU that we did in the first halves of the SCSU and SDSU football games, I'm seriously doubting we'll make any sort of comeback. These guys are for real. We're not going to have Babich or Hagar to rely on in making stupid calls.
  18. No Polar Bear at the Concordia game. Wonder if they are going to have him at the BC series.
  19. Today I had the honor of attending the UND women's hockey game vs. Connecticut. It was a good game, however, I just point out that the REA ticket people had their heads up their rearends. They now have students go to the ticket booths to get paper tickets to enter the game. I thought about that beforeheand and went to the ticket booth in the Union and the fellow there said go to the gate they take care of you there. Well, maybe they need to change it back to last season, where they just scan your ID and in you go. What a fiasco! Lines 15-20 people back from the 3 (of 6) ticket windows that were open each. WOW. Big disorganization. What? Can it get any worse you say? Why yes! I thought you'd never ask! We get our tickets (my friend and I) and lo and behold, it won't scan! So we have to get back in the damned ticket office lines! I nearly left then and there. What BS. If they want student support then I think they should be at least more aware of what gets the butts in the seats. And no, I'm not being holier than thou. General public were being screwed over with the same problem! All they'd do is shrug and say I'm sorry. What crap. I enjoyed the game though, despite there wasn't really anyone yelling.
  20. I don't know what happened at the game, I didn't hear the game nor did I get any updates. I only heard the halftime score while at the hockey game. I am glad Ed's commentary has improved. From my experience (going back when he did work in Fargo_ he was a classless jerk. Good to see he may be changing. So the operative question is: In the first half, how many screen passes were there?
  21. I'd love to be in Lucia's position right now, in truth. He knows his teams strengths and that they have a good chance to win regardless of scores so he can do what we all can't: expirement. He can try things that may not actually work and not think about it because he knows that his team can come from behind relatively easy. Comon, we had a 3-0 lead against them and blew it last season. UNO did the same thing. The Gophers aren't truly worried about their rank it seems. They are serious about finding their own weaknesses and their opponents' strengths so that, further down the road, if they face them, they know how to exploit. It's interesting that this is happening with their current goaltending, but I think it's close to the truth. You know what? I don't think we'll see UM play to their NC capabilities to their fullest until 11/7 at the Ralph. But then again I don't know their schedule. They lost to Maine. It surely won't be their only loss. I am just curious to see where they'll be come February and March.
  22. When Prpich was near the puck, he looked alright, but Im talking about after he was checked or whenever he was taken to the ice he was always slow getting up, like someone who is extremely fatigued and sore and such? I don't know, he usually has a "spring" to his skates but today he didn't. I think something's up. The good news is that he'll have until Saturday to recover. Hopefully he'll take it easy during practice. Fabian spent a lot of time in the box, but it was good that he jumped right out into the mix of things. As for Fylling and Porter, they both looked a lot better than vs UMD. Stafford was good as seeminly usual and I don't care what he looked like last week, I'm still becoming more and more of a Brady Murray fan... I just wish he'd take more shots. Bina seemed feisty and eager to prove his worth, but Marvin kind of looked lethargic. BTW- Hale played defense tonight. I would have though we'd see Foyt. As for a goaltender review, I don't think we can really justify looking at this game as any indication. I mean, 8 shots(10 max) is hardly a real challenge for our goalies. Brandt went four for four and Ziggy went three for four. Smaby seemed to handle the puck a little better today. Despite the score, I think Concordia did well. They obviously had questionable defense and not much of an offensive threat either. Just overall, out matched. Interesting how BSU and UND each scored 7 off of these guys. I think their goalie had good form. But he needed help.
  23. Also, Prpich looked like he was hurting the entire game. No Jones, Foyt, Schneider, Palmo, and J Parise... Am I missing anyone? I missed the Zach injury If that's the case, we may be in trouble vs BC.
  24. Like everyone said, it's early in the season. Does this series count nationally or is it an exhibition game? Like I said earlier, I expect UM to get it's losses over with early in the season. It's kinda on the same par with the McNaughton Cup. Not all that important as long as you can bring home the NC. So the Sioux may have #1 ranking the first half of the season. Sounds like last year. Except we don't have as many cupcakes this year. I'm getting nervous for the BC series.
  25. Is it really necessary? Did you see Sapp skipping like that? He looked like an idiot. Let him make a fool of himself. Only reflects on him. I say let history piss him off: After every game he skips, make him take a drug test For those who don't recall: Sapp entered the league in trouble for drug violations so that should piss him off subsequenly enough to stop being an idiot... at least before the game.
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