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Everything posted by petey23

  1. https://82sluggowin.wordpress.com/2007/11/05/columbus-man-saddened-overjoyed-by-wifes-affair-with-kirk-herbstreit/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32252338/ Thoughts from medical experts. Had a couple Doctor friends tell me people in this part of country don't get enough Vitamin D so I have been taking this for awhile, especially in winter time. This is just one study I came across, there are several that have shown that while D3 isn't going to prevent catching the virus, it might reduce the severity of it for some people. Would like to hear any thought from our medical experts in this thread.
  3. Obama could read a teleprompter. Turn it off and he stuttered and stammered like Porky Pig.
  4. https://news.columbia.edu/ultraviolet-technology-virus-covid-19-UV-light https://www.seas.harvard.edu/news/2015/10/uv-light-enabled-catheter-fixes-holes-heart-without-invasive-surgery
  5. Or they got 1 prank call. But hey it advances the narrative.
  6. I believe unemployment benefits are now at 39 weeks. Once the Covid Virus stabilizes a bit and companies start to re-open I would imagine that unemployment will also put the requirement back in that you must prove that you are looking for employment. Health Insurance coverage is also a factor. I do not remember off the top of my head how many months an employer is required to continue paying healthcare for employees who they dismiss or essentially quit but I do know that they can choose to stay on the health plan they are on but have to pay for it.(COBRA?) Paying people more to not work than to work is certainly problematic.
  7. Apparently COVID is also to blame for some states poor fiscal management over the past 30-40 years which has admittingly been amplified by the current health crisis.
  8. If we can prevent one suicide by re-opening America for work, should we do it?
  9. × Back to Videos Dr. Anthony Fauci On February 29: At This Time There Is No Need To Change Your Habits Over Coronavirus
  10. I remember someone saying it was like hitting a bag of cement. 2 Hits I remember were the play with Prosser where they are going in after a puck and go shoulder to shoulder and next thing you know Prosser looks like a cartoon flying through the air. The other one I remember was at Mariucci Arena and UND is coming up ice out their own end and one of our defensemen throws a bad pass into Oshie's skates and he has his head down and doesn't even see Wehrs has him lined up and a 3 or 4 stride run at him and at contact Wehrs goes flying towards the boards and Oshie keeps heading up ice and looks back like you would check your mirror to see if you ran over a squirrel.
  11. When CNN and FOX are reporting the same story there could be more than smoke here.
  12. I don't think I have ever seen the final voting results for the Hobey. Would be interesting to see. I wonder if they revote after the top 3 are chosen or if the overall vote just stands? I am guessing they just vote once for their top 10. Maybe a question for Schlossman. I know they break down the Heisman vote but it seems the Hobey voters get a pass? I would guess the votes are weighted 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.
  13. I thought I saw them on the done shelf today!
  14. At first glance I would think so as well......but it really would come down to how the competition turned out between JT, Sanderson, and Kleven and maybe more so with Sanderson. Kierstad and JBD are going to play top minutes and likely get most time on the power play. Really comes down to is would JT have been the Lefty on the 2nd pair and on 2nd power play unit over Sanderson?
  15. http://www.espn.com/espn/page2/story?page=merron/081208 author of the book "Outliers" interview with ESPN a few years back. The NHL players by birth month chart is also on this page.
  16. We have a Bingo! Hold your cards. For most of the Democrats and Republicans in Congress it is like a pre scripted Pro Wrestling storyline.
  17. Possible. 9/15 is draft cut-off date to turn 18 so he will be one of the younger players drafted. Maybe a situation where parent has choice on when to start kids schooling and chooses to start later so he is more mature. Many parents when considering academics and athletics for their children will time pregnancies or use a "redshirt" to ensure their kids are relatively older than their "peers".
  18. Especially for a kid that accelerated his schooling to get on campus and doesn't turn 18 until July.
  19. So if you conflate the different models out there, Minnesota could account for 33% of the Covid 19 deaths in the United States. Please remember that the models have a margin of error of 10000%
  20. I think that once you turn 21 you can declare yourself a pro or no loner an amateur athlete and then wait 30 days as well...Blake Wheeler took that route if I remember.
  21. petey23

    The Herald

    and Mcfeely still draws a paycheck. sorry to hear, best of luck Mafia Man.
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