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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Well it would be easy enough to remove them, it is the possible ramnifications and threat of a lawsuit that would stop them from doing so???
  2. Just watching espn outside the lines on fan behavior. One interesting point was the University of Maryland(a public institution) and their reluctance to escort fansfrom the arena for fear of lawsuits and the right to free speech.
  3. Wow!! 154 posts and all that has been resolved is that Hallstrom is a putz and bisonfan1234 is an idiot. Lets move on.
  4. Can we get Kupcake to accompany him to practice??!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean Pat Sweeney sucks like only Pat Sweeny can, but if Kupchella could join him at practice, maybe everything could work out for the best!
  5. I like these young guys, but I think for the Sioux to really contend for a title this year that Massen and Canady need to step up their games and get back in the lineup and contribute.
  6. Too much about nothing. I am a UND grad, I live in Fargo(along with more UND grads than NDSU grads)....I don't waste my time watching WDAY and a lackey like Hallstrom(he is just a mouthpiece for NDSU and I am fine with that...other journalists choose to be objective and actually care if they are taken seriously, he doesn't, that is his(or WDAY/NDSU's choice) move on.
  7. Just watched the beginning of Fox local news and they had Rep. Rick Berg and Jim Kasper on. Kasper came off as a pompous a$$ and said the board of education should step in and make UND and NDSU play.... What an idiot, hey Jim where were you when NDSU made this foolish decision?? That would have been the time to have the board of education step in and put a check on Chapman's ego and maybe read the Carr Associates report to him so he could understand it. I have always voted Republican in state and local elections but if I lived in Jim's district, I would have a hard time voting for anyone that arrogant and delusional.
  8. Hallstrom is a putz. Who cares about his opinion on anything? I was listening to 970 radio the other night and came across Jack"I will agree with anything you say, that's a great point caller" Michaels and Hallstrom discusssing the atmosphere for basketball at the REA, and they start comparing it to Williams arena at the U of M...then Hallstrom says that his claim to fame is that he once dunked in Williams arena. Jack says that he knew that Steve had some hops and I am waiting for details of his high school team playing a game there or something and then Hallstrom provides the details of some friend of a friend letting them in at like 2 in the morning. and him putting one home in the empty gym. What a dork, he probably used a mini tramp.
  9. The real political decisions may come when NDSU goes to the legislature with their hands out looking for money since Chapman was unable to understand the financial report from Carr Associates and obviously did not have the foresight to see that the UND payday might not be there for them. Better get on the horn to Teammakers! The revenues from their sports teams are going to take a serious hit the next few seasons.
  10. With UND officially not playing the Herd, how are things working out with the new rivalry with SDSU? Too funny, declare a team your new rival and then let them come in and stomp you on your home floor.
  11. I think the Sioux will be able to refocus and enter the post season on a high. Not to set expectations too high, but I honestly think anything less than a 7-1 or 6-1-1 finish will be a disappointment and point to possible problems down the road. As far as goaltending, they just need to go back to the KISS method(keep it simple stupid) and let our defense get back to doing their job. The Gophers have proven the last 2 years that you don't need "great" goaltending to win it all(sure Weber had 1 great period against Michigan) but other than that they just made the routine saves and kept their heads(O.K. Hauser totally freaked out in the title game, but the referees chose not to call any of the cheapshot penalties on him, in truth they did not effect the flow of action so I am not saying that they should have been called, just pointing out that with the game on the line, Hauser made some brutal errors in judgement)
  12. Why is it news in Fargo??? Don't forget that there are more UND Alum in Fargo than NDSU alum, so it is news!! Good luck to NDSU in Division 1, I wish them nothing but success. If I am wrong and this turns out to be a good move and UND and other elite D2 schools are unable to stem the tide of the lesser D2 schools in watering down rather than trying to rise up to the current level..............well then careful what you wish for, because then I am sure UND will evaluate the situation and make a competent, educated decision and move up to the D1 level and we will be kicking SU's ass on a whole new level. Think we won't. And Bismarck is spelled with a C, but I am sure that spelling is a 400 level course at SU, so you probably have not taken that course yet.
  13. Actually these are all figured in points per game.
  14. National Scoring Leaders 1. Ross-UAH 2. Bochenski 3. Ehgoetz-Niagara 4. Parise 5. Vanek I think it goes with out saying that 3 of these players play against quality competition every week. But I said it anyway.
  15. WCHA Scoring Leaders 1. Bochenski 2. Parise 3. Vanek 4. Lessard 5. Murray Not bad
  16. If the tone for Friday night wasn't set with the national anthem. It might of been when a dead gopher hit the ice right before the face-off. You should have seen the looks on the gopher fans around us when we started screaming for a 2 minute penalty on the home team for delay of game. Priceless!!!
  17. Sagard.............Class Gonna be a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I sent you an e-mail regarding your tickets. In case it did not go thru you can e-mail me at mikepeterson23@hotmail.com and/or mike.peterson@verizonwireless.com or give me a call 701-238-7384 Thanks
  19. they were on in Fargo.
  20. This might have happened..................... While at Mariucci, Goldy was giving me and some friends a little grief about wearing our sioux garb, I playfully gave Goldy a little headslap and knocked the mascots head off and to everyone's surprise it was Doug Woog!!!
  21. Diamonds are forever baby, and so is Ric Flair. Whoo. Why not quote wrestlers? Ric Flair is the greatest athlete to ever come out fo the University of Minnesota.
  22. It would be great if Blais started a lineup of Jones, Greene, Parise, Stafford, and Murray even if this is not going to be the lineups. A nice USA, USA, USA chant would be appropriate at the start of the game to give these players the recognition they deserve and if it was done at the beginning of the game instead of throughout the game it would not take anything away from the other players that are part of the UND TEAM(American and Canadian). Way to go USA, now lets make 2004 a year to remember for the Sioux!!!
  23. I like these daloot guys. They are funny and not as arrogant as some other school in Minnesota(hint, it is not Bemidji). I picture drunk hockey guy as a John Blutarski clone. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.
  24. petey23


    Diggler beat me to it, but I bet you don't have a banana slugs sweatshirt.
  25. Bisonfan1234, let me guess you lost a finger in an accident and can only count to 4. As long as we are guessing here, does anyone think NDSU could stay on the field with any of these teams? Seriously, only the big boys are playing at this time of year, NDSU will at least have an excuse for not making the playoffs the next few years, the NCAA will not allow them, not that it would matter(but don't kid yourself, it is not that difficult to make the 1aa playoffs)
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