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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Didn't see enough of it to know. I made a statement pre-series about who would be officiating and think it is funny that everyone knew ahead of time who would call that series. From what I heard it was pretty slanted against Mankato on Friday(and I observed same as I watched the 2 overtimes) but Mankato won that game and if Jutting was happy with Shep(didn't see reason to replace him) then it must have been OK in his eyes.
  2. Didn"t mean to imply that. But it is kind of funny that nobody and I mean absolutely nobody was surprised to see the Brothers Sheperd doing the gophs games this wekend.(I sent an email out on tuesday to about 35-40 friends offering to bet anyone that Shep would be doing the Gophs games this weekend and got no takers). I was just pointing out that if Jutting asked for a different official he would have likely gone from one official who is notorious for being less than favorable to Gopher opponents to another one in Campion who may be more infamous. From what I saw it looked like a hard fought series and the one team got the last lucky bounce.
  3. It should be automatic, but if either or both coaches want a different official then they assign someone different for game 3. Jamie Russell wanted a different official for tonight(probably didn't like the fact that Thul is only official in the league who will actually call interference and obstruction type penalties)..Jutting probably decided to go with the Devil he knew rather than request a different one.(they would have probably sent Campion down there and then you are screwed against the gophs just the same)
  4. Agreed. The 3 stooges should be voted against no matter if they take a stance on the nickname or not.
  5. Many see the light after awhile http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0811,374064,374064,1.html
  6. I hate to throw facts into the arguement because most of those on the left like to argue and base their thoughts on emotion and ignore them but what the hell Taxes under Clinton 1999 Taxes under Bush 2008 Single making 30K tax $8,400 Single making 30K tax $4,500 Single making 50K tax $14,000 Single making 50K tax $12,500 Single making 75K tax $23,250 Single making 75K tax $18,750 Married making 60K tax $16,800 Married making 60K tax $9,000 Married making 75K tax $21,000 Married making 75K tax $18,750 Married making 125K tax $38,750 Married making 125K tax $31,250 Which income level is the middle class(also known as the one that the republicans screw over)?
  7. petey23


    A hip pointer is more of a bruise while a hip flexor would be a pulled muscle. I have pulled my hip flexor a couple of times and it sucks. I would have to get in my vehicle and then use my hands and arms to lift and pull my left leg into the car. I know it took a few weeks to heal enough to be comfortable, but then I wasn't exactly lined up with the rehab facilities and trainers that a college athlete would have either and I had hurt it playing softball and it didn't hamper my ability to open a beer so I just let it heal on it's own.
  8. Corrected. Excel Energy Center Wcha final 5
  9. I understand that. But it is either get the suite now or it's gone.
  10. Myself and a few others have a line on a Suite for the Final 5 next weekend. We may have a couple spots open but need to act quickly on taking it. If anyone is interested please pm me on this site. the cost per person is $250 which of course includes your ticket package.
  11. Andrew Kozek is putting up Cy Young type numbers this year Kozek 15-3 D. Zajac 8-2(2007) C. Porter 12-3(2005) M. Prpich 7-1(2005)
  12. How bout Mandan's coach Greg Amundson to coach at NDSU? He has a pretty good track record(6 in a row and 8 of 9) and it seems to be that he is a pretty good recruiter as well.
  13. I think that our 3 stooges are pretty frugal. I know for a fact that to cut costs, the 3 of them pitched in and bought 2 plaid flannel shirts for campaign photo ops since never more than 2 of them have to run at a time. I am sticking by this until someone shows me a picture of the 3 amigos all in their dress plaid flannels.
  14. Actually, that is 3 games in a row now that a SCSU player has gotten a 5 min checking from behind penalty. Also that is a 14 game unbeaten streak for Bucky against the Huskies
  15. Drewiske reached over the bench and punched him right in the face.
  16. Wisconsin up 2-1 after 2. Roe got cheapshotted at blueline(knee to knee and horsecollared), no call so he gets up and runs the kid into boards right by the Bucky bench for the 5 and dq. He got punched by player from Wisconsin bench so I would expect the WCHA to hand out additional penalties or is that only if UND is involved?
  17. As luck would have it I will be in the Cities this weekend. Gotta full schedule Bucky at SCSU on Friday(if I get out of town early enough) UND at UMD at Senser's Saturday afternoon Benefit at Ogara's garage saturday night for some great music http://www.withonebreath.org/withonebreath.html UND at UMD at Senser's on Sunday afternoon Kings at Wild sunday night Alary's for a couple Poker at Canterbury on Monday, then back home.
  18. Just have heard too many Gopher fans try and equate the 2. And don't get me wrong, every Sioux fan and probably a few others expected the Sioux to win that game, but 80 shots, 46 on goal and 6 off the pipes and we lost.
  19. Are you comparing a win by the #2 seed Ferris State over the # 3 seed UND with #4 seed Holy Cross over #1 seed Minnesota? Just curious if that is the direction you are trying to take this?
  20. When I was at UND, instructors were not allowed to take attendance, but several of them would have a daily 10 point quiz which consisted of writing your name on a piece of paper and handing it in.
  21. I think the way to get tickets is obvious? Stand in-line, constantly dialing ticketmaster on one cell phone and be constantly trying to get them on-line on your other phone which should be a blackberry or treo or other pda device. Problem solved, glad I could help.
  22. That's not a penalty in the WCHA if one of the 6 is on goofy street. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pasfffw75GY count em up
  23. As much as I disliked him, I am going to quote him. "I would rather have to tell my guys whoa, than giddyup."...Rocky Hager Some food for thought. Our opponents are averaging just over 20 pim this year compared to our 22 pim. Our game averages on some past teams 1982 15 1987 18 1997 16 2000 15 2006 23
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