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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. What victim card? They were deserving and left out. Not sure how that is debatable or playing a victim card? It was a direct response to you claiming they weren't good enough to host a playoff game when in fact they were just as good, if not better, than a handful of teams that got into the playoffs ahead of them and would have hosted a first round game if they would have been selected.
  2. Yes, not enough quality losses which were more important than quality wins. We've been over that enough times.
  3. Yes. Not quite, couple bucks less. Also mixed drinks up in whatever lounge is called now.
  4. Can you point to where did I said it only affected football? I said it would have affected them the most. The football team has been eligible for playoffs for a total of 4 years and was good enough (and would have hosted) a home playoff game this year if they would not have been the victim of some incredibly questionable decision making in the selection process. You ignored the conference issue and blow off what was on its way to becoming bigger issues for the athletic department as minor. Not sure why you're trying to change the narrative, the unanswered question is whether sports other than hockey appear in the video as they had more to lose than the hockey team and if you're going to tell the story of the nickname issues, it should be one of the major reasons laid out for why it needed to go. Or is it a video for a faction of the hockey only fans to throw more blame on the rest of the athletic department for the loss of the nickname? Seems like a simple enough question.
  5. I also skip the majority of the bowl games and am fully in the camp that UND should stay where they are while things shake out. However, while the bowl game themselves can end up being a money loser for the schools involved but the bowl system itself is a net positive that outweighs any money they may lose on a bowl game. FBS schools also get paid at least 2-3x as much to play those exact same money games.
  6. How would their have been an effect on hockey? The only thing that would have changed for them was their jersey during the NCAA tournament and probably wouldn't have got a home/home with Minnesota. Maybe they don't get a regional in Fargo, but that is up for interpretation as games are played at neutral sites, not home sites. The effects would have been nowhere on the same level that football was, where home games mean everything in the playoffs as shown by the historical results. When UND was looking for a conference home, it was openly stated that UND needed to get its nickname figured out, which had zero effect on hockey but was a major implication for the rest of the athletic department. Basketball and volleyball were having trouble scheduling money games with regional P5 schools because of the nickname, which they need and rely on the guarantees from to help supplement their budget. The track team got uninvited from a meet because of the issue. So again, back to the original point, it is a fair question to ask whether hockey is the only sport featured because one of the huge reasons for dropping the nickname was the detrimental effects it had on all of the other athletic programs. If that isn't highlighted than it is a huge and irresponsible omission if the goal was to tell the whole story.
  7. http://www.sltrib.com/home/3292345-155/college-football-big-sky-commissioner-wants OK Mark Wilson. No advocates for a particular conference but somehow WIU knew they were in when they won their 6th game of the season? Whether you like Fullerton or not, he deserves credit for not only speaking openly (sometimes to a fault) but also continuously looking at ways to improve. I'd rather have a commissioner who shoots high and aims at being better, even if they miss the mark sometimes, than one(s) that are reactionary and accept the status quo.
  8. Especially considering USD can only give out one year contracts. I believe his contract expires the end of 2016 and this seemed like more of a negotiations tactic than anything but it doesn't appear that way anymore.
  9. Reminds me very much of Eastern Washington
  10. Hockey would have probably been the least affected program if UND would have kept the logo and lived with the sanctions. Fair question on whether the other sports will or won't be featured.
  11. He didn't have time to double check everything (or mention RPI is worthless this early in the season) because he had to hurry up and write his blog post whining about how people won't talk to him. Poor Caillou.
  12. I actually thought the past 5-7 years or so, UND has done better in Minnesota than NDSU. The only real impact player recently I can think of is Bjorklund and maybe Felt. UND does go to Iowa a bit more (due to Jones roots as you mentioned) but it seemed like NDSU focused more on Wisconsin instead on Minnesota. UND got both Hooker and Shanks (when he transferred) over NDSU. Not sure you can really count someone like Woodside against UND when NDSU was able to recruit him with the already made decision of moving up. I do agree that player development is more of an issue than recruiting, though again, it is tough to know or quantify how much UND may have had the deck stacked against them with transition and the added bonus of the nickname issues. Seems the current staff has been able to recruit talented guys that have slipped through cracks for whatever reason, but quite a few of those guys did not improve as much as most people thought they would over their career.
  13. While I agree with the main premise, UND had no chance at landing Jacobson and I don't think anyone was completely sold on Werner. I know UND did look at him though I don't know if they ever offered. Prior to Werner and Jacobson, NDSU hadn't had a ND kid on scholarship since 2010. UND does have one ND kid on the roster (Richman - walkon) and previously had a handful of local kids with Brekke (EGF, close enough), Allard, Mathison, Benter. Hasn't exactly been a ton of talent coming out of ND that either school has grabbed.
  14. There's a little more film on big Dex now. Averaging 8 and 6 in about 24 minutes per game. Requires an active defender who doesn't jump on his shot fakes and maintain good positioning on him or he could have another good game.
  15. People seem to forget (or ignore) that the first two of those operate as non-profits, making their tax returns are available to view online by anyone. In my experience, they have been very open in how they handle their operations and where their money goes when asked.
  16. The renovations were done with private donations, not from any operating funds.
  17. I'm pretty sure this number isn't anywhere near what you think it is.
  18. Nationally, FCS and D-1 hockey are at about the same place, both incredibly far behind MBB and FBS football, but have their cult-like followings. Nothing wrong with that, it is what it is. The delusion comes from the fans of each one who fail to grasp their actual place. Comparing college football isn't accurate because most people don't care about FCS. Using NHL players or hockey's worldwide popularity isn't accurate because most people don't care about college hockey. UND would get a ton more attention then either with a good showing in the MBB NCAA tournament and it isn't even close. These arguments make UND fans look stupid. Let's leave that to the "We Want 'Bama" geniuses to the south.
  19. No queso, no bueno.
  20. I think it would be tough to get corporate sponsors when they aren't allowed to advertise at the event. They cover up all advertising along the boards and in the arena. It's about as sterile as possible in the venue. Plus I'm sure the NCAA makes sure they get their (large) cut of any sponsorships used to get the event here.
  21. Seems odd but given that he is the reigning MVFC coach of the year, he should be the front runner. Can't imagine the friction that it will cause if he doesn't get it though.
  22. Hockey is terrible to watch in a football arena. Does the Alerus Center even have the necessary capabilities to host it? If so, they'd have to buy a ton of new equipment that would get used maybe once or twice. The place already has a hard enough time making money.
  23. They are implementing it in basketball for 2016 and then the rest of the sports as the funds become available (likely by 2017).
  24. Isn't that the second or third recruit they have offered after they have verbally committed to UND?
  25. I think your overestimating what it is doing to UNI. I also get a kick out of the reasoning that it is some sort of huge advantage because UNI has to spend time preparing for two quarterbacks. Doesn't it have a similar effect on NDSU since they have two guys splitting first team reps, one who's never faced UNI or a defense that good and another who hasn't taken a snap in two months?
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