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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. On the same token, maybe you should heed your own advice and don't let facts get in the way offering blind support across the board, even after being given a golden opportunity to learn a lesson about doing so previously. *coughChapmancough*
  2. And making sure to include the 5 years UND was a transitional school playing against full D-1 schools. Still not sure how this proves any sort of point other than SiouxVolley sure knows how to get the FargoU fans going. Everyone already knows that UND has struggled in OOC play in MBB, that is no shocker, but now we know that somehow that is the benchmark for the Summit schools.
  3. And then you didn't answer. So we'll go with the current year. UND's 0-1 record comprising of a two point loss in one of 17 sports really defends your position. Just saying.
  4. 4-18? Not following. How is asking the time frame predictable? UND has only played one Summit team this year MBB and couldn't put the game away. Not sure how one game in one sport proves whatever point you were working on trying to prove.
  5. Boring but predictable answer (bonus points for you for knowing FargoU has a basketball team!). What time frame?
  6. Fair point. Just wanted to vouch for him as he proven to have reliable resource in the past.
  7. One other thing in regards to schools "making a fortune" off tuition waivers: the state funding formula doesn't make any differentiation on how much a student pays (or doesn't pay) in tuition so NDSU gets full allocation for the students paying nothing, giving them all the more reason to inflate their enrollment (particularly in grad students, which are worth more) through tuition waivers and collect more tax dollars.
  8. What sport? You realize they sponsor 17 sports (of which NDSU only participates in 12 of).
  9. So NDSU needs to give away full tuition waivers to 1,000+ grad students to teach and apply for mainly non-competitive grants (which are apparently dwindling per the updated Carnegie rankings)? Even if you pull out the $9 million plus that represents, NDSU would still give out more tuition waivers than UND.
  10. If he says it, it likely comes from a solid place.
  11. I'd hope they'd be able bring in more, they gave some sort of waiver to 22.7% (3,414 students) compared to 12.2% (1,911 students). You're comparing an extra 1,500+ students on NDSU's side of the equation. The bottom line numbers show that UND was able to bring in bring in $7.8 million dollars more in total tuition, room/board and fees than NDSU did without giving away that extra $9.2 million dollars. So how exactly is that making a fortune off of tuition waivers?
  12. I thought his resume had a lot to offer as well. Doesn't seem to have the "academic" experience some might like to see but I don't think that's necessary especially given his vast experience in working in higher ed.
  13. Using rough figures, in 2014-2015 NDSU had 32.5% of the NDUS head count (15,066 out of 46,386) and gave out 59.8% of all tuition waivers ($18.1 million out of $30.3 million). UND was at 33.4% and 29.4% ($8.9 million) respectively. NDSU gives at least some sort of tuition waiver to 70% of its international students. 37.5% of their international students receive a full tuition waiver. There's clearly a disconnect somewhere and I don't see an issue with it being called out if it leads to a discussion of what's going on, why and what issues may need to be addressed. McFeely knows that too, he just had to take the opposite side as Skarphol to bring it up.
  14. The RFP is still viewable online.
  15. McFeely was trying to rile people up, which he did. I don't agree with all of Skarphol's comments but to completely dismiss all of his points as "stuck in the 1950's" is flat out wrong.
  16. No. No. No.
  17. Why are you reposting a quote that is now 4 days old and has already been discussed instead of the comments the Montana coach made yesterday? "He (Brian Jones) reached out to us Sunday, he’s been a good sport about everything. He has been very respectful of our program as we are to them. We’re on good terms with North Dakota, we’re fine." Unless you have some actual background on any of the situation (which you don't), quit trolling.
  18. Two actually. Rivals shows offers from Navy and Army. Looks like a good prospect.
  19. Can't imagine the basketball rights are going to be worth much in their own . Strange there is nothing about volleyball or wrestling you think if they were going to separate football they'd just package the rest of their sports together.
  20. In case anyone was wondering where Interim President Ed Schafer comes down on the new nickname or were holding out hope that he'd reverse course:
  21. Possibly, but watching the video, I'm going to go ahead and guess he didn't quite follow proper protocol and will get a little note from the ACC on how he went about doing it... On a related note, I didn't see any complaints from Boeheim in his post game press conference about it, he actually defended him saying that he was told Coach K was distracted by students or something.
  22. I know you were joking but actually Coach K was pretty upset about what he thought were two missed calls at the end of the game to the point of letting the ACC Senior Associate Commissioner (who happened to be sitting courtside) what he thought about the reffing.
  23. Then you aren't paying attention. FargoU has lost a couple this year. Don't follow the South Dakota schools too closely but guessing they see it as well. It's a trickle down effect and isn't going to change anytime soon. Tough position for the kids and hard to fault them in most cases once you look at the whole picture (money, location, competition level, etc).
  24. It's nothing new and isn't going to stop. No one likes it but it is the nature of the beast. Hopefully the coaches have formed a good enough relationship along with getting scholarship money and FCOA to play at UND to retain him. If not, they'll move on to the next player on their list who may or may not have committed elsewhere.
  25. My understanding is that salary was definitely part of the equation. I do agree that it isn't a stretch to assume that Ahelegbe may have also seen the writing wall and decided to hitch his wagon to Smith, which I can't blame him for outside of South Dakota only being able to give 1 year contracts. I looked back and in the 10 years Jones has coached here, there has been something like 14 different assistant coaches that have filled out the 3 assistant coaching staff under him. Obviously there is going to be turnover, especially with UND's status as a low mid-major, but that seems like a lot. There has been at least 1 new assistant every year except 2010-2011 when they only had two assistants on staff instead of the normal 3.
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