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Everything posted by TheFlop

  1. JJ needed 30 carries in this game to have a chance to win. He's a beast and by far UNDs best back.
  2. Too many points. 20 point game for sure but NDSU will take the foot off the gas in 2nd half like last game.
  3. That's kind of what I thought. Bread seemed so dense that you could hardly taste the filling ala Subway style.
  4. Still good, but definitely not cheap anymore unless you catch a special. The booze is still reasonable though.
  5. Did Red Pepper tinker with their bread again?
  6. Nailed it. The announcer at the UND games sounds like an auctioneer trying to cram as many announcements/ads in as possible anytime play stops. Not sure how much of that is mandated of him and how much it's him liking the sound of his own voice.
  7. In 5 years UND will either be like the 1997 team that won with a bunch of skilled midgets or else they will have two forward lines filled with Dixen Bowen clones.
  8. Only one of the Panzer kids so far......need to get Jay's kid committed too. Then there is an Ulmer kid a few years younger yet....gotta lock him up too. Then the only other thing needed is hope that college hockey bans any players over 5'10" and 175 lbs. Then UND will be set for success in 5-6 years.
  9. UMD lost 2 non conference games all year....UND lost two to Canisius .....the gap is larger than people want to believe.
  10. Once again, to be objective one should really look at Sandelins record since the Amsoil opened up. Since then he has been lights out. The old DECC was a horribly outdated facility. Sandelin proves that a good coach should be able to win with nice facilities.
  11. Hey, at least UND played the national champion close in a regular season game two years in a row.........
  12. My condolences to Jdub and Teeder.
  13. Sandelin building up quite the resume since the program got a decent facility. Has done so while dealing with some early departures.....so maybe early departures aren't the excuse that some on this board would have you to believe.
  14. Kennedy and his baseless claims of sexism and racism did way more harm to UND than this silly forum. Try again
  15. Was wondering who would get pushed back another year with Michaud coming in. Isn't Rizzo high end enough where that might not be something he wants to do?
  16. Senden came in good, now let's see if he continues to develop. Kierstad is a defenseman so don't change the subject, by most accounts the Dmen on this team have not been the issue. Guch has performed as expected. He came in expected to score some but 10 goals as an older sophomore is solid but not setting the world on fire. That being said I like Guch as a 2nd line scorer type option.
  17. The biggest question with Kennedy's 3 year ND taxpayer subsidized job search being complete, is which of the couple of Kennedy yes men on this thread that regularly defend everything that he does will get their lips to Dilorenzo's rear end first to start the process anew?
  18. Wilkie's not really a miss IMO, just a guy that probbaly needed another year. Though I think it would be fair to put him in a similar category to Mismash. Not bad, but not where people thought they'd be
  19. Are you serious? Colin Adams scored consistently in a very tough league (USHL).....nothing since then. As UNDBiz pointed out the same could be said about Hoff (step below Adams IMO).....Mismash has been ok but I would argue he has performed below expectations given the hoopla he came in with. These were high end recruits (not elite, but high end) that have done nothing. Say what you want about St Cloud but they do good taking middle of the road players and getting them to exceed expectations. If only Jost hadn't left early.......none of this would have happened right?
  20. So just making the tournament every year isn't good enough? I think the point made with Lizotte and Benson is that they were nice players in high school but not high end recruits. St Cloud took two non-descript ND players and made them into solid 4 year contributors. If St Cloud can do that, then UND should be able to take their higher end recruits and have them produce even more, but that hasn't happened lately.
  21. It will take several years (if being objective) to determine how good or bad Kennedy actually was for UND. The one certainty is that he was pompous and lacking in people skills. His complete lack of awareness when it came to the timing/perception of some of his decisions was absolutely uncanny.
  22. If true that UND is raising a parking pass to $650 a year that is purely outrageous. Not sure how that compares to other institutions but this is still Grand Forks.
  23. Now that's a lofty goal for what is supposed to be a premier hockey program.
  24. Unless Berry cuts some guys loose, this team will already be fully loaded with Seniors that can't score. JJ would only add to that.
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