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Everything posted by TheFlop

  1. Once again....one of the few businesses that stayed open and busy throughout the ongoing apocalypse......grocery stores. Old people....middle aged people....kids....etc all continued to visit and walk by each other closer than 6 feet....many not wearing masks and most of the people that were wearing masks not doing so correctly.......and yet in ND still only 3 people have died under the age of 69 over the last 3-4 months (whatever you consider the start date).
  2. I'll play along, in your mind at what stat/threshold/measurement would you consider it ok for people to no longer wear masks? Keeping in mind UND 92,96's informative post showing that from ages 1-69 ND has had a total of 3 deaths.
  3. Correct.......because when you get big media puting out story after story about how the world is coming to an end......more and more people start to buy in which puts pressure on even common sense governor's to hop on the quarantine wagon. The media's constant negative reporting is in effect going down the road of mind control of the feeble minded....which in the US is a considerable portion of the people that watch the mainstream news. Yes Fox news on the right.........but basically all the rest on the left.
  4. Way off. The majority of the posts on here are people arguing that the quarantine is ridiculous and has been a complete overreaction save perhaps a few densely populated areas like New York where people are living closer together than people were meant to live. The media coverage has been biased and tried to lay this all at the feet of the president instead of taking a big picture view of what happened and assess blame to all parties involved. However, there are 3-4 posters on here that whine and cry Trump did this and Trump said that because they are lemmings and incapable of taking a big picture view. Media says orange man bad ...orange man must be bad. Even amongst Trump supporters.....you aren't going to find alot of people that like his constant tweets and his poor public speaking skills. It is fair to question whether Trump was a week late...a week early....whatever.....but open up your eyes and look at the 800lb elephant in the room that once ever 2-3 years SE Asia slings one of these respiratory diseases our way that is the equivalent of a bad flu.....and if the US doesn't have the political will to deal with the root issue....it will result in some extra deaths per year in the US
  5. You mention federal and state governments.....but leave out the media.....and the extremely biased media coverage that lead to hysteria.....did far more damage than any government official did.
  6. Lol......that's classic. Better than most comedy these days on Comedy Central.
  7. Those people are still living their lives and not stuck under a blanket sucking their thumb in the fetal position while sending letters to the Forum.
  8. Just like it was in the best interest of large health organizations like WHO and CDC to make this virus seem like the potential end to society to justify their existence and to try and gain even more funding going forward. Meanwhile a large chunk of the medical community that actually treat people are taking it in the shorts via furloughs/reduced pay.
  9. TheFlop

    The Herald

    Some people hate him because on slow news days there is a tendency to post a story/mugshot of some decent person that just got popped for something minor like a small amount of marijuana. However, he is willing to post the nastier stories that the Herald / Forum Wdaz/y won't touch because it doesn't fit their agenda. Whether you are black, white, liberal, conservative, old, young...etc ......if you break the law Neil isn't afraid to cover it. Yes a little TMZ like at times but he also exposes the underbelly of Grand Forks and makes you realize how much crap really goes on while you are sleeping.
  10. And if the LTC employees don't have any high school kids.....they probably have a friend that knows someone that has a high school kid .........
  11. 223 of Minnesotas 286 Covid deaths have been in long term care facilities. Though I'm sure the number of deaths in long term care facilities would have been much higher if all high school activities in the state hadn't been cancelled when they were.
  12. The next threat......https://www.fox5ny.com/news/police-excessive-wearing-of-medical-mask-possibly-caused-nj-driver-to-pass-out-crash
  13. Just got an email from GF Schools.....apparently some elementary parents complained that 3-4 hours a day....M-F.....with basically 1 math and reading assignment per day was too much.....so cutting back online learning to M-Thur with even fewer Math and Reading assignments. Unbelievable. Might as well totally shut down instead of keeping up the illusion that any learning is occuring.
  14. TheFlop

    The Herald

    Maybe Shloss could go write for the Athletic.
  15. Question for the outpatient doctor community (Oxbow and whoever). How often during a routine visit/elective procedure do you find an unexpected condition that requires immediate attention? I.e. something that can be dealt with if it's acted upon soon.....but that can turn into a big deal (including possible death) if delayed more than a couple weeks/months? Or is that a non-factor when determining the negative effects of the lockdown.
  16. Ironic that the doom and gloomers thought that not enough beds/vents would be what collapsed the medical infrastructure.....in the end it's not the widely alleged late/undereaction that did the harm......it's the financial collapse caused by the overreaction that did it.
  17. Online learning may work for college, but it has proven to be woefully inadequate for K-12. Middle School teacher friend I spoke to last week indicated about 1/4 of his students haven't done one single thing yet.....but that guidance was to not pressure students for compliance because they already have enough stress on them with Covid/losing their in person school year.
  18. I agree kids want that......but don't see it happening at least from the few teachers I've spoken to in Gforks.
  19. I think the most ridiculous part was the health director Swanson lady saying they don't do inspections or something to that effect. Typical city hall empty suit.
  20. Last I checked I can't go to a restaurant......or bar......or a concert at the Alerus.....and UND hockey didn't get to compete for another title....and several of my friends that are in the cosmotology/hair styling field aren't being allowed to work regardless of how well they safeguard/clean their work area, and I can't watch young athletes that are at little to no risk participate in the class B basketball tournament.....so frankly I don't know where you live because that's the situation here.
  21. See that's the problem. That's not the current statement. The current statement is "whether there is a good chance you will come in contact with a virus carrier or not......whether you have any pre-existing conditions that put you at higher risk or not.......whether you as a worker/business owner take proper precautions or not......whether you even have the virus or not.....you MUST stay home."
  22. While you are making the absolute argument that no one should ever have to pay the price for the bad decisions/bad luck of others.......let's also get rid of welfare/food stamps, the idea of second chances (and 3rd/4th/5th etc chances) for alcoholics and druggies, and also 350lb guys that try to fit into a coach seat on an airplane. Those impact me in the form of finances (increased taxes)....safety......and freedom of movement. The only way to protect everyone from ever getting sick is to stop living life at which point....what's the point? Maybe if I catch Covid-19 I will just clamor until I can get it to be considered a disability......that seems to work out good for many.
  23. C'mon, you present some good facts but spreading 60,000 flu deaths over the course of 365 days is misleading. A more accurate daily count would be spreading those deaths over the actual flu season (i.e. Dec-March or whatever the official season is).
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