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Ice Arena Man

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Everything posted by Ice Arena Man

  1. RT O sullivans is a fun place to go to watch FIGHTING SIOUX hockey in Mesa. I was there at the end of February last year to watch the Bemidji series both nights and had a blast!
  2. Cold Beer. Not Dry like St Cloud national Sports Center and Marruicci!
  3. I had Donald Brown, Colby Fleener, and Andrew Luck in my fantasy playoff football draft. Had a really high score considering they were the only three players playing in the first game.
  4. Hats Look great. Will be sure to wear one of the black ones to the Target Center tonight for the Donnie & Marie Osmund Christmas concert. Have to go to the concert to check out hte seating for the NCHC tourney.
  5. Sent you a text. Can we hook up somewhere this weekend?
  6. Mafia Man PM or text me as to how we can hook up this weekend. Maybe me buying you a cold beer during managers happy hour at the Embassy Suites I am staying at this weekend or maybe meeting at Hoggsbreath for a beer on me. As colds as it is supposed to be this weekend I could really use a warm fleece hat.
  7. Us recreation people don't need to take English 101. We no how two work with the public and use correct grammar and spelling!
  8. Mafia Man -I will pick mine up in the cities when I get up there one of the weekends in December.
  9. Have you ever tried the Met Burger at Mettlers in Mankato. Best burger in Mankato along with the entertainment!
  10. I have an extra ticket for Sunday's Wild vs New Jersey game and can't get rid of it!
  11. Mafia Man may be a legend, but you Goon have almost 15,900 more posts than Mafia Man!
  12. I thought the same thing. I watched the game at my son's house as he has Direct TV.
  13. The scheduling by the nchc of the nebraska omaha series the same weekend as opening deer hunting in Minnesota. Now I have to make a difficult choice of FIGHTING SIOUX hockey or deer hunting with my three sons, a family tradition!
  14. Hey Cratter. I am watching the game on internet and following on siouxsports at the same time!
  15. Just got your text. Still want the 3 hats. Ice Arena Man: 2 black with moniker, 1 green with moniker. Sorry for not responding sooner as you can guess what is keeping me busy this time of year. Let me know what I owe. Christmas is not a concern for me.
  16. Hey Mafia Man. I will take 2 Black and one Green with moniker on all of them. Now you only need 7 more hats.
  17. Worst thing about Omaha this year is that it is opening of deer hunting in Minnesota. May have to skip Omaha this year, but I did skip it last year to go to the games in St Cloud the second weekend. Hard choice, family tradition or FIGHTING SIOUX hockey!
  18. May be heading there this weekend. May stay at the same motel that I stayed at when I went to the Final 5 .Got to take advantage of getting away as soon I will be starting to put in the ice sooner than I would like to admit.! Other wise I will be at a confernce at the Earl Brown center towards the end of September. Staying at Embassy Suites for the conference. If you decide to put another order of hats in I would be interested. I snoozed when the last order was due.
  19. Schools started down here on August19. They get out in mid May and make my recreation job a challenge.
  20. Hey Mr Mafia Man How are you doing? The weather down here in southern Mn is supposed to be over 100 today. Schools getting out early (1:00 PM). In a little over a month I will have Ice again in the Arena.
  21. Mafia Man- I will be in St Paul next weekend from Thursday (25th) evening through Sunday (28th) next week if you want to do an off season lunch or a drink at Hoggsbreath! I may even order a hat or two then, but I know that is another post.
  22. Just showed Lucia on St Cloud / Notre Dame broadcast. Looked like he was smiling.
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