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Everything posted by rochsioux

  1. On 7/27/74 the house judiciary committee recommended that he be impeached. Nixon left office on 8/9/74. He was not impeached by the full house at that time. On 8/20/74 the full house voted 412-3 to accept the final Judiciary committee report so technically I don’t think that counts as being impeached.
  2. Nixon had not been impeached by the house prior to his resignation. The house voted to impeach him after he left office. Not sure if that counts as being impeached or not.
  3. That is a huge mountain to climb. So many politicians are capable of claiming that title.
  4. It’s not that I would have a problem with them raising the highest marginal rate by 3% in theory. My problem is twofold. First, as soon as the tax rate is increased the Democratic Party will say they need to raise taxes on the rich so they pay their “fair share”. No one ever defines “fair share”. Enough is never enough for some. Secondly, increased revenue will be used to add additional spending programs or increase existing ones. The new spending increase will suck up all the new revenue and then some. This, of course, will lead to demands that the rich pay their “fair share”. The fiscal irresponsibility of Congress never ends. The Republican Party is just as bad but in a different way. They continually want to cut taxes but won’t tie it to spending cuts. We need some way to tie term limits with balanced budgets. Not sure how you do that but it is obvious Congress won’t do it on their own.
  5. I can never be in favor of tax increases on anyone or any business as long as the government continues to increase spending and adding new programs. For some reason politicians seem to think an extra 500 billion in tax revenue means they can spend another trillion or more. I would be in favor of tax increases if they would freeze spending. Both parties spend recklessly without regards to the deficit. The democrats want to spend all the time, the republicans seem only to care about deficits when the democrats are in power. The approach to health insurance is nuts. The discussion involves how much the government is going to help pay for it. Absolutely the wrong way to look at it. Health care costs have been going up for years at a much higher rate than inflation or GDP. Cost increases must be brought down to no more than the inflation rate or it will bankrupt us. Same this goes for education costs. The idea of free college education should scare the crap out of everyone. The costs will go up at a faster rate than our currently unaffordable pace. The cost of college needs to be brought under control or we need to seriously revamp our entire system of higher education.
  6. Why would anyone believe there is no fraud in an election ? We are all constantly bombarded with email, text, and phone calls from people trying to scam us. There has to be many people/countries that are trying to affect our elections in many ways. The real question is how much fraud and is it enough to change the outcome. I don’t know the answer to this but I’m willing to give Trump and his lawyers some time to look into this. They should be proceeding with the transition to the Biden administration while this is ongoing. For me there are a few troubling issues with this election. Why are rules being changed by anyone other than those authorized by state law ? Why are some states using Dominion software while others have rejected the use because they failed security tests ? Is there a security issue or not ? Do all states have voting systems that can be audited so it is impossible for votes to be manipulated ? If not, why not ? This election is different than any in the recent past due to a large increase in voting by mail. Certainly the chance for fraud has to increase with this. There seems to be a rush by the media to completely shutdown any challenge to the election. Why is that ? Is our democracy that fragile that we cannot take a little time to ensure everything is legitimate ? As soon as Biden was declared the winner by the media they also were saying there was no evidence of fraud. Again, why the rush ? Let it play out. If they can’t produce any significant fraud than that should help everyone have confidence in the system. If there is significant fraud then we need to know that also.
  7. Have to disagree. Why, without these hard hitting tough questions we would never know kind of ice cream Joe likes.
  8. I suspect Joe is trying to decide how to respond to the Hunter Biden email story. They need to be sure they get their story straight and ensure everyone is on the same page. I would be shocked if this doesn’t come up in the debate, not by the moderator but by Trump.
  9. Dodger/braves over 3 hours right now, still in the 7th inning. Painfully slow. The home plate umpire seems very inconsistent on balls and strikes. I am beginning to think they need to let the technology call balls and strikes.
  10. If that’s how they treat customers they deserve to go out of business.
  11. Thank you for posting this. I don’t know Al but I have heard about him and his many bus trips for hockey. I am more than happy to make a donation.
  12. Without an effective vaccine or treatment I don’t see any path forward for college sports to be played with fans present. The question is, will they allow college football, basketball, and hockey to be played without fans in attendance ? I’m not entirely convinced this will occur. I see almost no chance that the Nashville game will be held this year. They have basically already stated they won’t play the game without fans. The best hope for all sports getting back to normal is to find an effective treatment. I think this can be accomplished sooner than developing an effective vaccine.
  13. That’s just crazy talk. What kind a society would we have if that was the standard.
  14. There is anecdotal data that Leronlimab may be very effective as a treatment. There are double blind studies going on right now and I would assume the results will be known sometime in the next month or so. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/a-promising-drug-for-the-treatment-of-severe-lung-inflammation-in-covid-19-patients-montefiore-einstein-scientists-lead-two-trials-of-leronlimab-301063687.html https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1lbA4zlrguc
  15. Providing aid to states for Coronavirus damage is a tricky subject. How much aid is truly needed directly due to the virus vs state mismanagement of the virus and long term state failures in many other areas ? Every state manages things differently (welfare, aid to illegal immigrants, public pensions etc). Some states have limited or no state income taxes while others have extremely high taxes. I’m not sure the federal government should bail out states. I might be ok with providing loans to them. If you had a neighbor that made six figures throughout a long career, had new cars, boat, all the toys they wanted and then had nothing saved at retirement time, would you be inclined to help them out ? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t. Just as people need to have personal responsibility for themselves I think each state needs to take responsibility. The states could have emergency funds set aside to handle emergencies. If they need to go beyond that the the federal government can become the lender of last resort, not a source of free money.
  16. I believe i heard it was one pill daily, so I assume 200 mg. Not much to get excited about.
  17. A mask is worn to help protect everyone around you. I doubt it helps the wearer much at all. The gentleman that didn’t want to wear a mask is not assuming any risk, he is adding risk to everyone around him.
  18. Has anyone seen any benefit from using Leronlimab ? There are antidotal stories on the web and I know trials are in progress. It appears that it could be a real beneficial. Long video but interesting: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xUboPq8vbUg
  19. https://metro.co.uk/2020/05/04/woman-cuts-hole-face-mask-easier-breathe-12650146/
  20. My sympathy for you and your family. Very difficult to see a loved one go through that.
  21. “This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines.” Not allowed to present data that goes against the official doctrine ? Wow !!! Am I living in China or North Korea now ?
  22. Some auto insurance companies are refunding some money to customers due to less driving going on during this shutdown. It appears that many/most hospitals are losing large sums of money due to the loss of non COVID19 patients. Should we expect medical insurance companies to refund some of the premiums being paid ? About the same likelihood of the Sioux name coming back.
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