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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. Sioux Rally for a 3-2 win. Great job by the ladies. What a crowd!!! Most I've ever seen at a soccer game. That was fun.
  2. I love ScoUNDrels. That's creative usage. Not a fan of Sundogs. I know I'm in the minority, but I do believe it's far better to get a new nickname sooner rather than later. I feel that it's going to be painful either way. If we don't have a nickname, people will continue to hold on to hope that the Sioux name will return. Unfortunately, I don't think thats healthy or realistic to continue to fool oneself into thinking that way. I'm for ripping off the band aid all at once. No doubt it's going to hurt bad (because I'm a hairy sun of a gun) but I might as well get it over with. Let's face it there will be very little consensus on any name. Why? Because everything especially for the first 50 years or so is going to pale to what we had but I say that it's better to get through pain sooner rather than prolong it. No name really stands out to me that have been posted. Someone I think did post Aeros (maybe Mr. Burgraff will like that one too ), that one I'm at least luke warm on, but I honestly do like ScoUNDrels, very unique.
  3. I may wrong on this. But, as I understood, last season was originally supposed to be the last year with the name. Then the ND Legislature stepped in and passed the law which required it's use, that superceded the end of the nickname here in early August. Now, I believe that the nickname is to be used because of the law until it is phased out again by the end of the year. Again, they are resuming the retirement- which had we not had the law passed would have been officially retired this month. Not sure if this is right, but that's the way I follow it.
  4. Do we like to complain, just to complain? You don't see schools like Kansas & Missouri crying because they play a rivalry game on a Monday night. The point is, it's not uncommon for Division 1 institutions to play weeknight games versus rivals. While Saturday games with conference foes ie. The Big Sky will continue as we move forward to D1, the reality is that non-conference games will more than likely fall during the week. Again, as far as I know, because no one has indicated differently. It's supposedly not a doubleheader meaning a 7pm game time which in my book will be perfectly reasonable to do for most people. Things are changing with D1, especially with scheduling and with arena availability. In addition when teams match up schedules for dates- there were probably only a handful of days that were available for both schools, who knows if any were a weekend.
  5. I don't believe the University will be relinquishing the Fighting Sioux name & logo licensing to anyone. Let alone sell it to anyone.
  6. If (it's a big if) Mitch Wilmer, can stay healthy and play the whole year like he did that first half against the Bison- last year, I'm thinking we could have a solid season. I think Brekke will continue to progress especially if he can start to develop little 8-12 foot turn arounds and step backs. He's got great fakes right underneath the basket, but how hard would he be to defend if he can even become a threat from around 10 feet or so?, I really like the positives that Allard has been able to bring to the floor with him coming off the bench. Add in a Wilmer against the Bison performance on a regular basis and we might be able to piece the front court together. If so, I only see our back court becomming more & more successful. Obviously, we have Mitchell, but I figured that goes without saying. It's his senior season- he should most likely play every game like his hair is on fire.
  7. Completely agree with you Bin. I find the Alerus to be just fine & to be honest a very good facility compared to what others have at the FCS level. There are so many on here saying that we are going to outgrow the Alerus in the "near" future. What is that? 5 years, 10, 15 or 20. I'm guessing it's closer to 15, minimum. We have a long ways to go with building a winning program at this level and our fanbase before the Alerus can't hold all the fans that want to see Sioux Football. The "we have to have a stadium on campus" argument just doesn't resonate with me, because it's really not that far off campus. It's easy to get to. When we were winning in the D2 days the students found a way to get there. When the fans come, the Alerus is a great atmosphere- when they don't it's not. That would be true for any new campus stadium too. Again, I remember some of those late fall games at Memorial, playoffs on the line or factoring in and I knew nearly everyone there---there were that few of us there. I happen to believe that the older part of our fan base really appreciates having the ability to go see the game in pristine conditions in late October & November. I wouldn't consider myself to be in the blue hair category but I know I really appreciate it. I also don't think that the Alerus is losing us recruits. If we get even better practice facilities combine that with a raucous crowd at the Alerus on game days and top players will want to play here.
  8. Do you know a lot of Conference Commissioners? I don't, but I happen to believe that behavior wise that they are no different than a crafty politician. Just look at all the bluffing & feints & plays of certain conferences trying to gain members. Conference Commissioners in my estimation are no angels, and I certainly would never put it past one to lie, especially if they feel it is to the benefit of his or her conference and it's member institutions. Or they want to project a certain perception. Character wise from my perspective they shouldn't be put on a pedestal.
  9. It is one thing to be anonymous on this site, but you start throwing things out that tries to insinuate that a lone individual is responsible for this- or at least is most responsible for this- is a pretty bold accusation. If that is indeed the case, I would recommend actually putting your name to something like that. Own it, stand by it, I would if I'm going to throw something like that out there-don't just throw it out behind a moniker- that's pretty easy to do without having to be called to prove what you have to say, I'm just saying provide all the evidence for it. It's like when Al Carlson was on Hennen the other day and he used that phrase "poisoning of the wells" what was disappointing in that whole conversation was that Mr. Hennen never said..."that's a bold accusation, do you have any evidence of this" he never did- he just jumped on the let's contribute to the conspiracy bandwagon.
  10. I also will add that if this WAC thing is reality, I'm all for it but what is our buy out from the Big Sky? Is it time to get out our wallets.
  11. What will the NCAA say during a face to face meeting? Do you think if we send the right people, we can convince them that they are wrong?
  12. Did I miss something, the WAC schools have said that the nickname makes no difference to them? They are on record for this? When did this happen?
  13. I don't think that Kelly nor the SBoHE will go against state law. Kelly will carry out the orders from the SBoHE, but I think the track record shows on this issue, that when the SBoHE decides the course, that's when Kelly has begun implenting that course of action. I think the same will be true in this instance. I think that we will have the name this year, the question will be how will the legislature & the State Board- go through the motions in the next 6 to 8 months. What will they do during that period will be of interest? Who knows it may take a while to get through the everything with the name. On a side note, it's too bad about the Iowa basketball game. That would have been awesome- It certainly would have sold out the Betty- they certainly would have been able to put about 5 to 6,000 into the Ralph if they wanted, because the whole city of Crookston would have wanted tix for that one, because it would have meant the return of Kamille Wahlin. That would have been fun to see. And people, I'm not blaming it on our having the nickname either-- clearly, Iowa has the problem(but this is going to get old, if this continues to happen, so when does it become OUR PROBLEM?)- but it's just too bad is all.
  14. I know that, we often say "that's not the way we do things around here" but the reality is that terminations and layoffs do indeed happen that way in very similar manners to what was described in the article. I had it happen to me after 12 years, and their was nothing in my employee record that skewed negetive and I had it happen in another in situaltion after 8 years. Once was a letter, in front of the boss. Another was listening to another person over a conference phone in front of the boss. It happens around here. But we as a society -as we become far more socially inept in direct interaction with one another, will continue to try to find less confrontational ways to dismiss someone. I know that they say that facebook & text messaging are the way it works in the communication world today-in regards to social networking- but I believe those systems help foster a bit of impersonal correspondence which then stunts our personal skills with people. This is unfortunate, I can't say that I knew Alice, but it would appear that she loved this University and has a great passion for it. And I think the University will always miss those type of people. I hope that she will be able to move on, with the support of close friends and family. To hear of it happening the way it did, is really disturbing, but let's not kid ourselves that business in this community-not all- but some would have handled it the very same way. So I wouldn't put the community and this region on that high of a pedestal when in it comes to handeling employee terminations..
  15. I really don't see it as an arena issue. The Alerus has been fine. When were in the D2 playoffs it was a very good, loud and a great atmosphere. I think it can become that again. I don't agree that it's too small. Maybe someday attendance will warrant a look at another facility for football but not now. In fact, I would argue that our recent lack of attendance has very little to do with the Alerus being too small. As far as the comparison to Washington-Griz stadium. I argue that no stadium in FCS in the entire country compares to Washington Griz. Facilities wise, I've been told that recruits are very excited about what we have- it's often been said that if we can get a recruit to make a visit to campus (no matter the sport) there is a good chance we'll land them. (That speaks well of our campus and athletic facilities) Not to say that we can't get better as the practice facility is a vision t that has been put together, and hopefully that will have a chance to come to fruitition. Tate Forcier, may have issues- but I don't think thats going to dissuade Montana from trying to bring him in. That's the game that is played now days. I agree that its a bit shameful that its like that... but, what do you do? Personally, I would think there is at least a 40 to 50 percent chance that he does indeed end up with the Griz. As I've mentioned Montana has a knack for getting players like that. And no, he will not come here, but I think it would help our QB situation if he did.
  16. I'm not sure what is going on with this guy. From what I read, he has some very good skill. I notice we're not anywhere on his list but ...his list of possibles does include of one of our soon to be conference mates...Montana. Don't we need a QB? Maybe we should somehow enter this fray. The Griz have a history of finding quarterbacks that have been unhappy at major schools and getting them to play effectively in Missoula. Perhaps, that's a philosophy we should start employing ourselves? http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=6584880
  17. I tend to look at things this way. He's a UND grad, I have faith in those people that they will work hard, and do good job. As is the case with many UND grads. I'm sure that even though there is a process to go through and he's waiting for additional steps to happen before he reacts. I'm sure he is plotting the correct course of action that his position demands.
  18. I know talent is the biggest thing you want when bringing a player to a program. But a player that knows winning and how to win is a nice intangible for a player to have. Having that type of attitude in our young players, may not be the biggest thing when it comes to success on the college hardwood, but it certainly won't hurt.
  19. I've been meaning to take in a Sioux Baseball game, and I know they've had very few home games- also the weather hasn't been all that great for most of them. I guess I'm waiting for a game on a good weather day People can call me fair weather fan when it comes to Sioux baseball. I guess my whole point is I'm going to get out of my comfort zone a little bit to experience more. I hope others take an opportunity to maybe do the same. Maybe, they'll find another sport they like to follow. Back to Potato Bowl, definitely understand the feeling on the opponent- for this year. But, I'll be there...this should be the last year of dismal opponents from no forward. I can get through one more. Plus, usually the weather has cooperated for Potato Bowl- which makes for a fun atmosphere in the lead up to the game.
  20. I echo that- support the team. In fact, I encourage everyone this season to discover another team on campus. For example maybe you only take in hockey- check out a couple of volleyball matches or a football game. Maybe you only have followed football, check out a basketball or a hockey game. Support the student athletes, they train & play their hearts out for our school. I love when we are able to have later starts. I know I'm in the minority on here. Most people of indicated in previous conversations that 1p is the preferred time. But, I've always liked 3 or 4p starts in the fall, because you always get the best & warmest part of the day for tailgating activities outside. I look at places that really know what tailgating is all about like SEC schools, and they all have mid to late afternoon games and of course 1 night game on Saturday's for ESPN. They want tailgating to be an all day extravaganza, a build up for gametime. I know Potato Bowl is slated for a 6p start but I still like that better as with kids in fall activities like morning soccer, we can still get out and get in some tailgating & take in the game. I prefer 3 or 4 pm because when you get out of the game you can still head out to eat after the game or head home & not have to rush getting the kids to bed.
  21. The policy that has been implemented at Minnesota is one that has been formulated by the Board of Regents. My understanding is that the AD would be fine putting us on the schedules for a number of sports but as our administration has been constantly criticized for carrying out orders... so to speak, this instance would seem to indicate that that's not only done at the University of North Dakota, but at other places as well. This is another example of an administrator at Minnesota carrying out orders of his bosses.
  22. The Florida State traditions are cool, you can't deny it. You have to admit that they do it right. Way back in the day... the 80's for many of you on here that was back in the day, I got to attend a FSU game at Doak versus Auburn. The stadium has since been remodelled. But the chop & chant was just amazing-your skin was tingling and when Chief Osceola road in on that white horse with that flaming spear- during a night game no less- it was mind blowing. To be honest with you, I think if we had more of that stuff... I think the name and logo would be that much more popular and would be that much more difficult for the NCAA to deal with.
  23. Yeah, 5th year seniors rarely help a team be successful The only reason the Bison beat us down there was because of 5th year seniors. Granted the reason we were tied at the half was because our freshman guards caused their point guards to wet themselves, plus Wilmer was playing out of his mind. I never had been at all impressed with Coleman, until he played the way he played in the 2nd half against us. I happen to believe that Allard will be a very good 5th year senior for us. I also think that Wilmer could be, Goodman may not be a star at that time but could be very solid. Haugen, if I was only going off his red-shirt freshman season, I would have said that he could be very solid by his 5th year, but as he hardly played last year due to injury...my verdict is still out. The whole point of redshirting players is to get them to that 5th year, because by then often times it's men against boys. Their bodies are way different than younger players and they've been through it all. No, I am not jumping on the let's get rid of this class of players bandwagon.
  24. Isn't it funny how things work out some times. Just when a person thinks that USD backing out of the BSC could be negative it really ends up being a positive for us at UND. I can't agree with your take on this anymore. What a great South Dakota backs out of the Big Sky and the effects it has on UND mind. We have Montana St. as one of our rivals, and NC which in the late 90's between us & them was (permit me to borrow a phrase from Rocky in Football America) "a violent mean ass war" Oh god he was funny, but that line is applicable here. Super pumped about having them as our Conference partners/rivals. Plus, Montana 3 years in a row. Awesome!
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