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Everything posted by passit_offthegoalie

  1. has Tate ever played in a game? I wonder if they will try to score a lot of goals this period to give Tate some breathing room in the 3rd.
  2. Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux! Let's go Sioux!
  3. Yeah, I've technically agreed with most of your points, but sometimes you should maybe just let people vent. In this instance especially, because IMO the anger is justified. I think there WAS a double standard. I seem to remember that UND had to sue the NCAA just to have the chance to get tribal approval, while FSU with all their money and influence were able to get by without any problems from the NCAA. And then to see FSU and their fans treat the mascot the way they do, while UND, in my opinion, was actually trying to do everything to show respect.... It just doesn't sit right. That's all I'm saying.
  4. I guess we will all just have to wait until the NCAA, in their infinite wisdom, decide to end the hostile and abusive treatment of native americans. Do you mean the process of eliminating all native american nicknames under the NCAA's control? I think the fastest way to help that process along would be to just have a rule that you can't have a native american logo or mascot, period. It's not that complicated. I don't get why you feel the need to defend the NCAA and argue with every person that is upset about the double standard, but whatever. I guess it's your thang.
  5. I agree, and I share your frustration. The fact is, FSU got to keep their name because they are a big, powerful school and they convinced the tribal leaders to accept the nickname. It's not because they respect their mascot or because Seminole indians don't find it offensive. The NCAA should stand by their position. Native American mascots either aren't acceptable or they are. There should be no exceptions. Nothing 82SiouxGuy says will change my mind or convince me that I shouldn't be mad at FSU fans for their treatment of native american imagery or the NCAA for its double standard. The NCAA deserves to be mocked. Every time FSU does something potentially offensive to native americans, the NCAA should be reminded that they are allowing it to happen.
  6. The end is nigh! Repent, sinners!!!
  7. Maroney's vault has been the best moment of the Olympics for me. I was hoping she would do her best one at the Olympics. It was unreal. I don't know how she can top that in the Vault Finals. ----- Gabby Douglas and Aly Raisman going for the gymnastics All Around. Gabby seems to be getting better and better every competition. If she doesn't get nervous or have a meltdown she could win gold.
  8. I see. I have noticed a pattern about what seems to always get missed and what never gets missed, but maybe it's just my imagination.
  9. Reminds me of the Dylan line, "To live outside the law, you must be honest" At least Tony Soprano had that going for him.
  10. Hey, this is a UND sports site, leave the politics at the door. -------------- btw, Why do I have to say this? Isn't this the job of the moderators?
  11. I'm glad the whole college hockey house of cards fell down because of Penn State. Such a classy group of people running that place. The Big Ten, too. Just awesome.
  12. Remember when Gopher fans would sarcastically call Zach, "God"? It looks like the shoe is on the other foot, now. We've got to give them some crap for spending $100 million on "God" and putting all their faith in him...
  13. I'm with you! I've been nerding out on our women's gymnastics team on youtube. They are the defending world champs. They seem like a pretty impressive group of people. The trials are on NBC sports tonight. Oops it's replayed on NBC sports later tonight. Live on NBC right now.
  14. It's kind of like if I quoted you and then said, "I agree with you, bestiality isn't that big of a deal." It would imply that that's what you said. Learn how to construct a coherent thought, then post something. And you dish out criticisms of college hockey constantly, but as soon as anybody says anything about the CHL, you freak out like a 4 year old.
  15. That's not the message I took away from MissSioux's post.
  16. Agree with most of what you said, but how is it college hockey's fault that the CBA has that loophole? Isn't it the NHLPA and the owners' faults? Or are you just saying 'it is what it is' and not actually blaming college hockey? ----- And how many players have used that rule, in total? Blake Wheeler, Schultz......Gregoire right? Who else? Seems like the impact of that loophole has been a bit exaggerated.
  17. How about the UND Atomic Bombers? Too soon?
  18. And they would become known as the Tsu, for short. Problem, NCAA?
  19. The all-important Pairwise rankings are produced by a mathematical formula or algorithm, it has nothing to do with how much love Boston teams get from the media and in polls. Did you think the NCAA tournament was based on a poll? Because there was a commenter on Brad's blog that made the same mistake, and you sorta remind me of them...
  20. OK, we get it, you don't like college hockey.
  21. I've heard that this is going to be one of the weaker and more unpredictable draft classes in years, so I'm not going to start freaking out because there may not be any college players in the first round, this year. Besides, I don't know what college hockey is supposed to do, you can't win 'em all--some players are going to prefer the CHL to college hockey. Especially Canadians.
  22. And yet more NHL players than ever are former college hockey players. College hockey must be doing something right if they can take lower draft picks and still turn out over 30% of NHL players.
  23. I'm sure all the poor whites in this country love being told how privileged they are by bleeding hearts like you. It's not OK to stereotype any group, was my point. And I guess you disagree with that?
  24. It's always OK to stereotype white people. I can't believe people that think they are open-minded can't see they are doing the exact thing they are campaigning against. It's a real pet peeve of mine.
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