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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. LOL...known uber-liberal Phil Jackson, who can't even admit he is from North Dakota, is on the list? Well I'm on-board now, the nickname must go!
  2. I still think Gino was a good coach, much like I still think Jeff Sauer and Doug Woog were good coaches. I concur that after Dean left in 1989, the Sioux program steadily declined. That 1988-89 freshman class had a lot of unfilled potential. Throw in Brent Bobyck, Dixon Ward, and others, I am still stunned at the lack of tournament success for that bunch.
  3. Time heals all wounds...I remember people screaming for Gino's head during the decline of the program from about 1990-1995 and the complaints about Dean when the 1998 and 1999 teams fell short of expectations.
  4. And the 1998 and 1999 teams had talent level similar to last year's team as well...are you criticizing Blais for not 'getting it done'? What's your point?
  5. Tell me what program wouldn't be proud of a 7 year history that included: 2 regular season championships 3 playoff championships 5 Frozen Fours If Dave Hakstol coached at St Cloud, they'd be building a statue of him in front of the St Cloud National Concrete Center.
  6. Your words, not mine. Since I incorrectly assumed you had "met" several or perhaps many hockey coaches, I thought you had some unique perspective that others do not.
  7. Montgomery Gentry? I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about!
  8. I was at the game and concur that Hakstol appeared to be outcoached by Red. Red's "delay-the-game" tactics clearly worked and slowed down the Fighting Sioux. The shots on goal by the Sioux were hardly scoring-chance worthy...plenty of easy saves. You could feel the frustration with the crowd every time UND dumped the puck in the zone on the power play only to watch Michigan promptly swat it back down the ice. Two days later, the frustration was even moreso when it was obvious that Scott Sandelin had watched the semi-final game. UMD carried the puck into the zone on every power play...and it worked. Outcoached in one game? Yes. Deserving of continuing bashing because of it? No.
  9. I completely understand that, Sicatoka. My point is that even if Florida State WAS under sanction by the NCAA at the time of the 2008 Champs Sports Bowl, somehow, someway, Wisconsin would have finnagled around that policy and played that game. There was far too much money to be lost if they didn't play it. (note: The Badgers were waxed by FSU anyways). Do you think Wisconsin officials had enough backbone to stand upon their principle belief with thousands of dollars in bowl revenue at stake? No way.
  10. No way that happens. When the nickname is gone, it's gone.
  11. Big words...please, enlighten us all with your coaching expertise and how you would do more with such talent.
  12. As stated a while back in another thread...I enjoy fans who think of Hakstol as a "failure" because UND hasn't won the NCAA championship under his reign... Jack Parker: 37 years as a head coach - 3 NCAA titles (1978, 1995, 2009) Jerry York: 39 years as a head coach - 4 NCAA titles (1984 [bowling Green], 2001, 2008, 2010) Red Berenson: 26 years as a head coach - 2 NCAA titles (1996, 1998) Using your logic, I can only assume that you think all three of those coaches should have been canned during their dry-spell years between NCAA titles, correct? Jack Parker, a 14 year stretch with no NCAA titles, a failure? Jerry York, 1984 to 2001 and nothing in between? Red, with all that talent at Michigan and just two titles? Winning a national championship apparently isn't as easy as you think.
  13. Don't think for one millisecond that Wisconsin would have taken a forfeit in the 2008 Champs Sports Bowl against Florida State REGARDLESS of their university policy. They would have pulled out the old "it's a bowl game, not an officially-sanctioned NCAA event" card and played anyways. For all of you hockey fans who think Minnesota and Wisconsin will play UND home-and-away EVERY single season, let me remind you that Michigan was once a member of the WCHA. When is the last time you saw a regular season match-up with the Wolverines in Grand Forks OR Ann Arbor? Everyone forgets that the NCAA policy initially included schools such as Utah and the big elephant, Florida State. When FSU's politicans, alumni, and money talked, the NCAA policy was quicky revised as the NCAA had egg all over its face. I'm convinced that if Standing Rock took a vote tomorrow and 100% of the population turned out and not a single vote was cast in favor of ditching the Fighting Sioux nickname, the NCAA would STILL find a way to punish UND for questioning its authoritarian rule.
  14. Wichita is about 3 1/2 hours away from Kansas City...a bit like saying Dany Heatley plays in Fargo.
  15. Nope and nope. Casey spent a season with the Springfield Indians (85-86) and Maxwell spent a year with the Colorado Rockies, though (81-82).
  16. I sent you a PM, NDH. I'll have to ask Shawn why I didn't get a DVD last year...or with this year's ticket.
  17. The NY Islanders and Pittsburgh Penguins both flirted with moving to Kansas City. I think it would be a great NHL market...it certainly couldn't be any worse than Columbus, Ohio, could it? Plus, it would be a chance to resurrect one of the great lost logos and nickname of the NHL... http://www.nhluniforms.com/DefunctTeams/Scouts1.html
  18. 10-11 record 19-13-10 09-10 record 8-20-8 08-09 record 14-20-7 07-08 record 8-27-3 06-07 record 18-18-1 That's 67 wins, 98 losses, and 29 ties in the past five seasons. I'd consider that "below average" or at best, "average."
  19. Minnesota already tried that nickname in 1996 with it's one-and-done Arena Football League team...count me in the 'not a fan' group.
  20. The "premier" hockey conference in the country already contains legendary programs like St Cloud State and Western Michigan...is an expansion program REALLY the answer?
  21. Did they actually distribute those DVD's this year? I thought they did three years in a row, then skpped last season.
  22. And how long do you envision Minnesota being willing to continue to schedule "patsies" like the NDSU Bison? NDSU has embarrassed Minnesota more than once now. "D1" teams playing "D1-AA" teams is a lose/lose venture: Just ask Michigan about Appalachian State.
  23. To UND faculty who oppose nickname - "Speak out, be heard, be the voice for change! Stop racism and oppression!" To UND hockey coach who favors nickname - "Keep your mouth shut and remember who signs your paychecks."
  24. People simply refuse to believe that Native Americans can actually have their own opinion on this nickname issue. First, we want you on our side to keep the nickname...now we want the nickname to go, so please follow along and retire it? Tim O'Keefe has his opinion...and so does Frank Black Cloud. I respect the rights of both to voice theirs.
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