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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. MafiaMan


    Or Don Majkowski or Lynn Dickie... I like Boston.
  2. MafiaMan


    I went to a sports bar in River Falls on Sunday around 2:00 pm thinking "wait a second, it's game-day, this is a big mistake - it'll be PACKED (pun intended)." I walked in and could practically hear crickets chirping.
  3. MafiaMan


    Oxbow6, shouldn't you be busy studying the Packers playbook for this weekend's game? I thought you were named starting QB?
  4. From last spring's playoffs...27 second mark in slow-motion...watch Shaw's kicking motion to up-end Filppula, which in turn, ended Valtteri's playoffs...nothing to see there, right DaveK? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiA4KRQR3c0
  5. I know it's not the off-season anymore, but I'm bored and wanted to post in my own personal thread... Not the greatest video quality, but, dang, I can't believe Michigan pulled this rabbit out of the field goal hat this past weekend...note the holder sliding in at the last-second to receive the snap... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VouvJB_mOYE
  6. Hey, if you want to start a "Fire Scotty Owens" thread, you'll have to do it somewhere else! This is the Fire Dave Hakstol thread.
  7. My 'Slew-foot Sid" comment was meant sarcastically after I read about the "punk," "fraud," and "jackass" label applied to Claude Giroux. I posted three videos to show DaveK that #87 has had his own moments of not-so-Lady-Byng-like play on the ice and they were promptly met with 'move along...nothing to see here' comments in return. And, no, I have never played hockey, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  8. And yet he is against fighting in hockey? Makes no sense...
  9. Broomball's version of a slew-foot is using your broomball stick to do exactly the same thing that a skate would. I sustained a concussion in 1999 thanks to a slew-foot during a broomball game. Thank God I was wearing a hockey helmet. It occurred right after I scored a goal...raised my stick and the defenseman I had just beaten shoved the back of my left foot. I went straight up into the air and landed on my back, the back of my head slamming into the ice. Despite being completely stunned, I had to be dragged by teammates away from going after the guy. I'm guessing you have labled ME as the instigator in that incident, a classless clown, right?
  10. TAME? Skating up behind a guy and bumping the back of his skate so he falls unsuspectingly on his back and possibly smacking the back of his head on the ice is TAME? I've always thought your back-and-forth fodder with Goon and Ray77 had points on both sides...I now see why they both wonder what the hell you see out there on the ice sometimes! Note the 8-10 second mark of the video and the 34-38 second mark of the replay in front of Pittsburgh's goalie...
  11. Two slew-foots and an elbow to the head...I even marked the time for you...did anyone else see what Saint Sid did in the three clips I posted?
  12. Seriously? It's every effing thread - regardless of the sport!
  13. So you chastise Giroux but Sid's antics in the videos presented are ignored completely?
  14. So, to reiterate, Giroux is a punk, but 'Slew-Foot Sid' is a class act. Not sure I agree with that assessment.
  15. MafiaMan

    Fire Muss

    UND's season is over. Teams in FBS don't wait until after the national championship game to can coaches. There's no reason to wait another week.
  16. MafiaMan

    Fire Muss

    I'm sure the meeting didn't start until 9:00 am...
  17. MafiaMan

    Fire Muss

    "Good morning Mr Mussman, the Grim Reaper, er, Mr Faison, will be with you shortly."
  18. Good grief, DaveK, it's like shooting fish in a barrel with your star boy....5 second mark of this short clip...
  19. LOL...this bush-league mite move by Sid the Kid came at the end of an 8-4 playoff butt-whoopin' that the Flyers served up on the Saints Penguins. Had that been Zdeno Chara coyly pushing away Sidney's glove, DaveK would be crying for a 2:00 delay of game penalty.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vBWIu8AyNU ...and again at the 2 second mark of this one...
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cZ5Bd0x9bE Two can play this game, DaveK. 40 second mark of the video - your 'class act' #87...
  22. MafiaMan

    Fire Muss

    Agreed. Back in the 1970's and 1980's, North Dakota was Minnesota Viking country. Enter Brett Favre, a Vikings Les-Steckel era, and a Packers Super Bowl title in the 1990's, and suddenly North Dakota is Packer territory.
  23. Her father has been a Gopher men's season-ticket holder for about 20 years so if you want to continue calling me a liar, knock yourself out.
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