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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Lost track of the Philadelphia "fans" post...thought you all might like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrkgIYbfbrQ.
  2. Given how widely ESPN covered Sam at the NFL draft, I can't imagine the media circus that will surround the opening of Rams' training camp. It'll make the Olympics and the Super Bowl look like a Prairie Public Television broadcast.
  3. The US really is always "damned if they do and damned if they don't" nowadays. If we do nothing, we're railed on by other countries. If we intercede, it's "Yankee go home" and "death to America." But, hey, maybe this Administration's new "Hashtag Diplomacy" will make this group release these 200 girls, right?
  4. Anyone remember Sam Mcguffie, the running back from Texas who was highly recruited and spent some time at Michigan? Yea, ESPN did a little bit on him during his freshman season at Michigan. He was constantly taunted as being the "white kid" and dealt with plenty of abuse from opponents about what in the world he was doing at running back for the Wolverines. Is the reason he isn't in the NFL today because he is white?
  5. I've seen plenty of GREAT college players who didn't amount to anything in the NFL. There's no shame in being a great college player while not doing much in the NFL. I'd take Vince Young's Texas career any day over mine...
  6. Hey, I'd completely agree with you on that...but then again, I'm not an NFL scout. Personally, I've seen enough of Clowney to know that he's made quite the reputation based on knocking one guy's helmet off of his head in a bowl game. I also watched the entire South Carolina/Georgia game this past season and didn't even know Clowney was on the field based on his sorry performance that day.
  7. While he might get rolled by an offensive lineman or two if he's on the Rams' defensive line this season, you are somewhat correct in saying he may have a "role" somewhere in the organization. The combine results have been wrong before (cough, cough, Tony Mandarich)...
  8. Here might be better reasons why... http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1971528-michael-sam-combine-results-and-instant-reaction#articles/1971528-michael-sam-combine-results-and-instant-reaction 2nd lowest bench reps of 225 pounds of all but ONE other defensive lineman? 6'2" and 261?
  9. I don't see that anyone said that Sam was a "bad player," but there are reasons why he wasn't picked higher. The two I can think of are height and speed. Will he prove folks wrong? Quite possibly. But he won't be the first under-sized athlete to over-achieve.
  10. Who's Warren Moon? Isn't Dan Pastorini still the quarterback of the Oilers?
  11. He's a step-up from the Big 12 co-Defensive Player of the Year then...Jackson Jeffcoat of Texas wasn't selected in the draft.
  12. Obviously not. Called first strike on Richardson...swinging strike on Weeden. Looks like I'm down to my third strike...and I've got no balls.
  13. jimminy Christmas...my bad.I knew that.
  14. Sorry, darell, I think it's pure speculation on your part to throw out "Bison fans" as likely culprits for this caper. I'll wait until I see some evidence of that first...and not a single random tweet about it.
  15. Maybe they were smart enough to realize the possible legal penalties of using those logos?
  16. If the Cleveland Browns cut former first-round picks Brandon Weeden and Trent Richardson tomorrow, it won't generate nearly the buzz that the Rams will if Sam doesn't make it out of training camp.
  17. http://www.miamihera...safety-don.html For the record, I hope Michael Sam goes on to have a great NFL career. I'm just tired of the "thought" police state of the NFL nowadays.
  18. I pointed this exact same thing out years ago during ESPN's nationally-televised West Virginia/Gonzaga basketball game. Student Bulldog fans chanted "Brokeback Mountain" at the WVU players and several signs were seen in the stands referencing "Brokeback Mountaineers." Administration received video of the game from ESPN and conducted its own witch-hunt investigation into the incident. Several students were disciplined but no one EVER suggested that if only West Virginia had a different nickname, that ugly episodes like this wouldn't happen in the first place.
  19. Welcome to the new NFL...gang-bangers like DeSean Jackson...murderers like Aaron Hernandez...players makin' it rain at the strip clubs and totally demeaning women...no problem, it's part of the lifestyle and culture. But release a two-word tweet that reflects negatively on a player on draft night...whoa whoa whoa...that can't be tolerated.
  20. What a dirty play. Stuff like that really cheapens the game.
  21. Can you imagine the demonstrations, violence, and anti-USA backlash in countries like Somalia, Pakistan, Iran, Libya, and many, many others if a Lutheran Church in Ishpeming, MI were to send a couple of buses to Minneapolis, abduct 200 Somali girls, bring them back to the UP, and force them to convert to ELCA ways? Nevermind these 200 girls, though, let's focus on what's REALLY important to Hollywood these days...posh hotels owned by Muslims who (gasp!) are anti-gay? http://www.npr.org/2014/05/09/310947517/hollywood-protests-against-owners-of-beverly-hills-hotel
  22. Good effing grief...from America's greatest generation in WWII to undoubtedly America's dumbest generation in 2014...
  23. ...and the soldier's perspective is one I like to listen to. Thanks for your service, ira.
  24. It's also full of evil ones. Fetch, were you even aware of THIS story from 2011? Probably not...our news media didn't exactly go out of their way to publicize it and actors and politicans weren't creating catchy hashtag phrases to drum up support for the cause... http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2011/12/nigerian-catholics-burned-to-death-in-their-cars-after-christmas-mass/#!
  25. Martin St Louis is a gutsy player...not sure I'd handle the last few days as well as he has...
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