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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. http://lastrealindia...r-erich-longie/ "...that happened at UND over the weekend." And now an explosive charge of a professorship at UND being offered in exchange for a viewpoint change? Here's comes a UND investigation. So, does UND sit and wait another 5, 10, 15, maybe 20 years before the die-hard alumni who wear Sioux jerseys just fade away into oblivion? Or does UND take a new, dramatic step of cutting the snake off at the head and banning the display and wearing of Sioux jerseys or t-shirts at sporting events? Will you be in the "I'll never attend another game at UND if that happens" crowd and burn your season tickets? Or will you suck it up and find something else to wear to the game when the football team is 8-0 and ranked #1 in the country heading into a home game against the Bison, the women's basketball team is hosting a conference championship game, or the hockey team is on a 15-game home winning streak and Minnesota comes to town? Are you going to stay away based on loyalty to a dead nickname and logo?
  2. I would like to share your optimism, CMSioux, but the bad information contained in almost every online story (including the GF Herald) seems to spice this up - UND students...UND's Springfest...UND's former logo with a beer funnel added...THAT's what people are going to read and assume to be the truth.
  3. Oh, I think naming the school after a group of Yankees who killed Spaniards on foreign soil is likely to be met with some opposition by UND's academia nuts who will no doubt occupy a good portion of the new nickname committee. They'll find a Spaniard who is offended by the term "Rough Riders"...
  4. The calls to end the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo existed when the logo was the same as Chicago's. I'm comparing UND's Blackhawk to Chicago's...one can't be offensive while the other is an honor since they are the exact same thing.
  5. Hey, Cooke, you might wanna pick up that Kane guy...nevermind...
  6. Take off the hockey helmet and Toews looks a tad Amish with that "beard"...
  7. http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5614 Old logo modified with a beer funnel...UND's Springfest...the mis-information is so bad but that doesn't matter...
  8. http://m.dailykos.com/story/2014/05/12/1298869/-This-is-what-Indians-still-have-to-put-up-with Check out the comments...
  9. Al-Jazeera...but there's no question that this incident is blowing up.
  10. Gopher fans love Parise now...Sioux fans love Haula...sheesh, everyone hold hands and sing "Kumbaya"...
  11. The Brien logo is a caricature but the Blackhawk logo is not? HUH?
  12. Hmnnnn...wasn't somebody saying that that was a very REAL possibility earlier today?
  13. Nevermind a band...they'll only need a single bugler...playing "Taps."
  14. fightingsioux4life...is this loud enough for you yet?
  15. President Obama is on-record as saying that the Redskins should change their name...why is he silent regarding the Blackhawks?
  16. ..and here we go again... I hate you infinity because I hate the Penguins. Oh yea? Well I hate you back infinity + 1 because I hate the Bruins.
  17. In what context of the word did you mean "spirit," Ray77? I hope it wasn't Native-American related...
  18. Well, yea, that's why it'll never happen, right? Right?
  19. I apologize if my post came off like a fire-back comment at you specifically. I certainly understand the "rationale" used by the Ninth Circuit Court in applying the rights of high school administrators, but that still doesn't explain the lunacy of their decision. If my frustration seemed directed at you, it wasn't. This issue really has me fired up. Nevermind the dumb-a** decision to come up with these t-shirts, these young people don't need to be "outed," have their houses egged, tires slit, or receive death threats. Mob rule has come to roost in the US, apparently. Don't agree with the mob...then get out. Keep in mind, we're not talking about a "college" setting here with respect to Indian-head or Sioux logos being worn by fans. If I don't want you in my fraternity, I don't have to let you in. If I don't want you patronizing my business, I can ask you to leave. Similarly, if the folks at REA (due to pressure from outside sources, INCLUDING the University of North Dakota) decide that it's simply a firecracker waiting to explode if they let fans wearing SIoux jerseys in the building, why is it so unrealistic to believe that they won't impose such a policy excluding such items of clothing from being worn in the first place?
  20. I think Rush is such a polarizing figure that there was little doubt he'd fail miserably as a commentator. It was obvious that essentially none of the crew even wanted him on the set. Not to mention that he wasn't exactly cut out for the sports gig...
  21. Oh, that's right. We can't have kids in Mexican gangs threatening them and starting fights, so if we just ban the colors of the US on a select day, there should be no problems at all. The founding fathers must be turning over in their graves...then again, they probably have been for quite some time.
  22. You're missing the point, Goon. It doesn't matter that Oxbow6 typed the word 'stupid.' I want an apology from you. And if you don't give me one, I'm going to stage a protest walk until CMSioux is suspended from his job.
  23. Hey, "stupid" is a not-so-nice word. I demand an apology...from Goon.
  24. Good luck...ESPN may as well be MSNBC2 at this point in its reporting...
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