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Everything posted by Herd

  1. The demise of the Summit has been greatly exagerated. No specifics yet, but the future appears secure according to recent comments from the Jacks athletic dept about upcoming additions (see Sdsufans.com). Oru may even be coming back. Time to swallow hard and get on-board the Summit train, Und, and build a BB conference that rivals the MVC. If your AD simply said, we'll move to the Summit if we can move to the MVFC, it would likely be enough for Viterito & Douple to make it happen IMO.
  2. Herd

    Fire Muss

    Bohl seems to have turned his life around since he's been in Fargo, and had a posiive influence on a lot of young people. He is doing some very good things for the young people in his program and the his community. I'm pretty sure that it's not your place to judge, unless you'd like to be judged on your worst actions of your life. Posting items like this on a message board certainly speak more to your character than his. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
  3. Herd

    Fire Muss

    The NDSU thread was 100+, and the word hypocrites comes to mind.
  4. So DI schools that play FCS football will be scrambling to move to DI FBS football and pay another 4 million a year so . . . the Top 5 leagues can leave them behind in football, which you say will also happen? I sure wish you would tell me how that's a good idea, and how playing in a crappy FBS league that is also crappy in Basketball would help if the Top Leagues moved away for all sports.. So, will DI basketball conferences get kicked out of the top level? Is that what you are saying? An the only leagues that will be saved are the ones with FBS football? So the Sunbelt will be at the top level for BB, but the MVC won't? What about the Big East, will they be scrammbling to start fooball because FBS football is the golden ticket? Trying to understand your circular logic, or at least be able to call BS when you starting claiming again to have called every move.
  5. Thats the first good idea ive read on this board for quite some time ~ the Jackson suggestion.
  6. Sometimes, running the ball, controlling the clock for 5 miutes, getting 2 1st downs and punting it away is a win in a tight game. Limiting the other teams opportunities and giving them a long field can put a defense in a good position and can be just as good if not better than short possession thru the air and trying to score quickly. Need to find your running game. Im looking foward to a good ballgame here. Should be hard fought game. I think top and running will be important as strange as that sounds.
  7. So the sunbelt will be allowed to offer stipends, but the Big East wont? I dont agree with that.
  8. So, "there is a potential for a whole new world of college athletics"? Hey dont go out too far on that Limb. Duh, is all i can say to that. Seems like the Emperor has no clothes when it comes to more than obvious and blanket statements.
  9. Sorry, but there will be a huge political backlash if half the teams who are today DI, are not allowed to play DI BB and other sports and forced out of DI. DI is sub divided for FB, not for all other sports. Di BB is the carrot, and a major backlash will occur, if what you suggest occurs. What will playing today FBS football (FBS will need to be completely redefined under yourscenario) matter if you are in a garbage BB conf? Who in the BSC could afford to play 85 scholly FB? Nobody, the same as most of todays FCS? So if you are saying todays FBS schooly levels will be redefined to make it affordable, please specify. That is wnat i have said would need to happen for FCS to stay connected and keep games with the top level. I suggested: FB only DI 90 w/ stipends DI 70-85 w/o stipends DI 0-50 also rans But kicking half of teams out of DI is a different animal, with lawyers on speed dial.
  10. So you have created a league that Sunbelt will beat up on, where does that get you? Spending more to not be playing at the highest level of college FB in a BB league that's not a top 20 league. Great idea, and the otber half of the teams that cant afford to spend more on FB do what, drop FB? So that move is going to somehow keep you playing the top level of BB and FB? You've got quite the imagination there. So this isn't a game of shells anymore, please outline the following for all of us so we understand the details of this split with clairvoyance like you have please. Ohio State 1) Division 2)Subdivision 3) # FB Schollies 4) FB Championship 5) Basketball Championship Playing for Akron 1) Division 2)Subdivision 3) # FB Schollies 4) FB Championship 5) Basketball Championship Playing for Youngstown 1) Division 2)Subdivision 3) # FB Schollies 4) FB Championship 5) Basketball Championship Playing for
  11. Compared to the BSC, the MVC and MVFC are higher profile and in better shape if a basketball/football split would occur. The BSC doesnt have standing in either sport, and its teams are isolated and not going antwhere. Are you kidding me! Wow, what a bunch of garbage being spewed here by a few of you (no offense to most of you here).
  12. There are so many details that are very very complicated when anything other than FB is discussed. For people to sit there and say that the BSC is in a better position than the MVC from an all sports standpoint is ludicris. Half of the MVFC teams are in a top10 BB league (MVC), so dont try to tell me the BSC is going to be in a better position than either the MVC or the MVFC. You have 2-3 Haves in the BSC and the rest are have nots. The MVC may be pulled up in a split, putting the MVFC in a better position than the BSC for sure which would not be pulled up. Quite honestly, the BB situation is complicated. You are telling me a proposal to change DI BB from 340 to 120 will just happen? I say no way. Sorry Bob, im really taking to some of the other posters here.
  13. Are we on our way to 140 pages of bashing this scourge of a player? Oh, sorry, its not an NDSU player, bury the story, nothing to see here.
  14. A better play would have been . . . "I'm cauc-Asian", but I thought it was clever none the less. If you did not know the source of that sign, I can see where you might not think it was clever.
  15. You mean last year's 5-6 program that's afraid to go on the road to play an FBS game? I'm going to take a wait and see on that. I'm sure you'll run into Sam Houston at some point this year. You are 1-1 the past two years with UND, so I'm not sure you should be demanding respect on this board.
  16. Agreed, that is not a topic for TV, at least not specifically "unconsentual sex" like is being done.
  17. Yes, it is a cool deal, and would be a good opportunity for UND fans to fy a few ND flags too on their bye week. Hopefully it will be a good atmosphere in Fargo for Gameday.
  18. Bison - 2013 Only (not 2012, not 2014) MWC Top 2-3 Bowl B1G Top 4-5 Bowl B12 Top 5-6 Bowl Sec 10th or so - no Bowl
  19. Herd

    SDSU at UND

    I can't imagine that either team will score 45 points. That's not the style of play at SDSU. I would say that the winner will score 30 points max. Both teams will have to work very hard to sustain drives, and there will be a lot of punting. Just my hunch. SDSU will try to establish Zenner which could be tough and control the ball, and UND won't be able to throw at will vs SDSU. Pretty good corners (22 & 14) at SDSU.
  20. Herd

    SDSU at UND

    Style of play will be the key to this game. If UND gets an early lead and the game turns into a wide open passing game, advantage UND. SDSU will likely be the more physical of the two teams, and their key is to win a batlle in the trench dictated by the running games. UND will challenge the SDSU secondary and could put up some early points to dictate play. SDSU will try to win the TOPoss battle, and wear down the UND defense. Should be a good contest. Being at home will help UND. SDSU probably favored, but it will be a good contest. Passing efficiency and Turnovers will also be a key. I predict a 2/1 ratio ND/SDS with pass attempts. SDSU passing > 30 times equals a UND win.
  21. I heard they contacted Faison so they could "really get out in front of this thing", they held a press conference full of strong language, and in the end convinced us all that strong armed discimpline would follow . . . although they couldn't share any specifics at this time. I just had really good confidence from the tough facial expressions throughout the press conference that they were completely out in front of this thing, although i have no idea what they are actually doing. I heard they were so far out in front of this thing, that the players were actually suspended before the incident occurred. Minot AD gave full credit to Faison for his input on this move.
  22. My comments are based on B12 Media days, and comments from sports writers before and after KSU's first game. Anyway, you have your opinion. If you want to go with this is the worst KSU team in their history, go ahead, but you will be proven wrong.
  23. This board does not understand B12 Football. It is a league of speed and athleticism, and KSU has done very well competing. KSU OL is the best in that league, and they will get traction as the season goes along. KSU was accustomed to having success on the ground, but that played right into NDSU strength, so they were forced to be very one dimensional. This game was a tough matchup for KSU,, then add in a little lack of focus on conditioning for a 100 deg day and you see the result. KSU got their wakeup call, and I expect a 3 td win vs. Louisiana Lay. That will be a pissed off team next week. If they are not a 8+ win team and top 3 in the B12, I will be shocked. They were also picked 6th in 2012 before winning the championship.
  24. And you keep your shoes on, the needles out of your arms, and try to keep the rookies out of the hospital during hazing events will you please. Thanks!
  25. This thread speaks only to the lack of interest in your own program. The men on the NDSU football team are only crimials on this board and in your minds. Signatures for a possible ballot item and a bar fight aren't much . . . and not much different than a group of UND players contributing to underage drinking, or a group involved in steroids and HGH. If you want to go back the Best Buy thing, yes that was ugly (8 years ago), and the players were all quickly terminated from the program. But, Voter Fraud is when some get elected unlawfully, this was 10 steps below that to detmine if a measure is even put on the ballot. That is a major issue only in your minds here at gFU. I urge you to keep this thread going through another .500 season.
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