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Everything posted by Herd

  1. Minus (5) T&F NDSU CC NDSU Soccer NDSU Softball NDSU Gof NDSU BB UND VB UND I'd give NDSU the solid advantage in 5 Women's sports vs. 2 right now where the 2 schools compete. Hopefully our BB coach is not renewed in 2014, and a new era can begin. NDSU has been in the ncaa tournament in VB, Soccer, SB, with some great national successes in T&F and Gof. If you want to talk womens sports, NDSU has been far superior and more successful in DI. Only BB has not been on the national stage (CC I have no idea). VB is definitely a concern for NDSU right now.
  2. Yet, NDSU plays you in Volleyball and basketball, vs. you ducking NDSU in softball the past 4 years. A new arena and coaching change is basketball will turn it around. Volleyball had been dominant and higher ranked than your squad save last year, so pound your chest while you can in 1 or 2 sports.
  3. I would say that those shirts are specifically . . . UND & NDSU shirts, not Hazen Bison.
  4. Most out of staters will see an NDSU Bison shirt, and her sister wearing a souvenir "north dakota" shirt that she picked up along the interstate somewhere. Just sayin . . . time to get a nickname, unless is was a souvenir. As for the song, they will be getting a call from the state tourism department soon. Not necessarily a top 40 song (not sure what their intention is for this song), but a great commercial for the state. I could see these two ladies making some money in the industry. Good look, sound, style, and vocals IMO.
  5. The official color is a pantone version of Yellow. That Yellow color doesn't change if someone calls NDSU the green and gold, or if NDSU has gold rush. Just a phrase that flows for promotional and marketing purposes. NDSU is not going to take the popular step of changing the official color to a ND Irish gold, like many other schools have done. UNC Bears and MSU Bobcats (I believe) are both examples of going from a base yellow color 25 years ago to a golden color today. Many would say that the gold is a more modern color than the previous yellow. NDSU will stay with its base official Pantone Yellow color, that won't change.
  6. Is ncaa hockey's relationship to the NHL the same a ncaa football is to the NFL? No, it's not. 99% of football players that feed the NFL come from the NCAA ranks, while 30% of NHL players come from the ncaa ranks. So are the greatest future NHL players in the 18-24 age group playing ncaa hockey? Probably a higher percentage of the Greatest NHL players are in Am/PRO leagues in Canada and Europe vs. the NCAA. Are the greatest football players in the world in the ncaa? Abolutely. So comparisions: NFL >>>>>>> NHL (10x) NHL Feeders: Am/Pro Europe 33% = Am/Pro Canada 33% = ncaa hockey(Am) 30% > US Pro ranks 3% NFL Feeders: FBS 75% FCS 20% Other NCAA/Other 5% Mathematically: FCS Football equal to (or greater than) NCAA hockey in its importance for Professional sports leagues of NFL football and NHL hockey.
  7. I agree, depends on scholarship level. Under the scenario that I posted where the 2nd Tier had a 70-85 scholarship slot, the former FCS conference could move from 63 to 70 scholarships and only spend about 1 million more annually with the womens's added too. If moving to 85 (up 22x2) would cost 3 millioin, moving to 70 (7x2) would only be 1 million in my estimation. This expense could be assisted by playing a game vs. the top level for 500k or more. So IMO, it would make sense to move up to a number less than 85 (like 70) if it gave you access to again play B1G or top level games, and put you in competition with some of the FBS's current 2nd Tier. I could also envisions the SBC or the MAC saying, let's cap scholarship at 75 or 80 to help our economic situation. As long as they could still play the top level.
  8. Maybe Scholarship Slots could be utilized to bring the Lower FBS and FCS together in ranges that covferences could choose vs. just having a specific maximum. I could envision the following in 10 years. For example, the MWC could have an 85 scholly max and play in the 2nd level vs. the MVFC who would have a conf max scholly level of 70. DI 86-90: 86-90 Schollies, $3000 Stipends, Major tv contracts, modified academic requirements, major ass kissing of athletes, Small 4 Team Playoff Championship DI 70-85: 70-85 Scholarship range, no Stipends, Plays games against top level, 16 team Playoff Championship DI 0-50: 0-50 Scholarships, no games vs. top Level; Do like the Ivies with no Championship or maybe an 8 Team Champoinship, NO games vs top level DI 86-90: SEC, B1G, B12, P12, ACC, (MWC or AAC select Teams?) DI 70-85: MWC, AAC, SBC, MAC, CUSA, Big Sky, MVFC, CAA, Southern, Southland/Ohio (split select teams) DI 0-50: Southland/Ohio (split), Pioneer, Patriot, NEC, Ivy, SWAC, MEAC, Big South Of the MWC, AAC, SBC, MAC or CUSA . . . who would be willing to play the Big Sky, MVFC, CAA and SoCon teams for a 2nd Level Championship? They would probably loath the thought. (Now I'm the one spreading misinformation .. . ha,ha)
  9. The top level FBS will likely start with Stipends (2000-3000) per full scholarship player per year to create a advantage. I think the ncaa will have to concede this minimum request to appease the Top 5 conferences. That will keep all of FBS together for another couple of years IMO in the current ncaa structure. If there is a 70 team split to a supposed new division, the bottom of FBS and the FCS have a long way to go to be on a level playing field. Splitting the 13 FCS conferences for half of them to join the Lower FBS to make a 120 team division will be hard to do. I just wonder how this can practically be done. You might be able to pull some FCS teams up to 70 scholarships, but what FCS conferences would move up, move down, and how far can they afford?. Hard to tell. Move to 70: Big Sky, MVfC, CAA, Southern, Southland (Split) Move to 50: Ohio Valley, Pioneer, SWAC, Patriot, Northeast, MEAC, Ivy, Big South, Southland (split) That would seem most likely . . . if the MWC, SunB, MAC, AAC, UCSA would be willing to move down to a lower scholarship level. . . and I really doubt that. And the 50 scholarship level? That a worthless championship thats no better than DII.
  10. The MVFC commissioner? Ya, that would be my primary source for Information about the group of 5, as would anything that Doug Fullerton has to say. And . . . What does NDSU, an FCS FB school have to do with this? Absolutely zero. The lower tier of FBS and the FCS are 22 scholarships apart, and won't be at the same level anytime soon. You think the Big Sky is going to magically merge with the MWC to to play for the same championship when they are miles apart in dollars and scholarships? How many in the BSC could afford to go up in scholarship? Very few. You think the MWC is going down? Ha, ha, ha . . . And . . . Who is scrambling for position? There is the Top 5 FBS conf, and the bottom 5. The movement to the top 5 is done. Who is scrambling? Scramble to get into the bottom 5, why? If there is a separation, who wants to be in the Lower FBS Tier? Not very sexy if the top would split, other than an I occasional game vs the top. Lots of misinformation in this thread. Hopefully people understand the facts and look past the misinformation.
  11. My take away from Jim Delaney as his desired outcome: (B1G Media Day) 1 FBS Champion (Same as today) Top Tier FBS 85 Scholarships & Stipends Low Tier FBS 85 Scholarship (no stipend unless than can afford) That is very little change desired by Delaney, as he understand their responsibility to all of college FB. The Group of 5 is not in unison on this topic obviously as some want to move away from the Lower Tier FBS.
  12. If I were Bohl, I'd announce a 1 game suspension for Beck on Aug 31st to be served immediately. He doesn't have the luxury of exhibition games to suspend players for.
  13. If Brescani delete emails, they would be in Legislator's hand right now, it would be an easy recovery from backup. If they are indeed Deleted, Brescani didn't do it, I can assure you that.
  14. Blamed for the NDUS accessing and manipulating Brescani's email account? Are you even following the story, or just making up your own story?
  15. Several theories posed by the latest foum editorial, none of which seem to be pointing at Brescani as being responsible for this wrongdoing. http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/404367/
  16. So . . . Brescani is just throwing us off the trail of Felonous deeds by stating that his emai account has been compromised by NDUS oversight on numbers occaisions in 2013, huh? You're still going with Brescani delete thousands of emails and lying to the public, instead of the NDUS having a hand in this? So if he deleted them, the legistators should have them in hand within 24 hours, right? I could get any email I deleted recovered within 24 hours if it was urgently needed through my company. Looks like the NDUS IT Support team is really good . . . or maybe they aren't being very helpful.
  17. No, I would feel the same say if someone said that Kelley deleted 45000 emails in a matter of a few days that could not be found. I would firmly believe that it was not done by him. You are missing my point. Individuals don't delete emails, they clear them from their desktop, and copies of the emails are on backup media to be retrieved during the required record retain period. If the emails were actually deleted and erased, that would be coming from an IT administrative function with access to the backup, not Brescani. The other thing . . . 45000 emails deleted in a short period of time? I know how to delete groups of emails, but it would take a long time to delete 45000 especially if done selectively using keywords to delete specific messages. That clearly sounds to me like an activity that was completed by an IT person with administrative access who searched by keyword, sorted, and deleted. Sounds like a setup to me, not something done by Brescani. It's also very intesting how the AG was tipped of to investigate. The whole thing seem pretty fishy to me. Brescani would have to be a complete idiot to think that he could eliminate an email trail by removing it from his desktop. If Brescani deleted emails, why are they not being recovered on backup media within <24 hrs? Also, I would have expected Brescani to remain silent if he had done something wrong, not communicate to the student body and go on the attack. I think something happened in Bismarck, not Fargo. They were tipped off about Brescani, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if they find in the coming days that emails from other University presidents were also deleted. Who do you think Brescani was communicating with?
  18. Yes, we get your point, you hate ndsu. If Brescani would have trashed 45000 emails, it would be a small issue because this emails could essily be recovered from the backup media. However if they are truly deleted without backup, that is sureuly an adminisrative inside job, which this is appearing to be. Sorry Darrell, you are just getting your hopes up for another disappointing conclusion. Gee, who just lost his job and is trying to take someone down along with him? This whole thing is starting to become clear. I think there will be a few IT job openings in Bismarck soon Darrell if thats your specialty along with the Ndus opening.
  19. Is "Sic" a tractor repair man? He used the word and I copied his word without looking it up. I'll standby while you continue to act like an ass and throw some insults at him too. Do you have anything intelligent to say, or do you just wait for a typo and pounce?
  20. You & 82 seem to think that its easy to sucede, i say it would take 2 years or likely longer to plan. You & 82 seem to think its easy to form a new FBS tier and the top 5 conf easily separate themselves within the ncaa. I say its going to be a large problem with the bottom 5 conf who will fight this tooth and nail. You & 82 talk abou your criteria. But yet you discuss from 10000 feet and avoid details. Just a difference of opinion, and thats ok. I dont repreesent anyone else with my opinion, certainly not ndsu.
  21. Sam Houston wouldn't sue to be part of the FBS silly, I did not suggest that. Sam Houston is in FCS. Teams already in FBS would have that option if they were told that they would not longer be allowed to be at the top level of College FB. If a school was spending, has fan support, and scholarships at the same levels as teams in the top 5 conferences that were creating a separate FBS Tier, sueing would be an option. The top 5 conferences have to come up with a way to 'legally' separate themselves, and that's not easy. And yes, individual schools can, outside of scholarship, decide to spend whatever then want, whatever their program can bring in. How do you think Texas is spending $100 million on athletics? Do MN and MI spend the same on FB, Athletics? Absolutely not, they spend what their university can generate. As for the top 5 conferences starting a new ncaa like organization . . . 2 years minimum to make that happen, and likely 5. They can threaten to do that, but really, that's the last thing they want. They would much prefer to keep BB and all sports in the NCAA.
  22. Yes, I'd rather play UND than a DII, any reasonable fan would. This 2013 game against Ferris State has nothing to do with scheduling UND, the topics are not related. If we schedule Ferris state now for a return trip in 2015, then you'd have something to talk about.
  23. Is a game against a DII as good as a game against a bottom feeder FCS team? No it's not, bottom line it's a non-counter. That's the end of that discussion. An 11th game is better than nothing, and nothing was knocking on the door. The margin for error just went down for NDSU, but with 24 teams in the playoffs, 7 wins would get you in. As for saying that NDSU would rather play Ferris State vs. UND, what's the point of that discussion? Was NDSU going to drop MSU for UND? NO, so what's the point of the discussion. UND's schedule was full when the MSU phone call came.
  24. Why is this situation having any more of an impact on NDSU than any other school in the FCS? Sorry, I don't understand your statement. Yes, the NCAA is a voluntary organization, so if they tell you to change your nickname if you want to stay, you don't have much choice unless you want to form a 1 team conference in a new Organization and play with yourself. In the case of 5 conferences possibly leaving the NCAA, I guess they wouldn't be playing with themselves, would they. That said, no way that anyone will be leaving the NCAA anytime soon, too much red tape to form a new organization. That venture would go something like year 1 beer profits at TCF, not so good.
  25. It surely could present legal anti-trust issues if the Top 5 conferences were allowed to form their own Tier for Football within the NCAA. Specific criteria would need to be outlined, and if teams in the Bottom 5 conferences individually met those criteria, it would Surely be a probelm. Yes the NCAA is a volutary organization, so what? Their membership criteria must be specifically outlined for all to follow. If UNLV in the MWC (or other schools) are spending more, with greater fans support and the same scholarship levels as the bottom dwellers in the top 5 conferences, they could take legal action to be included in this new Tier of football. Not sure what you are thinking, other than blowing a gasket over things you aparently do not understand. If the top 5 conference moved to 90 scholarhsips, what would prevent UNLV from moving to 90 also? If a similar situation happened in FCS with a split within the NCAA, and the Southland Conference (which Sponsore the Maximum 63 scholarships) was told that they were be being moved into the Lower FCS Tier because overall they did not spend a much and were not as strong, Individual schools in the Southland like Sam Houston and Central AR could raise holy hell and take legal action. The criterial outlined by the NCAA for an FCS split would need to be applied consistenly to every school involved, not just by conference. If Sam Houston was in the top 10 in fan attendance Max scholarships, and spending, they could take legal action to ensure they would not be kept in the lower tier. It would likely be on the NCAA to find a way that Sam Houston could be included in the Upper Tier, because they meet all the requirements. Just being in a certain conference is NOT a legal Criteria to discriminate against them. Example: FCS Tier 1 Championship: Big Sky, CAA, NEC, MVFC, OVC, SoCon (6) FCS Tier 2 Championship: Southland, Big South, Patriot, Pioneer, MEAC, SWAC (6)
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