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Everything posted by Herd

  1. Herd

    2013 Playoffs

    16 MISSOURI VALLEY (AA)= 60.25 60.13 ( 14) 10 59.97 ( 16) 17 CONFERENCE USA-EAST (A) = 58.41 57.37 ( 19) 7 58.77 ( 17) 18 SUN BELT (A) = 58.35 57.65 ( 17) 8 58.01 ( 19) 19 MAC-EAST (A) = 57.87 57.41 ( 18) 7 58.06 ( 18) 20 COLONIAL (AA)= 57.02 55.77 ( 20) 11 56.91 ( 20) 21 SOUTHLAND (AA)= 53.37 53.73 ( 21) 8 53.49 ( 21) 22 OHIO VALLEY (AA)= 53.02 52.70 ( 22) 9 52.85 ( 22) 23 IVY LEAGUE (AA)= 48.76 47.03 ( 26) 8 49.13 ( 23) 24 SOUTHERN (AA)= 48.31 47.76 ( 23) 9 47.97 ( 24) 25 BIG SKY (AA)= 47.25 47.20 ( 24) 13 47.28 ( 25)
  2. Is that an official prediction? We'll check that one in a year vs your "perfect record" of prognostication.
  3. Volley is officially on adminstrative leave . . . there was no comment from his office.
  4. Maybe it was the overall hipocrasy regarding anything NDSU, or maybe the 150 papge thread disparaging NDSU student athletes?
  5. If an NDSU coach had a DUI, and it didn't make it to the media, it would be a . . . "Miracle". UND, on the other hand, has a different culture. Your admin believes they are smarter than the rest of us, and should be in charge of whether information is public or kept private, instead of disclosure and transparency. If something were to be kept from the media, and it became public, it would be a non-story in gFU because of the support the entitlement mentality by the fans and town. On the other handed it would be a big deal at NDSU, where there is no belief that our admin is entitled. Your admin believes they are entitled to that protection, because they are gFU. It's called the Faison "out in front of it" culture of entitlement, and aparently this board has mostly bought in. Lots of hypocracy.
  6. What is the charge of which you speak, "Suggesting Disorderly Conduct", where your not actually being disorderly, just you are suggesting that you might be disorderly?. What a brilliant legal mind. Ya, It would have been a lot better if the kid had not suggested taking it outside, and he was tagged with property damage while we was defending himself . . . ya that would have been a lot better.
  7. These guys for SCSU were taking on the police. I'm pretty sure the kid in Fargo took a few punches and dished out a few, but it wasn't to the police. Getting in a fight with someone, then cooperating witht he police is a little different than just fighting with the police. I know you're trying awful hard here, but it's time you sit down and re-think this one. Heck, if the police investigate and the charges are dropped against the boys in SC, they will be back on the team too. Wow, the hate runs deeeep at gFU.
  8. I have to give Siouxsports some credit . . . you actually started a "Negative UND" thread . . . and you did it all on your own. That's very mature of SS. It wasn't posted on page 22 of a Denver Game 2 hockey forum, it was it's own thread. I'm very proud of you guys. If no alcohol was involved, I can't see where this will result in anything more than a note in his file, which is what should have happened with Hinterstocker. It was either so minor that he didn't notice, or there was virtually no damage, got to be one or the other. I assume that with a van load of people, this can't be anythiing sigificant.
  9. Is it really that hard for people here to understand? Do I really need to explain it again? There is a big difference in comparing options between. . . Big Sky vs Summit only, and Big Sky vs Summit/MVFC Anyone in there right minds would rather be in the Big Sky vs the Summit only, which is what Bison fans were comparing in those posts. Why do you keep posting that stuff, it's irrelevant. What's relevant is where UND wants to be if the Summit/MVFC is available to them. That's all that is relevant in this discussion. No one (including UND) would think about leaving the Big Sky unless the football offer is in place.
  10. So NDSU can travel more, spend more, with fewer fans on the road, with fewer rivals games, and further from key recruiting bases? Do you really think so Darell? Clearly not advantageous for NDSU, and not in the cards.
  11. To answer your question . . . Would NDSU be in the Big Sky alone, or with SDSU/USD/UND? Would we be 100 miles from the nearest conference mate, or 1000 miles? That would make a big difference.
  12. No motives actually, I've just heard a lot of people over here crowing about the demise of the Summit, and I think the Summit will really get on solid footing in the next few years with the addition of Denver and hopefully the return of ORU and other additions. One of the prominent posters here, who is never wrong, even stated that the Summit will lose its autos and have to merge or die. Do I want UND in the Summit? I've said it before, and I'll say it again . . . I think UND in Big Sky helps the perception of NDSU within the state of ND. I think it opens the door for NDSU to be more prominent in the state of ND, and minimizes the competition, especially for FB recruiting. It's probably a matter of perspective . . . does UND in the Big Sky differentiate UND in a positive way, or put UND on an island? As UND has more and more success, it probably makes being the Big Sky a better situation. At some point, I expect UND to realize that being in a conference with SD, SDSU and NDSU helps them, and their perception in the region. Until then . . . carry on.
  13. It is something that whiny little girls who use words like "yippie", carry on their arms. Thanks for asking
  14. This campaign is about building the academic brand. Enrollment & quality of education, not athletics at all IMO from reviewing the state of the U address. Athletics is a window to an institution, so that is not completely removed from the equation.
  15. With AJ, a member of the SDSU athletic department, indicating upcoming new members to the Summit during a formal SDSU speaking engagement, I'd say that's a pretty reliable source. It appears that something solid is in place.
  16. Agreed. It seems like Und is satisfied in the Sky, period. So nothing will likely happen. But, you have to believe that Und will inquire with the Summit/MVFC at some point just due to logistics. I also think that Summit BB could have a big upside (top 15 conf) if ORU came back, and make a push to compete with the new MVC.
  17. I agree that is has to do with trying to build enrollment. With NDSU being in a much stronger position than it was relative to the funding formula, there is a push to build enrollment and infrastructure, according to the recent state of the university address. Hopefully its about building quality, not just enrollment.
  18. They are not going to invite you to dinner. You have to ask if its OK if you stay for dinner, and if that's OK, you'll bring some scotch and cigars to show your appreciation. Gee wiz, how do you think these things work? No one is going to stroke your ego with an invite out of the blue, you have to make things happen for yourself through negotiation.
  19. Seems like a Summit/MVFC invite is there for the taking . . . although it's a lot more fun for some to sit back and do nothing except fuss and cry.
  20. So when your mom buys your sister a new pursue, do you fuss, cry and scream that you didn't get a new pursue . . . or do you simply ask your mother if she would also buy you a new pursue. Seem like a lot of fussing and crying over here.
  21. The Summit Commish probably wants UND in the Summit for all sports, not just baseball. So he probably loses some leverage be allowing you to pick and choose which sports you'd bring in. Also, it sounds like the baseball situation will be taken care of without Und, but we will see. After a year of two in the WAC, it will be Und approaching the Summi v. the other way around. And I really don't think GT is trying to keep UND out, unless you have some proof to the contrary.
  22. I am assuming that Und won't be part of any upcoming moves to the Summit, but that isn't because of anyone in St. Louis or Fargo. Your AD would gladly go into debt before picking up the phone.
  23. I'm sure Douple'd spill the beans on specifics if your AD showed some interest. Time to pick up the phone, pick up the phone . . . before the train leaves the station.
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