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Everything posted by Herd

  1. I think is more of the fact that a high percentage of NDSU fans grew up in MN, and NDSU doesn't have hockey. If you grew up cheering for gopher hockey, why would you root for UND hockey if you are a bison fan that grew up in MN? You have plenty of bison fans who root for either und or gopher hockey.
  2. Let's face it, for a school in eastern ND, your primary area for recruiting (outside of ND) will be MN, WI, IA, SD, IL, NE. I'm not sure how you expect to have major recruiting success vs. SDSU, USD, UNI and other teams that sit and play in that recruiting area. A result of playing in the BSC will be having some struggles with recruiting those states vs. teams playing closer than you play. Of course, recruiting CO, UT, CA, WA, OR ect. . . is no picnic for a team sitting in eastern ND either. Something to think about.
  3. oh stop it Darrell with your loser "me too, their picking on me" attitude. There are a lot of things associated with Indians, who are real people by the way. Horses, Mustangs, Eagles, Crows, Ravens, dirt, broncos, wind, sky, snow, rain, mountains, tatanka, and many many more, none of which you will note are real human beings. I think you forget your misery loves company attitude, and enjoy the holidays. I can probably play Indian association with every nickname in America . . . The Pioneers, didn't thy kick the Indians out of their territory, I suppose you have a problem with that one too.
  4. The University of North Dakota State with an athletic budget of $45 million would have been a top tier MWC player, and a fringe B12 candidate. Oh what could have been. If forming top universities in ND today, there would not be two.
  5. Herd

    King Bresciani

    There are times that he should not be behind the wheel (that goes for me too). Entertaining donors is on the Job description. That said, this needs to get cleaned up. Other than that, this guy is doing his job well and kicking some ass based on what I've seen. He has done an amazing job of putting NDSU finances back on n solid ground, and is ensuring that NDSU is getting fair treatment in its allocations. He has done a hell of a job in his short time. This guy has great passion, and the students love him. His state of the U addresses reflect that. If you want to hold NDSU back, you should be calling for this guy's head.
  6. IN State has a good argument over Idaho State, but why Montana State? 1 point head to head is the only argument for MT state on that one, but maybe MT State can get a win a home in the playoffs.
  7. But Idaho State thorottled Montana head to head, and had the same record. The two non DI were the issue I guess, but I'd take my chances with Idaho State over Mt State.
  8. I'd take Idaho State, and would have left Montana State at home, not Indiana State. Montana State failed the eye test miserably with the committee watching. MT/MT State should have been loser out, with Idaho State in. Indiana State actually had quality wins compared to the 3 BSC schools with Liberty UNI, FBS, although some bad loses too. You also have to consider that the BSC is the 7th rated conference based on sagarin, 7th.
  9. Let's be a little bit honest here. The Big Sky would galdly take Idaho with or without Fooball, without in this case. So bringing Idaho in for olymipic sports means nothing with regard to FB. If Idaho brings football to the Big Sky, they will be FCS. If something changes with the existing model and FCS conferences would be allowed to increase scholarships and move FBS, then we'll talk. Until then, Idaho FB in the Big Sky means Idaho is FCS. You can try to spin it, but its just that, spin. And why on earth would the P5 be in support of the Big Sky moving FBS? Why on earth? . . . that is a completely illogical suggestion. The P5 could care less about Idaho and the Big Sky conference. If they spoke out, it would be strongly against making exceptions for adding teams to the bottom of the Subdivision. If Idaho was the best team in a conference, the P5 would laugh and say no thank you. I've said it before but I'll say it again. The only way to move FBS, under existing rules, is by going to an existig FBS conference one or two teams at a time. Anything else, like a whole FCS conference trying to move up, will be quickly rejected. And, all this has nothing to do with NDSU volley, but go ahead and try to work NDSU in and make something up, like you always do.
  10. If Idaho shows up to play football in the Big Sky, how does that somehow allow the Big Sky to move FBS. That is a massive assumption on your part that has < 5% chance of ever coming to fruition. NDSU to the Sunbelt for FB only is a slam dunk in comparison to Idaho to the Big Sky making the Big Sky FBS. That scenario is a pipe dream. Even if it would be allow rule wise (which it is not), the NCAA would be hugely pumping the brakes on poor football quality alone. A Big Sky conference that is well down the list in the FCS rankings could not compete at the FBS level, at all. So when the CAA talked to the NCAA about moving FBS as a whole, why didn't they exercise your loophole and just invite in one existing FBS team and magically make their conference FBS? The CAA and every other FCS conference who has had talks with the NCAA about moving FBS would be crying foul loudly to the NCAA if this Big Sky scenario was OK'd by the NCAA. Other FCS conferences would be against the Big Sky moving FBS and every FBS conference would be against the Big Sky becoming FBS. So how on earth would the Big Sky actually get approval? Truth is, they would not, not in a million years with the existing FBS/FCS system that will likely be in place well beyond 2017-2018. If something would change with the FBS/FCS model, then its possible. But then it would be possible for all FCS conferences, but just the Big Sky. Face it, there is no common sense in your arguments, and nothing magical that the BSC will be allowed to do.
  11. Herd

    FBS games

    The top of the SEC is scary but why wouldn't NDSU compete with anyone in the B12 or B10. Heck K State, TCU, MI State, not too scary. All 3 are 1 loss teams with a shot if they run the table, according to the experts. Great defense and a ball control running game would allow you to compete. Outside of Ala, MS, MS St, Florida St, Auburn . . . an NDSU type of team could compete. Wow this "playoff" is a sham, needs to be expanded. If it happened today is would be SEC 3, ACC 1, and everyone else out. Would an FCS playoff made up of 4 teams from 2 FCS conferences be a fair "playoff"?
  12. Anything's possible. If NDSU wins a 4th championship an offer like this might come. Not that I'd be super excited about football in the Sunbelt, but it would open the door for football games to continue vs. the B1G and B12 which appear to be drying up. Would also bring in home games vs. MAC, MWC teams which would be petty cool. Reuniting in a FB conf with App and GSo wouldn't be terrible, fans would have some knowledge of these teams. Maybe one team from the group of IL State, MO State, Youngstown, UNI or SDSU would come along for the ride with NDSU. If FBS football would happen, would I rather play FBS football in Big Sky with full conference membership there, or go the Summit/Sunbelt option? Pretty easy, I'd take the Sunbelt/Summit over a full conference of Idaho type teams. Better basketball, less travel for olymipic sports, and better respected FB. The SBC doesn't garner a lot of respect, but an FBS Big Sky would be a disaster of a league. (see Idaho's current position in the SBC standings)
  13. Herd


    They were just looking for votes from allthe und students that attend ndsu football games. They assumed a little advertising on campus would do the trick. Wait, that's illegal?
  14. Not letting Denver in because of football is a stupid artificial rule by Fullerton and the BSC. Again, stupid by Fullerton.
  15. Stupid move by Fullerton. He single handedly made sure that the Summit would both have life, and that the BSC would be buried below them in the Basketball standings by saying NO to Denver. The Summit will be perenniel top half 16 of 32 conference with Denver & ORU in the fold.
  16. Can't you just enjoy another great UND moral victory without bringing up NDSU? Enjoy the season!
  17. Then there's the fact that the last time your FBS theories were posted on egriz, you were laughed at, ridiculed, and run off the board. You were specifically told that you "know not of which you speak". Updating video boards is preparing for an FBS move? Really now, I guess UND is in the fold with their recent upgrade. If Montana was serious about the FBS, they wouldn't be taking the risky road of moving up with a BSC group that can't afford it, they would be pursuing the MWC. Surprisingly, the great majority of MT fans on egriz seem to be happy with the status quo. They don't want to wind up like Idaho was the clear message.
  18. You still have Tennis and swimming, and basketball maybe until the newarena opens.
  19. Yet we play you in volleyball, and you dont bother to show up for you asskicking in softball.
  20. Sure, changes could happen that would allow fcs conferences to join a changed fbs. But the big sky would have no more ability to move than any other fcs conference. Sv's whole lifelong goals is to screw over ndsu, and his judgement is clearly impared. Someday he will be featured on svu, and well know the whole story. Dude is scary imo.
  21. SDSU not winning FBS games can be attributed to their schedule. holy crap, they've played murderer's row when it comes to FBS games compared to UND and NDSU. NE (2), MO, IL, KS etc, etc. Not going to knock SDSU, they've played great teams tough as shown again by their game at MO this week. Not too many WY, SJ, Fresno's for Ball States on SDSU's schedule.
  22. Hey, the Summit wanted you/needed you. If you would have joined the Summit, the other Summit teams would have been your support and ticket to join the MVFC, and quickly. You would be in the MVFC right now, no doubt about that. Over and over I hear . . . "The MVFC would not take us". Idiots, all you had to do was join the Summit, and the offer would have come quickly. Hey, maybe you are happier in the BSC . . . if so, good for you, but please don't whine about the MVFC not inviting you, all you had to do was join the Summit. If my post ignites another round of Summit bashing, then so be it. Check the Summit sagarin vs. the BSC. A little more Summit bashig will hopefully keep you in the BSC and out of the MVFC for a few more recruting cycles . . . ha, ha. Honestly, your FB is not better off in the BSC.
  23. UND's program caught ndsu at the lowly scholarship level of 36. I'm pretty confident that UND won't catch up to NDSU's level at 63 scholarships or higher. UND isnt willing or able to stretch for football like NDSU has proven they can. If NDSU isn't on a path upward by 2020 beyond fcs, I'll be shocked. NDSU won't sit back for long if they cant get games vs the top level now that they have tasted success vs the top level.
  24. Im sure the Cal Poly AD is way out in front of this situation, handling it internally, and doing everything right.
  25. After being ranked top 5 in DI FCS for most of the 2 years prior to 6-5/3-8 (#1 for most of one year) and knowing that the talent was strong, yes I was confident that it would be a quick turnaround. NDSU had some lockroom cancer to cleanse, and a defensive coordinator to run off, and the course was righted. NDSU lost a lot of close games in their 3-8 season, and really can attribute a big part of the problem to conflicts in the coaching ranks between Bohl and Breske. From a player standpoint they were close. They had the top rusher in all of FCS that year in Paschall, but the defensive scheme was awful. It really turned almost immediately the following year to a winning team with a strong defense, with a lot of the same players.
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