Read that KSSioux's wife, who is part NA, was/is "disgusted" by the fact that Cavalry is still in the running. Guess I struggle to see where at this stage in the nickname game the NA population's opinion is relevant. They, as a collected group, had ample opportunities to help resolve the "Fighting Sioux" issue. Right now it is what it is...........IMO it's time for the NA community to step aside on this issue and just take whatever becomes of it. Roughriders, Spirit, Cavalry, Sundogs or Fighting Greens........very few are going to be happy with the ultimate outcome. But for those within the NA community, and not singling out KSSioux's wife, to go from "hostile and abusive" with "Fighting Sioux" to now "disgusted" that Cavalry is still on the board...............I have a problem with that.