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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Read that KSSioux's wife, who is part NA, was/is "disgusted" by the fact that Cavalry is still in the running. Guess I struggle to see where at this stage in the nickname game the NA population's opinion is relevant. They, as a collected group, had ample opportunities to help resolve the "Fighting Sioux" issue. Right now it is what it is...........IMO it's time for the NA community to step aside on this issue and just take whatever becomes of it. Roughriders, Spirit, Cavalry, Sundogs or Fighting Greens........very few are going to be happy with the ultimate outcome. But for those within the NA community, and not singling out KSSioux's wife, to go from "hostile and abusive" with "Fighting Sioux" to now "disgusted" that Cavalry is still on the board...............I have a problem with that.
  2. FYP
  3. Twins tied w KC for first in division...and it is almost June.
  4. Well........now it's becoming crystal clear!
  5. Your UND "Feral Cats on Crack with a Bad Groomer"! Too wordy.....
  6. Who doesn't like Berrys Flambe'?
  7. SOG 10-0 Ducks
  8. CHI getting worked over right now.
  9. FYP
  10. That somehow people actually give a _____ about the people of GF and/or GFRRHS and their opinion.
  11. Holy schnikey........what a 37 second collapse by CHI.
  12. Really........Mattson in your opinion then?
  13. They like the Red Pepper and Italian Moon? They were members of the gobc?
  14. How about the UND TIny Bubbles. Not offensive, is happy and gay, is unique and it honors one of Strasburg, ND finest. Logo could be challenging but it would be with Artic Blaze, Fighting Greens, Green Pride or the like.
  15. Wikipedia also has Roughrider as a state nickname..........and Fargo as the state capitol. So there!
  16. Then you can go to Walmart and buy your 3 pack of Haines green t-shirts in anticipation of the UND Fighting Greens!
  17. So to recap on the possibility of using Roughriders for the new UND nickname: The good people of Grand Forks and anyone ever associated with RRHS need to give written consent that they approve with the potential duplication of the nickname...or that RRHS will adopt the new nickname "Little Roughriders". Also either the university or RRHS need to phyiscally move its location to fulfill the criteria as to be located more than 1.5 miles from each other but within 65 miles based on the geographic relationship between Kindred and Valley City. Did I miss anything?
  18. If Poolman doesn't play mostly forward last season KT is most likely the odd D-man out most nights. IMO he has no business entertaining thoughts about going pro at this stage in his hockey career.
  19. I'm with you. Looks really good. Some will argue it would look better without the ND but with a gay ax wielding lumberjack decal...or at least that logo would sell more T-shirts.
  20. I'm coming around to Nokotas if it can't be........wait for it........Ridas.
  21. Roughriders or bust.........
  22. You been drinking too many Bud Lime again...haven't you?
  23. I'll disagree with you on Roughriders. Of the 64 left the two you mentoined above are the clear cut winners IMO and we should vote now!
  24. If you are on the committee and you said "yes" to Fighting Greens, Blizzard Dogs, Artic Blaze, Green Pride or Wings (just to select a few) you should look at yourself in the mirror and realize this process isn't for you and step aside. To try and give any rational thought that any of these names could possibly be the new nickname at the university you were selected to represent is absurd.
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