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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Walz still good for his 74K during that timeframe? He needs 73390 more in 3 weeks. 4+ months into this outbreak worldwide and we are a zero short of your number in this country's death total by 4/21. Maybe I just need to jump into the Fauci camp of 1.6-2.2M worst case scenario US deaths and just go about my own business but by that time, over the course of 18 months or so, what are any of us going to have to come back to society wise? If this country is in lockdown until June 1 or beyond I have not heard one economic expert say we'll recover from that to pre-corona. BTW way front page of the Fargo Forum this morning........headline "Study predicts 171 ND virus deaths" and somewhere real journalists and reporters like Chuck Todd and Jim Acosta are dodging dead bodies falling from the sky.
  2. Dr. Birx has stated outside of the NY area the positive confirmation rate nation wide is slightly below 8%. BTW I thought anything flu to COVID comparisons were apples to oranges according to many here???
  3. Aren't all the current models used by the experts using some assumptions? The answer is yes. The models are trying to extrapolate and forecast over 330M. I'd be shocked if the positive testing confirmation rate in ND winds up being roughly 8.5% across the board when this is over. I know even at that total % extrapolated out it doesn't fit the "sky's falling" narrative for which I apologise.
  4. Almost 4000 ND residents have been tested. Current positive testing rate is 2.8% of those 3909 tested. Let's say that rate TRIPLES across the entire state of our roughly 760000 residents. That tripled rate means 63900 ND residents will be infected when it's all said and done. At a death rate 1.5% ND will have around 960 deaths statewide. If by chance is hovers around 3% from here on out......340 deaths.
  5. Heard multiple healthcare systems in ND meeting with the Governor and the state health department later today. Don't know if this falls into category of fact though.
  6. Well at least a line in the sand was drawn about posting just relevant headlines so there's that.
  7. On a virus note.....ND is up to 2 deaths. 80+ female with underlying complicating conditions. Burgum in deliberations about starting a Sign Up Genius for a hour slots for outdoor time. Kind of like the prison yard. MN still has 73991 to go.....with the worldwide death toll at around 35500.
  8. Please stay overseas. America will thank you down the road.
  9. If not another 4 more years those in this part of the country need to start chopping wood to heat their homes. "No new fracking"...."No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. Ends."
  10. Will the travel quarantine pertain to those of us that want to to go to AZ this fall/winter so at least we can stand outside in line in warmer weather to get our government controlled rations of essential goods?
  11. BTW this is not directed at you just found that part above interesting but that box has been checked thru April 30........ but my guess is Fauci on Easter Sunday will tell Trump "better make it thru Memorial Day just to be safe". Just read an article in the Forum "Scared, angry, hopeless". It's about those already out of work in this areas but nothing relevant there. Now reading "ND's rural hospitals face 'daily struggle' to make ends meet". States that ND's 36 rural hospitals operate on an average profit margin of 1.5%. Can't acute care patients in Cando just drive the 2 hours to Minot or GF? Where's the "potential" models for the number businesses and restaurants that will permanently close, bankruptcies, divorces, deaths by mitagating factors on the back side of this crisis? Apples to oranges right? Early estimates are another 2M jobless claims when report come out Thursday.
  12. Kind of irrelevant now that we are locked into another 30+ days of federal "slow the spread" guidelines but I appreciate you checking in. Pop back in here on April 30.......we can count up all the businesses and restaurants locally that go under.
  13. So let's say 2700 are going to pass away from this virus over 18 months.......but Burgum ended up flipping the lives of around 117k students K-12 upside down for how long??? He better see the big picture pretty soon.
  14. Based on that model and the current death rate of 1.8% that is roughly 2700 deaths in ND over the 18 month span. 25 obits in Forum today. Say 20 deaths a day in this area and that's over 7000 in a year.......just in this area. Not the entire state. I think most reasonable ND residents will give this 3-4 more weeks tops of sitting at home doing nothing, not working before they say we need to get back to living.
  15. San Francisco Chronicle reported this morning that the state of CA had 21M N95 masked stock piled. All of them are expired. All of them surpassed it's wear-by date.
  16. 19 weeks is a long time. 240 is alarming but still a lot less than 400.
  17. The statistics are accurate. My verbage was not. My wording should been better as to say confirmed cases.....you are definitely correct there. As of yesterday morning 2.87% of those tested in ND were confirmed positive. Probably slightly higher today with new cases.
  18. That's very alarming.....and I completely agree. For some perspective though if I may........worldwide as of this morning it has been 19 weeks since first confirmed case in China. The world is average 240 deaths per week over that time frame and that is with a death rate of 4.7%. That 240 is about 170 less deaths per week (estimated) than the flu season in this country. Also the current death rate in the US is 1.8% which is still high. 10 weeks since confirmed outbreak in US...... average weekly deaths is currently at 32. See above.........SD has one death. Go ahead and call them for an explanation
  19. 0.008% of SD residents have been infected. 0.27% of NY state residents have been infected. Most populated state CA has 0.014% infectious rate.
  20. Says every HS student athlete in ND. What a travesty.
  21. So if snowbirds leave PHX, stop in CO to see family then get back to ND is that then 28 days Mylynn???
  22. I'd be better off having a misdemeanor record at Rikers...........
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