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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. If you're talking 20000 restaurants jobs lost in MN that will never open their doors again or won't make after reopening.....I will take the over. Way over. Those people make up about 10% of the state's workforce.
  2. Well if you are cleaning windshields on an off ramp of 35W for some spare change and someone runs you over we know what killed you.
  3. Wow......didn't know she was now not an "expert" when addressing the nation. So to recap....... Dr. Birx......fake news Dr. Jensen......fake news.
  4. So you have not been feeling well for a few day. Headache, occasional cough and mild fever but on the way to the grocery store you are involved in an auto accident, severely injured. Rushed to hospital. You report your "not feeling well" symptoms plus your symptoms from the accident to hospital staff on admission . They record a fever during your work up. Blood work done. You have COVID. You die in the hospital. What's put on the death certificate as cause of death?
  5. Somebody better let Cuomo know what really going on then.
  6. Laura Ingraham is on hold....line 2. Dr. Scott Jensen is on hold as well....line 3. Misinformation?? Go ahead and discredit a doctor that goes on the record locally and nationally but make sure you reference an article that basically says if you have a fever, a cough or shortness of breath and you die at home it has to be from COVID.
  7. Those are good questions.......I don't have the answers. What I do know is this current environment is not sustainable much past 4/30. You're a projections type guy........34-47M unemployed is the projection when this has blown over. Question......is 34M out of work a fair trade off for 60K+ deaths when 94.1% of those 60K+ death are people over 70 years old??? Again I don't have the answer for that but I'm sure you do.
  8. Infected or died? People get sick all the time. I know multiple people "stricken" from this virus.
  9. IIRC you're in your 70s so you can stay at home as long at you want. Society would be better served from it. That's a ridiculous question from someone who sees this a single issue crisis.
  10. Jobless claims at 6.61M today. New record. Roughly 16.5M out of work since this crisis started. Real life lives being destroyed. Let this soak in...1100 times as many people have lost their jobs vs those that have died from COVID as of this morning.
  11. Just listened to Dr. Jensen in an interview...........might be how Walz is looking at 12x (minimum) the IHME projections.
  12. Weekly jobless claims report comes out tomorrow morning at 830 ET. Last week claims were at 6.6M. Under/over tomorrow? I'll take the over. This needs to end!
  13. They must be under the directive of someone in Germany.
  14. Fargo PD reported as many drug ODs in past 2 weeks as they had all year prior. One OD died.....heroine. Not coronavirus.
  15. IHME today has projected MN with 456 deaths by 8/4. Peak is around 4/23.
  16. Since everyone likes projections......500x as many people will be unemployed from this crisis than those that died from it. Not that that matters.
  17. Real data has never matched the projected numbers from models from day one. So if the number continually come in below "best case" projections, which they have at almost every turn, how long does this lockdown continue?
  18. May 1 should be a big day for most of this country.
  19. Tell your sister we all appreciate her efforts.
  20. Plus the IHME models take into account the mitigation factor. To say the models have been disastrous is an understatement.
  21. So why are reported pneumonia deaths down dramatically since mid January? A positive influenza test is required to be classified as a flu death. Right now COVID deaths are being reported based on symptoms.....not even a confirmed positive test.
  22. So apparently now if you have health issues from 5G radiation and EMF or some other underlying medical issues and are hospitalized but develope a cough and die you'll be classified as a COVID death on your death certificate. Interesting way to pad the numbers.
  23. Commercial burglaries up 75% in NYC during lockdown. No doubt people are after the new 5G phones.
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