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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. The early betting line for the jobless claims report for this Thursday morning is at 4.8M. Over or under?
  2. I'd put money on Guch getting the "C". Senden an "A" for sure. Kierstad and JBD get one as well.
  3. The meat packing plant situation is a mess. Had the story on local news last night. Sounds like the ownership was negligent in trying to keep sick employees coming back to work. It was considered an essential business. Had nothing to do with what Gov Noem did or didn't do. 438 confirmed infected from that plant is alarming though. BTW.......welcome back.
  4. Research underway in Germany......... Not a perfect sample size though due to those who are lactose intolerant.
  5. What facts do you want? Seriously question. As of yesterday that 6100+ was over 30% of all deaths in the country. Is that 30% not a reasonable data base?
  6. So where does this end??? This country has been told for weeks to "stay at home". Cancel your lives as you know it. Why? Do this so that we all can........."save lives". I'm not disagreeing with you on anything above but as you know people every minute of every day get sick or fall ill from something that may or will affect their lives long term short of death. What's the end game? No new deaths? Obviously not. No new cases that do not result in long term health consequences?? If so...in reality when is that? Do we shut down the country now during flu season based on your examples? BTW I know of 2 people that will not have to worry about long term consequences of COVID or even getting COVID because they took their own lives due to what this crisis overwhelmed them with.
  7. NY is basically generating almost half of the virus data in this country. As of yesterday afternoon 6100+ deaths were reported in NYC. Zero deaths under 17 years old. Roughly 250 deaths between 18-45. Of those roughly 250 deaths only 10% of those that died were "healthy". So 0.4% of all NYC COVID deaths as of yesterday were "healthy" people 45 and younger. They had no contributing or underlying health issues. To date there have been 2.5x as many NYC murders as those under 45 and healthy who have died from COVID in NYC. One other interesting note is the employed worker's average age in this country is 42.
  8. I'd say the healthcare systems just within NYC alone are losing well north of $100M in combined revenue every single day.
  9. In many of these systems for every $3M lost in revenue they are spending $1M in preparing for their surge.
  10. Osterholm is waiting for you on line 3.......
  11. So Walz can use these beds at the Fargodome? IHME projects 656 in MN........is he still clinging to 20K? Overall deaths projected up to just under 69K.
  12. Online Fargo Forum breaking news headline states ND sees biggest single day of new cases today.....23. That's correct but fails to mention in same article ND had new case numbers of 22 on 3/31 and 21 on 4/4.
  13. On a positive note Governor Cuomo just said "the worst is over" for NY. So there's that.
  14. Suprised that hasn't been reported anywhere.
  15. Germany's population of 84M+ people crammed into a geographic area half the size of Texas. One size fits all worked for them. Definitely can't argue with their results. Wyoming is roughly 2x the geographic size of NY but NY has 33x the population. NY unfortunately has a chance to hit 10K deaths today. Wyoming is looking for their first. One size fits all in the US is still the cry by some.
  16. Early count is 18 killed by tornadoes that ripped thru southern states over the weekend. Mississippi reporting 11 deaths. 18 is more then corona deaths so far in the Dakotas.
  17. Just saw Bundesliga Soccer League in Germany going to be giving it a go hopefully by next month albeit without fans. Hopefully southpaw was consulted prior to making this decision.
  18. I read that stat somewhere........wow.
  19. 60-80% less of what was going on pre-COVID.
  20. 1.5% of all hospital beds in MN are currently COVID patients.
  21. Let's just take any personal accountability out of everything and blame it on the government?? Come on now! BTW your current A1C is better than a vast majority of T2s out there. Good work.
  22. Sickies was giving out a roll of TP with a takeout order in Fargo as of last week.
  23. Smith.....no. Johnson.....definitely yes. Rieger IMO is underrated. I've always liked his game.
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