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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Only 22500 more worldwide deaths to break even on the estimated of flu death this season in the US.
  2. Kozek goal on 03/30/08 vs WI at Kohler in Regional. Porter OT winner vs Minnesota in Denver during West Regional on 03/26/07.
  3. From yesterday... As to his question expect Dr. Schaffner to have a phone call from Fauci in 3...2... BTW......the state of NY has 46% of all confirmed cases in the US right now.
  4. At least they are out there telling the 60% that didn't get the flu shot....."It's not too late. It could save your life". Or was that from the PSA from LeBron James?
  5. Well he does have Fauci to deal with.....
  6. Estimated 620000 worldwide deaths from malaria in 2017.
  7. Feels hydroxychloroquine for treatment vs this virus is a version of snake oil but has no issues locking us down as a country until Labor Day so 20-30% of the country can become street entertainers or windshield washers to try to earn a buck once a deep recession or depression takes hold.
  8. For starters we are all required to wear these.........
  9. Still 1470 to go before we match child abuse and neglect deaths from last year.
  10. 75% of those who died from the flu this season so far were.................65 years of age or older.
  11. As of today 0.0001% of this country's population has died or is currently classified as critical in the infectious process.
  12. Our local compounding pharmacy said it can manufacturer hydroxychloroquine. There are currently 19352 active infectious cases in the US. 19288 are being classified as mild condition. 64 in critical/serious. Would think this country would have enough hydroxychloroquine to roll the dice on 64 patients.
  13. A city of 8.5M shelter in place til mid June??? I'll put the odds of that at 5% and all my chips are on the under.
  14. Over/under on my daughter getting a $1 refund on room/board for the roughly 8 weeks she'll be off campus.
  15. Dow at lowest since 11/30/16. Worst week of losses since 2008.
  16. Community. I think we all need to realize this virus has probably been everywhere in this country for months and we are chasing a ghost right now. Fauci is part of the issue with his pooh poohing of the use of Plaquenil in this arena.
  17. Family friend just confirmed in Burleigh. Mid 70 male. This Tuesday spiked a high fever with a moderate headache. Went to clinic Tuesday. Confirmed today. Fever almost gone as of today with no other issues. Almost feeling back to normal.
  18. Goldman Sachs and Bank of America estimating next Thursday's jobless report to skyrocket from 280K yesterday to 2.25-3M. 14500 confirmed virus cases. NY state has 40% of total. NYC 30% of total.
  19. Look for Walz to go Newsom within 24 hours........
  20. FDA and Dr. Hahn need to get out of the way on this one. Both Plaq and Z-Pak aren't "new" meds.
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