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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. I'll put you down in the box "no.....I can not comprehend that concept"
  2. Simple concept for some to comprehend. Are you in the "some" bucket?
  3. South Korea......how are they doing? Good.... right? They're the model we want to follow......right? Their death rate....1.2%. Italy death rate.....just south of 10%. Here in the US our death rate......1.3%. We aren't Italy. We are trying to follow South Korea.
  4. Dow will be below 18000 tomorrow if the Senate doesn't nut up. A president from the Federal Reserve stated GDP could drop 50% and unemployment could go to 30%.
  5. 16400 deaths worldwide due to coronavirus to date.....fact. 67000+ deaths in the country due to drug overdose last year.......fact. 88000+ deaths in the country due to alcohol related issues last year......fact. Do you need the seasonal flu numbers again too?
  6. Schumer needs to just go back to NY and shake a few hands for a few days.
  7. Good to see the Senate is going to be part of this crisis solution.
  8. At least you stopped referring to it as the "Kung Flu".
  9. I'll defer to your inpatient and ICU/CCU experience. I know nothing about these two meds in combination. All meds as you know have side effects more so in patients with certain conditions. What I do know is Plaquenil has been one med that has been the standard of care in treating rheumatology patient specifically for RA and SLE. The reason it is still widely used over 70+ years......it's effective and it has minimal side effects. 200 mg BID daily can and is tolerated for years. Main issues I've seen to discontinue the med is GI issues or a rash outbreak. To contradict Dr. Drew Pinsky last night on TV it doesn't not cause corneal deposits. Slight risk taken long term greater than 12 month of retinal toxicity or called maculopathy. Z-Pak is what it is. It works. It is one of the top Rx'd antibiotics in this country. Now if that combo is the only arrow you have in your quiver or just Plaquenil alone...........you let it fly.
  10. 100% of the 50% of all infected patients that will be asymptomatic or have minimal symptoms.
  11. It will bounce back.......just look at the 1930-40s.
  12. Going to be a run on Cream of Wheat if that's the case.
  13. The rest of nation will be watching to see if De Blasio has a pair.
  14. Go ahead. Looks like that's where the most stringent containment measures obviously need to be.
  15. NY state up to 59.4% of total cases. 10K+ more than yesterday. Maybe close off their state lines?
  16. Experts predicting a 12-24% economic contraction in the 2nd quarter. Just a 12% drop would be biggest quarter contraction on record. Unemployment could hit 10% next month (16.5M workers). Fauci overheard asking Mnuchin "Will it be worse in the third quarter"?
  17. Forget the date but the Kozek hat trick to come from behind to beat DU. Can't remember a time the Ralph was rocking more than that night.
  18. It was Whoopi not that it matters. They both parrot each other like a couple of lemmings.
  19. Slope County (ND) 800 people in 1219 square miles. NYC 27000 per square mile. I'll throw this out there......maybe it's partly a disease of density? But I'm thankful Doug closed the rest area 7 miles east of Medora.
  20. So as the over all total cases in NY goes from 46% and climbs higher we locked down the rest of the country with some form of Martial Law??
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