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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. I hope this kid makes it to campus next year. Hopefully it will entice him to come with his brother here.
  2. Just think of how tired those four Gopher players will be by the end of the season though!
  3. Haha. My favorite memory...hard to say that I have one specific moment, it was more just the collection of a great couple of years of Sioux hockey really. I started college the last two years at the Old Ralph and lived in a house just on the other side of the EERC building...just a stones throw away from the arena. Looking forward to every home Fri/Sat night, waiting in line in the cold, watching some Panzer domination...ignoring my less hockey-frantic friends that wanted to leave at the end of the 2nd period because the Sioux were already up by 4 and making them stay until the end so we could see the salute. That was pre-USCHO gang, of course. I remember biking around campus at night and then stopping by the arena to find the door that was unlocked (there was always at least one) so I could walk around the concourse at like 11pm all by myself. Check out the All-American wall and the puck wall... Every now and then bringing my bike in too and biking around the concourse...that concrete was polished and slick! It was a weird feeling being in there completely alone (I'm sure there was someone else there...but I never heard/saw them). I loved that building. Being born and growing up in GF...going to games since I was a little kid with my dad...it just felt like home. I still have a 1983 NCAA Championship t-shirt that was hosted at the Old Ralph...I went to those games with my dad when I was 4 years old and now my little girl wears it too. I do really like the new arena and I know it brings a ton to the team in regards to national acclaim and recruiting advantages, but it has always had a different feel to it. It's really sad to see it torn down...I know it hasn't been used in years, but still sad. It will be weird driving by next time I am visiting the folks in GF and not seeing it there.
  4. And just like that, all hope was lost.
  5. 1.2 million rubles just doesn't go as far as it used to.
  6. As long as there are no injuries during those mid-season exhibitions...sounds good.
  7. Is there a reason why we should hate you (or anybody, for that matter) because of that?
  8. Geez, that '96 group of forwards just keeps getting better and better. Completely stacked. Hopefully the majority of them make it to campus and then stay for a couple seasons... They will be fun to watch grow together on the ice. Could be the makings of some very special teams by the time they are juniors/seniors like the Frattin/Trupp/Malone/etc class.
  9. Morelli, Archibald, Zombo, Belfour...not to mention GF ties with Simonson and Turgeon. We could start calling them UND-Junior.
  10. Didn't expect that. He will do well for them.
  11. Ausmus? Awesome pickup! Our d-corp next year is going to be VERY talented and VERY young. Should be fun watching this group get better in the next couple seasons. I say bring in all of them and watch them push each other for playing time. If one needs to be put up front to get ice time, so be it.
  12. Hrynkiw? Can I buy a vowel please? Reminds me of Prpich and Chyzyk.
  13. Are these old ladies connected to the hockey program or are they just in the peanut gallery? And, more importantly, if these two old ladies worked together, could they beat up Tony's aunt?
  14. Definitely a different look for UMN next season. Might be some growing pains with that many frosh, but all 6 are highly skilled, so that will be offset a bit. Is Stepan to UMN confirmed?
  15. How many forward recruits are coming in for them? Seems like a ton.
  16. Low playing time guy...maybe Sanderson? Ausmus hasn't committed anywhere yet that I've heard but I keep hearing UMD or maybe UMN. Landing him this late in the game if we have room would be huge though.
  17. brianvf

    Does Dave

    No more blind passes right into the slot. Other than that, I love how he plays. He's always the hardest working guy out on the ice, and that is fun to watch.
  18. He was talking to Hakstol about transferring. He didn't mind having to sit out a year.
  19. Faragher had a brutal game. Weird to see after he's had some amazing games (especially against the Sioux, it seems) this season. That first goal set the tone IMO.
  20. So we have the #1 overall seed against the #15 overall seed.
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