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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. If I were a MN player looking to make my decision about which college to attend for hockey, I'd be looking long and hard at all available options...not just the ones presented to me each spring at the F5 or ones that the Gophers play regularly. I'm sure most dream of ending up wearing the M, but that spot is only available to so many each year. Will it affect some kids like it did with the one that sat behind you? Sure, I have no doubt for some of the casual fans. I just don't think it will have a major affect at all on potential recruits. UND is still going to be a hockey powerhouse...they'll still be putting a ton of players in the NHL...they'll still be in the tourney most years. Kids will see that. Plus, I kind of like how much Hammy keeps mentioning it on GPL...almost like he is trying to convince himself and others that it will DEFINITELY be the case. That greatly amuses me.
  2. I wouldn't say it is 'over'. Just won't ever be the same as it once was.
  3. The thread talking about this same topic on GPL is also quite comical. I do find it humorous that Hammy thinks that UND won't be able to land the high-end MN recruits any longer...that not playing the Gophers every year will 'harm' their reach in the Cities. He's delusional, unless he honestly believes that MN recruits won't know about a school less than four hours away from them that is highly known for producing NHL talent. Oh yeah, I forgot, they won't be playing UMN any longer, so the MN recruits will forget about the Sioux and start playing for Penn St or OSU instead (at least, the ones that UMN doesn't want! ). Haha!
  4. New Dippin' Dots recipe is coming to the Ralph. That's the big announcement. The Ice Cream of the Even More Future.
  5. Regardless of if he plays this weekend or not, that is excellent news. Never would have thought that when he was laying on the ice.
  6. Kind of hard to win one in January, February, and March too.
  7. We win. Hard fall in the 2nd period leaping over a fallen USA player. Landed on his shoulder or head. Was taken off the ice on a stretcher and left in an ambulance. Kristo posted on his twitter that he was moving all extremities though, so that's a good sign.
  8. Really hoping for nothing long-term on Drake. Hate to see these injuries ever, but harder to take in an exhibition game that means nothing. Let's hope he's back soon...he's been playing very well to start the season.
  9. I'm not going to get too down on the team for this loss. They just went to the barn of the #1 team and split, not a bad result at all. Sure, a sweep would have been great after last night's result, but from the sounds of things the team hasn't played poorly today, just bad finishing and poor goaltending. Exhibition next week and then pour it on at home against SCSU. I still like the makeup of this team, they look like they could mesh and cause some damage in the postseason. My only real concerns after this series is the inconsistent goaltending and the disappearance of the Grimaldi line after they dominated against Vermont.
  10. Good season opener for UM, beating BC 3-1. The real fun begins tomorrow!
  11. I believe it is. The other one went to UNO if I'm not mistaken.
  12. Haha, just checked out the box score. SOG were 75-9?? Almost disappointing that they didn't score a few more with that shot total...
  13. It'll be interesting to see how they do against a legit opponent. They certainly sound good from the first two games. Hopefully they can keep this balanced scoring against better teams...I think one of their main issues the past few seasons is that teams could just focus on shutting down the twins. Tapani = ROTY?
  14. Sioux win in a squeaker. Grimaldi with 4 goals and Tambellini with 4 lost teeth.
  15. Cool, thanks for doing that. Both the 14/15 and 15/16 teams have the looks of being very good teams that could contend for a title. I know a lot can happen between now and then, but if we can hold onto some of the very talented forwards that are currently committed, those could be some dynamic teams. Especially if Rocco decides to stick around for the 14/15 season...
  16. He absolutely took over that UNH NCAA game that ended in heartbreak in OT. He was a beast.
  17. Couldn't balance school & athletics? It's been like 2 weeks since school started. Official practices haven't even started yet and I'm guessing most of the freshmen classes haven't even gotten past explaining the syllabus yet. If he can't hack it in college after 2 weeks, there's not much hope for the kid in the real world. "Oh man, reading the first chapter of Introductory to Computers combined with a one hour captain's practice is just too much on my plate...I'm done!"
  18. What is it with Gopher players and moped incidents?
  19. Correct! The ONLY answer is to BRING BACK BLAIS!!!!! He will solve all problems, including global warming and the conflict in the Middle East!
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