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Everything posted by brianvf

  1. Yeah, it was a very cool trip...my wife and I went on a Trek Travel trip for our honeymoon about 7 years ago. It was the "Classic Climbs of the Tour" trip, so we climbed Alpe d' Huez, Galibier, Tourmalet, etc. The only climb that I really wanted to climb that wasn't part of the trip was Vontoux. It was a trip of a lifetime, for sure!
  2. Here's a pic of me from a couple years ago wearing my UND geometric head cycling jersey. It's at the top of Alpe d' Huez, a very famous climb in France (ridden in the Tour de France quite regularly). I didn't realize prior to climbing it that there was a skating rink at the very top. When we were biking past it on our way up, there was a hockey game being played. By the time we changed clothes and made our way over there, the hockey game was over and figure skating was going on instead.
  3. I'm up to 3200 miles on my bikes so far this year. To be fair though, I have been biking since January...a little bit less snow on the roads in AZ in winter time.
  4. Agreed. That argument doesn't make much sense. And exactly, if he is worried about cracking the lineup at UND...best of luck as a pro!
  5. Especially since Lucia encourages the lack of the gentleman's agreement. Open season on the recruitment of Reedy by other schools still!
  6. No doubt. A lot can happen in the 4 years until he makes it to campus!
  7. Zane isn't the type of guy to come out and say that he is coming back and then bolt. He's not Robbie Earl.
  8. I just read it a couple days ago in an article...let me try to find it...
  9. Hakstol has been quoted as being in favor of the gentleman's agreement as well. Lucia, Eaves, and York have all been quoted as not being in favor.
  10. Regular season we didn't have any shootouts. Just the "practice" ones in the early non-conference games.
  11. Hahahahaha. Nice attempt.
  12. The non-existent good ole boys are old, they move rather slowly.
  13. He's already improved his foot speed a ton since arriving on campus. No reason to think he couldn't improve it more and get his chance in the NHL.
  14. Spiewak scored like a minute into the game and Bayda added the 2nd toward the end of the 1st. The next day, Miller won the Hobey. The day after that, UND lost the heartbreaker in OT to BC after tying it with 30sec left in the game.
  15. Still at the meeting guys! They're giving us a 35min break for lunch...this is going to take awhile! Topics being discussed: Rocco Decision 2014, ObamaCare, Miracle On Ice Controversy: Did the US actually have 8 players on the ice during Eruzione's GWG?, Fund set up to bring back Wilbur to ss.com, Big Oil's hesitance to accept the new hydrogen powered cars (fueled by Mr Fusion), and planned sequel to the movie Big Lebowski. I'm sure even more will be discussed after lunch!
  16. I'm about to enter a separate meeting that has an even higher level of good ole boys. I'll let you guys know as soon as more information is available.
  17. If he stayed in school for another year, Florida would risk losing him next August 2015.
  18. Similar to the year of the "Pact" when Oshie/Chorney/Duncan, etc all said that they were staying but Toews was left out. He announced his departure a short bit later.
  19. As long as the Sioux make it to the NCHC tourney...I'll be there!
  20. Probably a Trucker Special.
  21. Things must have gotten really bad over on GPL following the title game loss...the Gopher fans are all coming over here now. It's ok guys, it's ok.
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