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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. i wouldn't mind mass.-lowel or notre dame for first round... denver is a tough draw next, but at that point anyone will be. pretty nice bracket compared to the last few seasons.
  2. im a little lost as to what exactly it is you are reffering to? the majority of posters here are good sioux fans. just because we discuss a player we think needs to improve in certain areas or discuss possible line shuffling does not make us bad fans or people. im all for cheering on our team, GO SIOUX! but i don't think we need a pep rally here or to boot any of our sioux faithful.
  3. i think the ot needs to be longer, i hate it when a game is decided in a shootout. i say make it a 10 minute overtime (or possibly even 20). i like the 4 on 4, it opens things up a little. no shootout. i don't mind a point for both teams if it goes to ot, then an extra point to the winner (if there is one). interesting topic, i have wondered the past few seasons if they have thought about modifying the ot sessions at all.
  4. anyone see him last weekend at the ralph. is he that much better than the rest of his age group? be tough to live up to his big bro, but i was surprised how low he was on the scouting list for the draft. is he not as big as jon? maybe we could keep a toews for 3 or 4 years
  5. i agree with you here. where exactly are minny and wisco going to go? a five team big ten? if they leave, which they won't, because it would screw up their current respective conferences, how do they fill the rest of the conference? get illinois, iowa, northwestern, pudue and penn state to start programs? i'm all for it, but it won't happen. the wcha isn't ran by minny and the BADgers. as much as i love to watch us kick the s@#t out of those teams, we would be fine without them. wouldn't be the same, but we would survive, and still be the best conference in college hockey. give a little more credit to und, cc, du, mtu, umd and scsu. the wcha is a hell of a conference, and it will stay that way.
  6. after reading the pros and cons here, i think i have to be on the side of letting BSU in only because i don't want to see them fold. we can't afford to lose anymore D1 teams, we need to be adding programs and growing college hockey. after reading the short article in the bemidji herald, it sounds like the wcha might consider promising bsu 12 wcha games a season (but not letting them in the conference?) If we could somehow get by until we can add the canadian schools and then form a new conference, that would be ideal. actually, what would be ideal is a total realignment with the new teams considered, but i don't see that happening. realistically, i think we will see bsu (plus another team?) in the wcha, or a new conference, with an ncaa autobid, when the candian schools come in. personally, i like bsu as a rival and would not mind seeing them in the wcha.
  7. just saw this on INCH, pretty funny... http://insidecollegehockey.com/7Archives/N...napkin_0618.htm
  8. I don't have any info on these two instances, i did not see them so i can't comment. If they were as blatent as you say, then that is too bad, but these are isolated instances. I still feel he was the most consistent and fair official we have had in recent memory.
  9. i have to disagree with you there, schmitt always seemed to call a good, consistent game. he is the best official we have had in recent (or any) memory. our officiating corp as a whole took a big step down when schmitt left. i agree with the majority here that we have to start with the leadership, mccleod or shep, and see how things go from there.
  10. i thought davidson played well, he is a huge body out there! with zajac centering the frosh, i think the radke, malone, davidson line is one hell of a checking line, excuse me for lack of better termonology. i thought martens was playing well, so i guess he was just the odd man out this weekend, im guessing we will see him back in the lineup. im not "hating" on miller here, but i think we need to give some of the other guys a shot over him, ie. davidson. not sure where forney is in the picture, another weekend of him not dressing it's too bad, he is fast and obviously has skills.
  11. campion and adam are horrible. i don't know if i can count how many times a player was blatently grabbed or hooked which turned him and took them off the puck or impeded his momentum this weekend... not once called either side. i guess i haven't noticed anderson as much as you, but im not doubting what you are saying. shepard, like you said he is not good, and doesn't even make the bottom three list, which is sad. i agree you have to start at the top, get rid of the head of officials and go from there. i don't know how much mccleod has to do with it all, but he deserves some accountability there. if a new head of officials can't get some of these guys turned around, then you go looking for new guys. the nhl will never let their guys do our games, unless they happen to have a bunch extra each weekend, which if they did would be great. oh well, none of this will probably happen, it's just us sioux fans whining about the refs right?
  12. that was my point, that even though he has his head down, and shouldn't have, you still hate to see a kid get hurt on a hit like that.
  13. two great games of sioux hockey! i agree that miller is not the third piece on our top line. hak tried it, it doesn't seem to be working. my vote is to reinvent the DOT line. trupp has really come into his own the past few weeks, i think he could really click on that top line. team defense was phenomenal. chorney finally played to his billing, and finley is turning into a monster on the blue line. lets keep this going into mankato! as to some of the whining about each other on here, it goes both ways. i agree that we shouldn't be making personal attacks on any of our players or coaches, but that is not to say we can't discuss their play, good or bad. and to those who then respond to these remarks with personal attacks on the poster, you just make it worse. the one thing most of us have in common is that we are sioux fans, we should work with that. this is a message board, it is here for discussion, but we can keep it clean. nothing good will come from anonymously attacking a fellow sioux fan whom you most likely don't know. one last note, i think we have a realistic chance of taking over du for the #2 spot, so lets keep the W train rolling! then who knows, maybe cc will have a meltdown (a sioux fan can dream)
  14. technically, could have been called a charge, he came from halfway across the ice. the kid had his head down, but hate to see a kid get hurt on a hit like that. the difference between that hit and most of oshies are that usually the other guy is the one trying to hit oshie (and usually unsuccesfully). as to the kid posting it himself on youtube, not a big fan of that, but i guess i am too old now to understand this new generation... when did that happen?
  15. wow, that was horrible. i don't understand how that was not reviewed and the correct call was made. that is a shame for the wcha and its sub-par officiating. really sucks for wisco that the game was not decided on the ice like it should have been. just horrible officiating, which shamefully is nothing new. in answer to the question about the scsu shot on frazee, the puck has to completely cross the goal line before time expires for it to count, although in this specific case, as stated in previous posts, i believe the time had run out and i believe scsu was offsides. i think kangas may see alot of icetime the rest of the season
  16. oops, didn't see the deadline closed until after i sent in my lineup. guess i need to pay more attention well i won't win a jersey, but i'll take a sioux sweep
  17. yeah, mike richards got a 12 year deal with philly. there seems to be alot if these long term deals going around. for a player like alex, i think it is a no brainer to lock him up, but he is a rarity. with the dipietro and richards deal, you have to wonder how it will affect being able to sign other high end talent under the cap? guess that is why i am not a gm. no one player makes a team, but you sure have a good start with alex or sidney (or jon toews ). speaking of long term deals, i was a little surprised by how low zpar's deal was this summer, anyone else agree?
  18. well hopefully it would be #9 or #10 by the time he came in
  19. yes, i agree that the guys who cover the sioux hockey team, especailly the ones you mentioned, do a great job. it is nice to have such great coverage of our favorite team, even if it is in little old gf that one is for the goofer faithful.
  20. i know alot of us are not too happy with how the local media deals with und and its athletes, but this is a nice article about Rylan and all he has been through his past four years. it is nice to see him notching a few more goals lately, he has been such a great team leader the last couple of years. lets hope he can keep it going this weekend! go sioux! http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/i...7ad7c2b316a7b1c
  21. i agree with all of this. i like to come on this board and discuss sioux hockey among other things, and it seems that if you disagree with someone, prepare to get a personal attack. i think you guys to a great job with this board, and hopefully this warning will help make all the discussions a little more discussion and a little less trash talk.
  22. i think checking one forum is enough for me, so who wants to take over the coaches recap? is it only on in gf? it was nice to get that on this board since i can't listen to it. get some pretty funny stuff once in a while.
  23. I think zajac or malone would be the top two choices, remember you have to get the goal and assist to go with the fight or it doesn't count
  24. i think the current number is 0 for the last 25 or something to that effect. not good, i would say it has to have been almost a couple of seasons.
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