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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. sounds like chay's injury isn't too serious, hope we can get him back asap. i think he is one of the most underrated players in the WCHA.
  2. i was hoping i could get it on wdaz, no such luck, guess i will be listening on the web. lets get the sweep sioux!!! 5-0, kaip with three points.
  3. looks like we have a fight on our hands this final period... finish strong sioux!!!
  4. the announcer said it was checking from behind... im guessing the 2 and 10 variety
  5. i think my audio feed is a minute or two behind... once you all started posting the goal, it took a good minute before i heard it. LETS GO SIOUX!!
  6. this sucks not being able to watch... lets stay out of the box and start scoring some goals!!!
  7. hey sprig, you seem to be one of the ss.com satelite experts, so i will ask you, is there any way for me to get FSSN without giving up dish network, i really like my dish other than that. we usually go to most the home games, but with my second little one now at home, i have a feeling i will missing a few here and there. any help would be appreciated, although i suspect i am sol.
  8. technical college?... i'm assuming it is meant as a put down, but i personally have nothing against anyone who went to a tech school, at least they are being a productive member of society, more than we can say for most goofer fans edit: apparently i read too much into that, twin cities makes sense
  9. not alot of action online tonight... hopefully everyone who's in town took advantage of the cheap tickets, sounds like a pretty full house. let's finish this game this period, bury the dogs!!!!
  10. couldn't go to the game tonight and don't get FSSN, stupid dish, so i'm stuck with kfgo audio. oh well, better than nothing. crap, umd scored right before the end of the period.
  11. do they have genoway playing with kaip and watkins tonight?
  12. so if martens plays one night, who plays the other night? radke or forney, or does davidson get a shot? or if genoway stays up front, does radke take jones' spot one night? will be interesting to see. i thought the comment about being pissed about the mich st. coaches comment was classic. apparently they forgot about the ass kicking to start the season
  13. i am thankful that all of us at ss.com can fight and argue over stupid things, but still all cheer for the best hockey team in the nation , but seriously, i am thankful that i am not a goofer fan .
  14. they have bars in utah? i thought they were only allowed to show replays of marie osmond on dancing with the stars.
  15. sioux sweep, jpl gets his fifth shutout of the season, duncan has two multipoint games, and forney finally gets his first sioux goal. i figure if i keep predicting the last one, ill be right eventually .
  16. i agree with a majority of your last post yttrium, except for assuming that those who have played, even at competitive levels, are more knowledgeable than everyone else. having played definitely helps one understand the finer points of the game, but i've played with plenty of guys, even ones who wear letters, who are hockey stupid (to go along with other kinds of stupid ). i've coached also, and it takes a different mentality and knowledge to coach than it does to play. i will say that having played gives most an inside track to knowing the game of hockey, but it's definitely not across the board.
  17. cue random 80's music talk? has sioux yeah yeah been to any concerts lately? i hate off weeks, cant wait for turkey, pumpkin pie and sioux hockey!!!
  18. i want to know what "team rules violation" kept the two bc players out so long. i don't think a simple missing curfew violation would keep their best remaining dman off the team for this long leaving him to sign with an ahl team.
  19. if there were posts stating he is not a leader or not a great hockey player, i am on your side, i was just stating that the basis of this topic was why radke was not dressing or getting playing time.
  20. i will have to go with bochenski. one of the best pure goal scorers ive seen. put him with duncs and osh and that would be a deadly line. any other year and the answer might be different, but what we are missing this season is the guy who can put the puck in the net at any time.
  21. first of all, i don't think anyone is or was saying that radke is the "root of all problems", if it was said in another area, then i agree with you that he is not, but i am not going to go sift through pages of posts to be sure. i believe that the main discussion was about why radke is sitting and other players are getting playing time, for this i will refer to the end of your rant... "All it does is show how many of you out there really have no goddamn clue whatsoever about what goes on with this team." hak makes the decisions and obviously he feels the other players have earned the time over radke. i will again say that i think radke is a great hockey player, who is now battling for ice time with other very good hockey players. if hak decides to keep him out of the lineup, im sure there is a reason. noone is saying radke doesn't deserve to be on the team, but if other players have earned the right to dress over him, i don't think you should take it so personally... "The reality here is that Kyle Radke probably doesn't give a s&!t what a bunch of dumbasses on a message board think of him." which would include yourself most likely. its easy to write a long post when all you have to do is copy and paste half of it i've got nothing against radke, or yourself for that matter, i just think you have taken this topic down the wrong gravel road.
  22. hate to disagree with you triouxper, because everyone else is, but we wouldn't have been at the frozen four last season had it not been for porter. radke just doesn't bring that to the table with his game that we have seen in a sioux jersey. radke plays hard, and obviously is a talented hockey player, but he is not in the same category of the players you are comparing him to.
  23. the lot we park in is always at least 3/4 full also, but if there are open spots to be sold, and more money for the athletic program, then i agree they should sell them, but not for any less than the rest of us who bought that package paid.
  24. lapoint would be a good guess... but i think frattin or malone would fit the billing also. both BIG boys with lots of skill. it's kind of nice that we have multiple guys that would be legitimate candidates.
  25. #1-UMtc #2-UW #3-BC could have made a case to put BC higher, but because we play the other two multiple times a year, put them ahead... all fun teams to play
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