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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. 1-1 goofs scored... lets go goofs. !@$! that doen't feel right.
  2. i take it you don't have cstv since the mich. miami game was on tv tonight... got your moneys worth at least tonight, good game.
  3. so far, not a big fan of the big 10 network... i miss the wooger and motzsucko, they would still be whining about how big of classless hacks the sioux are
  4. ok scsu needs to keep it up and finish off cc. is the uaa msum game final? as much as i hate to say it, i think we need the goofs to take 3 points this weekend.
  5. funny side note... du announcers sounded a little unsure of themselves calling bozak du's leading scorer... i guess as of yesterday he must be
  6. 0-0 middle of 2nd. no offensive promise from either side and two good goalies. edit: bozak just scored shorthanded. 1-0 du.
  7. why didn't i take the du defense? mannino and company are shutting down the lackluster goofer offense. on the flip side, the du offense is also non existent. i hope that continues next weekend
  8. anyone have updates on the uaa msum game?
  9. 4-2 final michigan over miami. will be an interesting one tomorrow.
  10. oh how far this thread has come in 52 pages if we start talking colonoscopies and prostate exams, im outa here
  11. i remember the wjc at the ralph, and the canadians shut him down in the gold medal game. he was getting alot of hype and i was excited to see him play that game, but everytime he touched the puck, he had a body on him. i guess he learned how to adjust to that, because he is an animal out there now. with crosby out, he might be the runaway mvp. taking an average team, and willing them to win. i think he has two game winners already this week. but boy were the canadians stacked that year they shut him down.... crosby, getzlaf, pheneuf and many others im sure i am forgetting.
  12. i would be very surprised if it wasn't du.
  13. thanks to redfrog and azsioux for the game and prizes... very cool. i'll go with frattin this time, lets see if i can make it out of the first round.
  14. i think you are confusing southern stereotypes with us north dakotans... a few main differences (only supported by our goofer trolls who have finally crawled out of their holes this week)... cities people, pay too much for their homes, spend too much time in traffic, and have a false sense of self importance... and they cheer for the goofers, which alone should be enough of an insult, but it is goofer/sioux weekend. oh, and i must be part of the 1%, i found it funny
  15. is that the same slump that all our sophs had last season? maybe he should talk to osh and hobey on how they got over it
  16. as if puffy didn't already give people enough reasons to think he is a homer rube... this statement speaks to his lack of college hockey knowledge. bravo puffy i know a sweep at the john is always tough, but it would be sweet this year, just to hear what puffy's respsonse would be. now i don't listen to him, but if you are going to be the college hockey voice in the area, try and be credible and leave your homer feelings at home.
  17. i agree with alot of what you are saying here, especially guys leaving early for the ahl rather than finishing out school. the top end guys like toews and parise and turris will never be (and never have been for that matter, ever) four year guys. the big problem is the guys leaving early that arent ready. does anyone know where robbie "dive" earle is? i don't know, but it is not the nhl. so why don't kids like that stay and get their degree? it sucks for college hockey, and sucks for the kids who give it a try and never get there. how many 30 something ex ahlers or echlers are now jobless without a college degree? i don't really know, but the number is growing. better goalies and better equipment also hinder scoring, but there is nothing that will be done about that (for now). so, i think most of us here agree, the most logical way to increase scoring, create more exciting hockey, and grow the sports fanship, is to call the game like they are in the nhl. eliminate the obstruction and open the game up. it is not a cure all, but it will help. and to your point on not losing top end talent if this continues, i disagree, i think top end talent will start looking elsewhere... major juniors, ahl or whereever else. in fact i think it may be a reason we are losing so many underclassmen early in the recent years. the nhl clubs will say (thanks garth snow) "they are not being developed how we would have liked" or reading between the lines... "because the hacks are allowed to mug and tackle our guy, he's not getting any useful game time, so we're sending him to the ahl to see what he can do". an exageration i know, but you get my point.
  18. the rules have been implemented, teams have adjusted, defenses and goalies are now adapting to the new style of play. just because they are calling the game like it should be called doesn't mean scoring will go up every year from now until eternity, or until they stop calling obstruction penalties again. things adjust to change and then settle in. come on mike, i had you pegged for someone who wouldn't be beyond understanding this. scoring may be down (i don't have numbers, but will take you on your word) but i would put good money it is still up from the pre-obstruction call days, am i right? as a whole, the pre-obst. numbers will most likely always be lower than the new nhl style numbers, even if the year to year numbers vary slightly. sorry for the rambling, a statistics guru could have probably explained my view a lot more clearly and consisely
  19. they both had the bleach blonde hair oh, i guess that could be any of the goofers i wonder if they will decide to bleach before their road playoff series this season
  20. other than okposo's recent comments, i don't think any former player has really spoken out about all of the obstruction for fear of just sounding like a whiner. but if a good article was done by a legit reporter where numerous ex-wcha guys would say... "yeah, they let all that stuff go in the wcha. it was a breath of fresh air here in the nhl. even though the skill level is higher, we have room to move and be creative.", then i think it would make an impact. i don't see that article happening, what do the ex-wcha guys have to gain? like i said, there will be alot of people who will say, quit whining, you're making millions, and you had pretty good stats in college, and it got you here didn't it?
  21. with the way the pairwise works now (reduced sos taken into account), please tell me why these non-wcha teams would give up their cupcake conferences and an almost automatic yearly ncaa invitation to join a wcha-like division, where only 3-4 will make it to the dance, and that is on good years. the idea seems great, but the teams won't do it. michigan likes dominating the ccha, and having a shot at the title every year. there are many years a top 16 team from the wcha gets edged out and does not get that opportunity.
  22. that is a given... the only one who has shown some promise for the goofs has been fairchild, and i would take most of our guys over him too. i think our d-corp is as solid as they come when they play like they should, there have just been too many lapses. hopefully they have gotten all the kinks worked out so we can sweep the goofs at home... again! GO SIOUX!
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