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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. that may be the case, but he still has the second most goals on the team this season, so take that for what it is. i think it supports this threads topic of changing things up to create a little more offense for the team as a whole.
  2. unless im missing something, i believe kaip-watkins-whoever has been our second line. i agree with you kozek has been big this year, but it is all about the combinations, and if our three lines roll equally, it shouldn't matter. and i agree with you about the fourth line, they need to show something to earn the ice time, but putting genoway there is ridiculous, he needs to be on the ice, which is why i think we are best served with him on the blue line.
  3. splitting up duncs and osh could go either way... but they have played together too long with good results to split them up now IMHO, so... Duncan-VV-Osh Frattin-Kaip-Malone Kozek-Trupp-Watkins Zajac-Forney-Davidson/Radke Chorney-Lapoint Bina-Finley Genoway-Marto/Jones i think this give the top three lines definite scoring potential (if they click, chemistry has been an issue this season). i still think we are best served with Genoway at defense, so Marto and Jones play depending on the matchup. fourth line is a big ?? to me, still waiting for someone to step up or get a chance. i think forney and davidson have upsides, but have very little to base that on. it will be interesting if hak gives us anything in the coaches show, or makes us wait to see. GO SIOUX!!
  4. I don't know what hockey team you have been watching, but Kaip has been one of the most consistent, hard working players on the ice every single night. He may not have the offensive abilities of a Oshie or Duncan, not many people do, but he has still scored some big goals this season. There is a reason Kaip has the "C" this year, and had the "A" last year. He is a leader and the ultimate team guy. How quickly we (you) forget that when Kaip went toe to toe against AA last season, the boys got fired up and began the second half turn around. This might be one of the more idiotic posts you have written... and that is saying something.
  5. the kid who sat with davidson on friday night was probably 6' or 6'1", but not real thick... he was also there with his parents on saturday night. it wasn't any of the salmon arm boys... any thoughts on who it was?
  6. i actually don't mind wooger so much. he's not a complete homer, and usually has some decent insight to the game. surprisingly he is usually complimentary to the opposing team if they deserve it. i was at the games this weekend, so didn't hear his commentary, but the sioux didn't deserve much praise this weekend.
  7. i think it might be time to mix it up. i agree we need to see more malone, i think he is an animal. i wouldn't mind captain kaip centering the two big frosh, frattin and malone. i think you leave the top line alone, they are all trying to do too much, but still a deadly line any given night. put watkins and kozek back together, centered by maybe trupp. the fourth line needs to be mixed up completely, miller and zajac don't seem to be bringing much to the table at this time. time for forney and davidson to get their shot?? or radke again?? i think we're better with genoway at d, both frosh showed their inexperience this weekend and we need chay back there to help move the puck out of the zone, which we were TERRIBLE at this weekend. i still think lapoint and marto are both going to be excellent wcha defensemen, but right now we need genoway back there. my rant ran long, but this team needs to do something different soon. we have alot of talent that doesn't seem to be working together well... we're starting to become too much like the goofers but seriously, i hope the team can find those magic combinations where things will start clicking. i still plan on the sioux making it four in a row this year in denver... but lets give jpl some help.
  8. nevermind about the powerplay comment... i forgot, with shepard and campion, i don't think we will have to worry about too many pp opportunities for the sioux tonight
  9. i think genoway was a difference maker last night. so nice to have him back out there... too bad that means marto sitting, i thought he has been earning his ice time, playing very well. hopefully with chay back, maybe we can actually get a powerplay going. im sorry, but our powerplay is down right pathetic!!
  10. that makes me smile every time i see it that was probably the best one night at the ralph i have experienced. and then the sioux demolishing the wolverines after that game. the only bad part was my cousin and her husband (avid goofer fans of course) weren't much fun the rest of the weekend. actually they were really good sports about it, but we all were going to be placing some bets on that sioux/goofer matchup that didn't happen. lets get a sweep!!!
  11. I don't know if I would go so far as to call her stupid, but there is a difference between 75 feet and 180 feet. Both should have been stopped, but Bina's on Frazee was classic
  12. the fact that the twin cities is an overcrowded, congested craphole filled with arrogant attitudes such as your own has nothing to do with this argument. tell me exactly what comparing GF to the twin cities has to do with the Sioux kicking goofer ass, or the fact that the Ralph is fifty times nicer than the mary-yucky??? oh, I forgot the wink...
  13. I was going to say the same thing, they better hope for more than three if they want to come away with any points... LETS GO SIOUX!!! SWEEP THE RODENTS!!!! And they can call the Ralph whatever they want, it's still our rink, which is alot nicer than the mary-yucky. The color green doesn't go well with poop brown and piss yellow
  14. "you see... its the puck stopper's job to keep the other team from scoring. when the puck stopper doesn't do his job... BOOM, his teams usually doesn't win"... sorry just a continuation of your last one, usually madden has to repeat himself five or six times so he's sure all of us at home get it
  15. i like the predictions, but we NEED some production from our 2nd, 3rd and 4th lines this weekend. i predict we see a frosh breakout weekend. malone, frattin and trupp all getting in on the action, hey how about marto notching his first collegiate goal against the hated goofers. SIOUX SWEEP, finally!!!!! first home sweep since quinapiac last season, 4-0 and 5-2. continue to ride the jpl wave, but lets give him some help this time!!! GO SIOUX!!! i love sioux/goofer weekend.
  16. i think bozak could give turris a run for his money for wcha roy... he was solid all weekend. du could be good the next few seasons.
  17. i don't know, enough though, i had to shovel twice
  18. you could be right, and if that is the case, then we need a changing of the guard. i have heard this mentioned before, claiming that it is supposed to keep some of the lower teams competitive with the stronger, faster, better teams, but that reasoning is a bunch of bs. if a team is better than you, then you better figure out a better way to beat them. and i don't blame the teams that continue to do this clutch and grab, because they continue to get away with it. it just is frustrating to watch. we could have such a better product on the ice if it was called correctly.
  19. apparently bruce mccleod was there last night and wasn't happy with the officiating, he needs to take the bull by the horns and do something about it. the wcha "refs" need to start calling the game the way it is supposed to, or we need to bring in a new commish who will do something about it. case and point, guys like stastny, parise, zajac, toews and other offensive forces who were stifled by the wcha non-reffing are now fluorishing in the nhl, where the refs are now calling the game the way it should be. on the flip side, wcha defensemen are having trouble adjusting. guys like smaby, carsle, jones, hale and other big mean defensive forces who were used to manhandling guys are having trouble even staying up with the big club. the wcha, which is the best college hockey in the nation, is going to start losing the top end talent, whether it be more early defections or guys deciding to go other routes all together. i LOVE college hockey, but the wcha officiating is bringing down the product we see on the ice. sorry about the long rant, but i feel very strongly about this, and if things continue this way, i think wcha hockey as a whole will suffer greatly. lets finish this game sioux!!!
  20. i don't have the webcast, but sounds like oshie with a bad leg is still better than any du player he's one hell of a player!!! another penalty on us, lets go pk.
  21. umn 3, mtu 1 wisco 4, scsu 3 mankato beat umd, score?
  22. du is controlling this period, we need to finish this game strong!!!
  23. just got out of the box, sounded like a "stopped my feet, so i'll use my stick" tripping
  24. lets go pk! sounds like oshie is favoring one leg??
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