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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. maybe it would be smart to schedule more games against manitoba i don't know what to think about line combonations. hak has tried quite a few different ones this season, and we are still inconsistent. i hope whatever the magical combos are, hak finds them soon, because splits are no longer an option for this team if they want to participate in the ncaas and make another run at #8. i know right now the sioux have had the toughest schedule and would safely be in the tourney, but to do anything, this team needs to come together and make a bit of a run. same old story i guess, i just hope it follows the previous few years scripts, up until the ff, where they will finally win
  2. a few of our players like to push and shove after whistles, especially in front of jpl, but that is hockey, so what? at least they are doing it to their face. it's better than scsu players taking dives and looking to draw penalties or hacks taking cheap shots at our top players (thank you du) because they know the officials won't call anything. players are taught to protect their goalie, first and foremost, so when an opposing player wants to get cute and get a little close after the whistle, he is probably going to get a face full of glove. if the officials are bold enough to make a call, then we have to kill a penalty. but i would rather have our guys protecting jpl, than doing some of the other cheap s#@t. to each their own, if they want to call us hacks, let em'. im sure scsu says rau never dove once, and im sure du says none of their guys took a cheap shot at oshie.
  3. i say vv or kaip, both were solid players who are just doing a little more now, and we need it, especially in the goal scoring department.
  4. ill try to help you out, don't know if it will work, but that is a damn funny skit http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/121971/SNL_Mango.html
  5. with the nickname issue still in limbo (yes i know they have three years to get the tribes to agree, but...) and the two sides not being very cooperative with each other, i would be very surprised to see und get any sort of regional or ncaa sanctioned tourney. even though the nc$$ is all about the almighty dollar, and the ralph is a great regional site, they will never let another regional be held here with all the sioux logos plastered everywhere, they would see it as some form of giving in, and it will never happen. i guess the best we can hope for is a wjc everyonce in a while, and be prepared to travel for the regionals and ff. that all being said, that was one of the greatest weekends at the ralph, and i would love to have it happen again, just not very optimistic.
  6. i don't think it was his view on osh's guilt or innocence that got him in trouble, i'm pretty sure it is the way he went about getting his point across, which was attacking everyone and anyone who didn't have their lips attached to his a$$ and agreed with everything he said. i'm sure if he is a good boy, he will be released on good behavior. either way, i think we'll get by.
  7. might be tough to catch the colorado schools this season, but ill take third... and another trip to the ff!
  8. off topic i know, but the senior third string goalie got his first ever start for the goofers last night and got the win. kind of cool, even if it is the goofers.
  9. anyone want to recap the goals and assists? i missed a few putting the kids to bed. thanks in advance.
  10. our announcers are not too big on the officials tonight i guess that shouldn't be a surprise. "a slashing penalty apparently on vv. haha. the horn sounds, is andersons arm in the air?" classic.
  11. lets put in a few more in the third. we needed this. hopefully we won't have to whine about splits every weekend from now on. lets go sioux!!!
  12. now this is more like it! how come they can't play like this every night??? go sioux!
  13. not sure where you get all your info plains cow fan, you obviously listen to the "reliable" local press too much, but bina did not let them out of a police vehicle, and they did not make a run for it, but nice try. as to the teenage drinking in nd, it is a problem, but osh is a 21 yr old who can legally have a drink in a bar. not sure how these situations correlate to your percieved huge "big money" problem, but it is a convenient one since no bison program has to deal with it. i think your drivel belongs on a different forum edit- i didn't realize our mints started printing million dollar bills
  14. sarcasm doesnt translate well over the net, but i hope you weren't serious. we're halfway through the season and its the same old sh#t, actually they have regressed in third period play as of late. exactly when do we worry about a team underachieving and losing games they have in hand??? march?
  15. two games in a row we give up in the third. poor showing this team needs to do something to play a full 60 minutes. the sad thing is that they wasted two excellent periods of hockey. chorney looked like eric johnson at last years regionals on that wrap around. keep your feet moving and take the body! i don't know what is up with him, but it aint good
  16. if i have had a few adult beverages at the sioux game, the drive home (which is only an hour) usually needs to be broken up for a pit stop, me not driving of course. an hour and a half in an elevator could get pretty miserable. although i am not condoning pissing in the elevator, i can definately sympathize. very weak arrest by the gfpd, too bad tj has to miss a game for this.
  17. not quite sure what the correct response is to this one, so i will just say wow that is quite the leap from talking about a players arrest and suspension to all of us being bad parents with fat kids on ritalin who do nothing but play xbox and drool. well played triouxper, well played
  18. wow triouxper, i think the point trying to be made was that just because we are discussing a players (possibly questionable) conduct in a situation, does not mean we are throwing him under the bus and giving up on him. i happen to think tj is a stand up kid on and off the ice, who has gotten himself into a couple of bad situations. i don't think anyone will argue that he should be a little more careful, especially in the small town of gf where everyone knows him, but most of us will continue to cheer him on. i still think he is a fine example of a sioux hockey player, he just needs to avoid these situations in the future and move on. tj has done alot for the university and community, especially with the kids. lets hope the team comes together and makes a run at number 8!
  19. all pretty awesome choices, i had to go with kaiper getting the second half started for the sioux. i don't think the team woud have come together the way they did without that fight, plus to see him smiling and high fiving coming off the ice was pretty sweet porter's wrap around was a close second, but i don't think they would have even been there had it not been for that one moment/series by kaip and the sioux team finally playing as one.
  20. i don't like the goofers or lucia-pet any more than the next sioux fan, but that article was bulls#@t. Snow should have kept his mouth shut, because what was done was done. KO was already gone, no need to rub the salt in the wounds. i guess the organization felt they needed to justify why they sniped a kid in the middle of his season. i don't know what lucia is doing differently in the past two months, but they should have signed him before the season if they weren't happy with his progress. KO is still the guy who should be taking most the blalme, but snows comments are purely bush league. i just don't get it, how a gm of a professional team would stoop to making those comments after the deal is done. i hope this wont affect recruiting top players to come to the wcha, we already have enough problems with the officiating. on the flip side, looks like ko and snow are two peas in a pod they deserve each other.
  21. happy, your name doesn't fit your tone i'd be pissed if i were a goofer fan too, but don't take it out on us. and believe me, we do have players good enough for the wjc, lapoint could be on that squad, and the others happen to be canadian, which is a much tougher squad to make, as i believe toews was the first college canadian in a while on that squad. i think frattin and malone both could challenge for a spot on the us squad.
  22. wait a minute, didn't someone say it was an insult to say we hope malone will turn out to be a kaip type player yeah, we don't want to insult malone with wearing a letter for the best hockey team in the nation for two years, then being put on the best line in college hockey. it will be interesting to see what the new lines will be. still a really long time until unh, lets go sioux!!!
  23. He may have been having a down year, and alot of it can be attributed to the points sicatoka made, but he was still the best player the gophers had. Tough loss for them, but i'm not feeling sorry for them, we lose just as many early. The fact that it is in mid-season is bush league in my books, but just another early defection. I have made the statement several times that if mccleod and the wcha officiating don't get their s@#t in a group, the wcha will stop getting the blue chip players such as okposo, oshie, toews, kessel and the like and the league will eventually suffer. It is a sad day for the wcha, even if it is a goofer player.
  24. i know the wcha schedule and unds in particular is part of the reason, but we have struggled to put the puck in the net also. the stat board is just that, a stat board, and doesn't translate (fully) to the wins and losses. on the flip side, you have a team like michigan who has a so so goaltender, but is riding the best current college hockey player in the nation and a bunch of frosh. one guy having a year like porter is can help carry a team through a regular season, but come ncaa time, your whole team better come to play. this is the first year in recent memory that we don't have at least one of "those guys" putting up some numbers and carrying the team through the rough streches, although duncs and osh with a point per game is not too shabby. i would like to see a big bump in offensive production in the second half, but couldn't care less if one of our guys is on that board. that being said, i think both duncs and osh will be on that list by the end of the season.
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