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nodak hockey fanatic

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Everything posted by nodak hockey fanatic

  1. we were getting bombarded in the 6th row better soft teddy bears than glow sticks it worked out ok, my little girl got a new stuffed animal.
  2. seems like a similar player to vandevelde, big body with offensive potential. in the sioux post game today, they were talking about vv being the most improved player in the wcha this year, which i agree with, and talking about his impact his next two seasons... lets hope they are right and we see him wearing the "c" in two years.
  3. so the real question is who is the nancy boy poster child for the wcha... eaves or gwoz? eaves is a punk, but after all his comments in the paper last week, i still give the nod to gwozducky. doesn't look like anyone helped us out this weekend, thanks umd, we will pay you back for that next weekend oh well, the sioux just have to keep on winning!!! go sioux!!!
  4. ladouceur wins 2008 outstanding hockey senior award, well deserved. why can't we just call it mr. hockey? it is so much easier
  5. 3-2 in triple ot... gpr over gfrr. great game. definately two best teams. gpr will be good next year, don't lose alot. like berman says... that is why they play the game. tough loss for a good rr team, but what a great game to watch. early predictions have a long time to fall apart
  6. i second your sentements speez. i have only been on here for a little over a year, but get great enjoyment posting and reading about the sioux. thank you for all you do jim. the only reason i put the siouxsports logo on the design because, as jim stated, i think alot of us here feel like part of a community. if jim does not want the logo on the shirt, i understand, that is fine, but if he gives it the thumbs up, i don't think there will be any opposition from the people here on ss.com. someone had mentioned putting the ss.com logo on the sleeve. i like the idea, anyone know how. is diggler still in charge of finalizing the design and ordering? is there still interest from people? im still in for 2 or 3 if we do it.
  7. yes, if jim doesn't want the siouxsports.com on there, it can be easily removed.
  8. mich st. up 5-2 on mich with six minutes left in the game... go spartans!
  9. ok, i tweaked a little again from diggler's original design with the new saying. any suggestions and changes welcomed. http://www.customink.com/designs/hitsquad/...p;cm_ite=design paging diggler to take control of this project back...
  10. consolation bracket... north 5, mandan 1 williston 4, century 1 semifinals... gpr 6, bhs 2 gfrr and south just getting going interesting stat from the nd state tourney, both against century, and i watched both games... ladouceur had one assist and played well defensively for a dominant team that won 8-2... while rehak had a goal and an assist and was a shutdown defenseman all game in a 4-1 victory. take it for what it is... rehak did what he has been doing all season long, but he is from the west, so i am sure he is overrated.
  11. i also have been swayed by the argument and logic that murder inc. may not be in the best taste, although i thought it sounded cool at first. see, intelligent discussion can achieve ones goals without resorting to the namecalling and personal attacks of the alternatives, i like the "hit squad". not sure on a logo we could use, but could stick with the overall design of diggler's shirt. i don't know if it is possible, but the osh laying out an opponent would be fitting. never once do i think the intent was meant to be demeaning or insensitive, but there is just not alot of good associated with the word murder... im still in for two if we do go with the hit squad 08' shirts. go sioux!
  12. again i understand your feelings here sica, and if i thought this was being disrepectful i would agree. but i think this is something entirely different. i think diggler is just making some fun tshirts to show support of our hockey team. i don't think this has anything whatsoever to do with joel... cant we let some students be creative and have fun? diggler... i like the front, the back still not quite there, any thoughts?
  13. i did a little tweaking with digglers design, not sure how to get the bars off the side of the image... http://www.customink.com/designs/undhockey...amp;cm_ite=page not sure what joel was wearing? his death is a tragedy and the sioux family will always remember him. im not sure what that has to do with these shirts? i am all for being respectful, especially towards a deceased member of the sioux family, so if this in some way is disrespectful to joel or his family, i am with you, but i guess i see these as separate entities.
  14. im in for two xls. i like diggler's murder inc. on the front, but i think the front is too bare. put this on the front with the murder inc. http://www.gii.in/wallpapers/data/media/80...r-Tattoos-2.jpg someone who is computer savvy could even put something on the blade of his sythe, like fighting sioux then on the back have UND Fighting Sioux Hockey 08' are you thinking black or white shirts? my two cents...
  15. gfrr 8, century 2... can't give you that one, still off 8 goals south 4, whs 1... your closest one yet, but since you misspelled williston, i can't give this one to you either 0 for 4, tough day bhs v. gpr should be a good game today i don't know what the scores were earlier in the year, but souths soph. goalie they switched to halfway through the season is pretty solid, he will need to be outstanding to keep gfrr off the scoreboard today it should be the two teams everyone thought it would be, but bhs could pull out a win
  16. they still played at the old rink downtown when i lived in omaha... the quest is a great venue, have only seen a creighton bball game there, havent seen hockey there, but im guessing it is great. would be a great road trip, im all for it! lets get it scheduled!
  17. maybe they can do the murder inc. or goon squad logo with the white out shirts. would be a cool thought.
  18. bhs 4, north 0 gpr 2, mandan 0 looks like 0 for 2 edit: i think you have to be within a couple of goals to even consider it a correct prediction
  19. mr. blanston... since it is a snowballs chance in hell, we will start with juniors. you give me 25-1 odds (much better than a snowballs chance in hell i would say), and you name the price, and i will take the bet. rehak is anything but average, and if he decides to go that route, he could play right along your east side golden boys in the ushl. rr is very talented and has some great players, that does not mean a great player cannot come out of the west. if you have seen rehak play many times as you claim, then you are just a horrible judge of hockey talent.
  20. i know this is not the first time is has been pointed out, but i think you have the wrong website dean... http://www.gopherpucklive.com/
  21. you can call me one, only if you do it to my face, but your entitled to your opinion, reguardless of how idiotic it is. i put my life savings up saying ive got more education in my left pinky than you'll ever have, but if that makes me an idiot, go ahead. i never said rehak was a god, i said he is a legit mr. hockey finalist with div. 1 talent. i also said i think ladouceur deserves the award. i like how you also made up a second quote to fit your "argument". and yes, they play three periods of hockey or until they have a winner, my point was to those of you saying no west team can stick with rr, and that they will win by 15 (was one quote). and to lives-to-play... i live in the east, so yes i have left the west, and i mispelled a hs kids last name, sue me. im sure that is on par with not know how to spell the name of towns in your home state. i should have know better than to post on this forum and get in an argument with a bunch of angry hs kids i take full responsibility for that one.
  22. why does the link go to the tsn issn rankings page? i assume you pasted the site you copied earlier.
  23. really??? willeston, dickenson??? have you never left grand ferks or can you just not spell? i would guess those of you saying rehak doesn't deserve to be a finalist have never seen him play (or possibly saw the one game they played rr in last years state tourney and almost knocked them off, rr didn't have a lead until a few minutes left in the game) he is one of the very few north dakota kids who have legitimate division 1 talent. he is a great skater and has great vision, and is arguably the most physical defenseman in the state. he is just as good of player as ladoucer, but plays out west on a non-dominant team. like i stated earlier, i think ladoucer deserves it, and meland's numbers are outstanding, but rehak is legit. i don't know much about the bhs kid, but i wouldn't be surprised to see the other three finalists all in div 1 hockey in a couple of years. im sure you can all make your arguments about who should be there instead... the four finalist from rr comment was quite humorous, but don't discount a kid you know nothing about, because you think the west sucks and everyone should bow down to your team. it is attitudes like that that make me hope someone knocks rr off their high horse, although i realize the chances are slim.
  24. the guy who opens the door for the st. michaels players during games
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