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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. IMHO, I think that a loss to a D2 team even now would have bad implications for us. Being new to DI-AA we need to be ranked as high as possible and win as much as possible leading up to 2008. It just keeps you on the radar scope of those voting in the polls.
  2. I think that with NDSU now being noticed as a solid, potential playoff contender DI-AA team, there is much more risk for NDSU playing UND than in the past (from NDSU's perpective). A loss to a D2 school would be much more harmful to us in regards to our ranking in the polls than would a loss to a fellow DI-AA school. On the other hand, a win against UND, especially if it was close, would not help us as much as a win against a DI-AA opponent. My opinion is that if we are going to play a D2, it damn well better be one we will be sure to beat. On the other hand, the gate for the game would be huge. This would push our attendance for the season even higher. So that would be the positive side of playing the Sioux. Personally, I would just as soon not play any D2s given the problems that would create if we were to loose the game. We need to stick with DI-AAs and an occasional DI-A.
  3. Kupchella better dust of his resume......The Chancellor will have his head.....
  4. The Sky wants NDSU, but I am sure that all in the Sky would consider it fantastic if the Sky were to get the Bison/Sioux rivalry.
  5. St. Johns gets 10,000 at a home game?!?!? Is that true or a stretch?
  6. I suspect the Gopher/Iowa game had a lot to do with that. I understand that one was a sell out.
  7. The NDUS has done well, the only thing that makes me uneasy is all the "distance learning" that is out there. This is not an issue with just the NDUS, but it is something that many schools are involved with. So, for those of you that have Masters degrees earned on a campus.....do you think you get as good of a degree via the internet? My answer is a resounding NO! I don't see how this distance learning is remotely as effective as being on campus working on your degree. It is turning our universities into diploma mills.
  8. I know that the home field is worth some points for UNC in that game, but realize that the home atmosphere at UNC is not even close to what is generated at NDSU or UND.....not sure if that diminished home points or not. This is a very critical game for UNC. And yes....NDSU will have their hands full when SUU comes to town this weekend.
  9. Next week UNC is playing Florida Atlantic at Greeley for Homecoming. It will be interesting to see if FA blows UNC out of the water like the Massey Ratings suggest. Kind of the top and the bottom of the Massey Ratings against each other.
  10. NDSU will have some extremely tough competition when they face Cal Poly and Northwestern State at home. It will be interesting to see how those game go. Obviously NDSU has to make some adjustment after the trouble in Brookings. And....I don't think that SDSU would win the NCC either.
  11. What the heck does that have to do with the title of the thread? Why not have a legit discussion about the thread rather than attemting to bash NDSU for the move to D1.....
  12. Moving up was a great idea.....we all still support that. Just that the SDSU game was rather frustrating.....kinda like the Sioux game against St. Cloud.
  13. I was actually not to excited about the Dakota Marker. but, it does not have near the storied past as does the Nickel, but I do have to say I am pretty pissed off the damn thing is in South Dakota! I think that if NDSU would have won the attitude would have been, "We expected this result and figured the trophy would be in Fargo". Now....I think that a lot of us are pretty irritated and will be more enthusiastic about winning it back next year. And....of course SDSU did much celebrating when they won it since it was not really the expected outcome for them. So I guess the loss was good for the trophy.......but who gives a s&!t....I would rather win.....
  14. I don't.....I am just plain ass disgusted.....
  15. The staggering would make some sense if the Sky new that some of the current teams would be leaving. Right now it seems to me that the biggest threat to leave the Sky is Sac State. Despite some of the heated denials by their fans on the various boards, it appears that athletics at Sac State are in trouble. They have little fans base and are the doormat of the Sky. If Sac leaves there would be only 7 teams in the Sky. I think the hope of most in the Sky is that there be 10 teams in the conference. They have also said that they want all sports to be played by all conference schools and a minimum of 60 FB scholies funded. The big question then is if they take NDSU/SDSU would they also pick up UNC. Or....with UND looking like they are making a jump would it be worth holding the last spot for the Sioux.....all of this is pretty interesting. In the end and a couple years down the road I think Sac will have left or either be leaving the Sky, NDSU/SDSU will be in as travel partners, and there may well be a slot open for either UNC or UND. If UND is in the mix it would be tough for the Sky to take UNC instead because of what the Bison/Sioux rivalry would bring to the conference. If the Sky were to pick up NDSU/SDSU and UNC this spring it may make it tougher for UND to get into the conference. The timing of this whole thing may play a vital role in what happens. I think it would be very much to UND's advatage to commit to the move sooner rather than later.
  16. The indoor training facility would be a big boost to UND....no question about that. I think that with the alum support behind NDSU and UND, both would be very competative in the Big Sky. The biggest challenge would be fielding quality mens BB teams. The bigest hurdle facing UND is the fact that the clock is not yet ticking on the 5 years of purgatory before becoming elegible for playoffs. But, perhaps the Sky would do expansions at 2 different times if the long range plan is to go to a 12 team conference. I am just not sure if that is the goal.
  17. Guys.............what the FU<K does this silly Olympic ice discussion have to do with the D1 question.....this makes me damn glad we don't have 1234 taking us on these goofy arguments on Bisonville anymore. My advice would be to ignore his rants and talk about the topic at hand....
  18. The bottom line is that everyone except the UND faithful are happy and excited about the NDSU move.....that means it is a success up to this point and things are looking good for the future.
  19. If UND is going to make the jump they will have to eat their crow quickly and then get on with the move. I am surprised that they would even wait for the vote. This is so typical of what D2 has been doing. If this does not pas now, it surely will a little later on down the road when it is brought up again. Time to eat crow and get on with the move to D1. We may tese you guys a bit, but it is nothing you can't handle. Much more of a delay would put UND 3 years behind the Bison in the jump.
  20. You know......if it were Naked Womens Hockey, I think I might just fly back to go to a Sioux game.....and attendance would surely grow!!
  21. Years ago, when I was in undergrad school, NDSU played a Canadian team. I think it was called Simon-Fraser University or something like that. They came to NDSU, so I think that they must have played "American rules" or NDSU would have probably never scheduled a game with them....
  22. Kansas has a buffalo?? Geez.....they don't even have a National Park with a wild herd of them.... I f you were to put a person on that defined the state you could go with Sakakawea except she is already on the dollar.....and it is tough to show scenery like the Badlands on there. How about a Snow Goose or something that shows the great wildlife that ND has. People travel from all over the country to hunt bird in ND....this is a tough one. Then again, maybe we could just put the words "SNIRT" on it too.....
  23. Well..........maybe the baseball game will make it on statewide TV.....that would be a first for either team...
  24. The lack of kids in rural states is going to be a huge problem in the future. If North Dakotans as agroup are aging, the young talent needs to be attracted to the state from outside its boundaries for a healthy economy. The Universities will play a huge role in pulling young people in to North Dakota. The numbers look very good for both schools. It is also a positive thing to see the large increases in grad students!
  25. Sounds like you need to add more seats already! The Athletic Dept. is leaving cash on the table if they can't get them all in....
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