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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. I think that under ND law personnel issues are not covered by the open meeting law. However, Holmberg is really being out of line by throwing this into the media. Who knows what the truth is.....I would have guessed some of the UND folks were irritated with Potts after he told Kupp to shut down the Fargo operation. One thing for sure is that this kind of stuff isn't good for ND as I would suspect future candidates for Chancellor will look at how the Board treated previous Chancellors.....and this will look bad. All of ND Higher Ed. institutions benefit from a good Chancellor....
  2. Yes, it is a hell of a mess in Wilmington. I think that is only rivaled by the screwed up search for a president at the University of Wyoming......Lot's of lessons for everyone in this....
  3. YEOW......I think I like the Bison/Sioux smack better than this stuff?!?!?!
  4. My suggestion would be to just delete any smacky posts. This issue should be able to be discussed with out all the vitriolic BS...... If posters continue posting inapproriate stuff, ban them. But....treat all fans the same, Bison or Sioux!
  5. State tourney feed for the Devil's Lake game is here......... link for boradcast
  6. Thanks for the updates and the info!
  7. Any updates on the hockey tourney scores??
  8. Any radio coverage that will be on the web??
  9. Is there any internet coverage of the tourney?
  10. I do have to say I love seeing Chris Chelios in there.......something I like about seeing someone only 6 months younger than I playing!!!!! Other than that.....man we played like s&!t....I wathced it here in my office and it seemed like there was a real lack of discipline.....
  11. State Legislators are very good at passing "feel good" legislation like that.....I bet when it comes to money they don't pony anything up....
  12. I think that with indoor facilities it is pretty difficult to expand seating.....you really can't raise roofs to get more height, and I am sure knocking out an exterior wall would be tough too as all exterior walls would be load bearing. I would suspect the dollars to expand almost any indoor arena would be huge.
  13. OK....that is probaby a bigger waist of bandwidth!!
  14. There are a lot of us that either never visit that section of Bisonville, or rarely do.....it is a waste of bandwidth.....as is this thread.....The only intelligent comments on this thread seem to be from LB#11....
  15. Jim....Why do you tolerate this crap on a legit discussion thread.....you ought to ditch this guy so those of us that are true sports fans can have a discussion! If you are going to have SMACKY discussions then they ought to go in a SMACK thread or be deleted.....I for one prefer to rarely visit the smack sections of any boards........
  16. I suspect it was a force out. When I used to work a a large hospital system we would always laugh when a "POO" memo would come out. "POO" stood for .... (insert name) has decided to pursue other opportunities.....
  17. What is the time table for the UND DI committee to report back?
  18. I think that D1 NDSU v. D1 UND would be a heck of a rivalry game again. Bigger and better than D2 days. If we look 10 to 12 years on down the road I could see these games getting major media attention. That is good for North Dakota at a whole............
  19. Thankfully most Sioux fans are not as narrow minded as this. Fans posting this type of garbage (and we have a couple of ours over on Bisonville too) don't really have much that any of the rest of us want to hear. These negative tirades get old. Why not try and have a legit discussion with out dipping into the vitriolic statements that seem to dominate your posts. In other words......do ya think you could find the high road??
  20. I would suspect as BB season winds down you will see Bohl back in the lime light. Bohl is pretty popular and after all, football is what NDSU is used to having as its meat and potatos......and I intend no disrespect to Miles.....what he has done with these freshmen is incredible....
  21. Thanks for the compliments.......I am still in a good bit of shock on this one. I knew those freshmen were pretty tought....but .......I did not think we would do this........
  22. AS for NDSU's attendance, this year is the first year in a while that NDSU has had a team with potential to really excite fans. It will take some time, but I am sure attendance will head up as this young team matures, gets more wins and approaches post season eligibility. While the Bison Sports Arena is a marginal D1 BB facility, it can hold a pretty good crowd. Next year this Bison team will be winning more and we will see a big bump in attendance.... The key to getting a crowd is to put out a good (exciting) product and market it. A big part of that good product is having exciting competition coming to your home court. There is no question that being D1 has helped a great deal in that regard.....
  23. The first year of the transition was very difficult in Basketball since you no longer count as a D2 for D2 school, but you don't count as a D1 for the D1 opponents either.....really a state of limbo. NDSU made the right move by redshirting all fresmen and trying to load up for subsequent seasons. This year has been great in Basketball with some great games. I am sure there are very few Bison fans that thought the redshirted freshmen would do so well this first year of competition, but thier better than expected performance and some real solid competition on the schedule has made year 2 a whole lot better than year 1!
  24. I can guarantee that the University of Montana would have never played NDSU when we were a D2 if the would have thought they were going to loose or be at a significant risk of loosing that game. And, even now that we are DI-AA, they are avoiding us like the plague....and that loss dropped the Grizzlies like a rock in the polls. It took them all season to recover.....
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