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Everything posted by WYOBISONMAN

  1. Isn't D2 the "minor league"?? Seems to most people it is! The Forum is just doing what the vast majority of people want.....coverage of North Dakota's major league athletic team. Sorry folks, but that is the Bison. Just look at the game attendance figures and that says it all. We had almost double the UND attendance at the Fargodome. That speaks volumes about the fools running UND and the missed chances for UND to go D1. Don't be mad at the Forum.....Be mad at those who perpetuate a stagnant vision for UND.
  2. It is always interesting to check this thread out every couple days to see what kind of fiction star2city has been writing.....
  3. They are, but with a travel partner I would suspect many the NDSU/SDSU pair would be cheaper than some of the other BSC travel partners. Also remember that the BSC teams are still traveling long distances to play non-conference dates. This just means that travel money goes to conference travel instead of non-conference travel. The net result is probably nil in the budgets. The total number of games being played would not increase...only the number of conference games.
  4. Two years ago Wyoming played Tenn. at Nashville and got to count it as a home game for Wyoming....seems strange.....doesn't seem right.....but that is what happend. I doubt too that CU or CSU would ever give a deal like that to UNC, but it would be within the rules of the NCAA.
  5. Fullerton mentioned that he wants to get the average attendance forthe BSC up to 15,000 for home games. Obviously you have to have 15,000 seats to do that and that is where UNC is lacking. The Mile High theory is one way they could make it, but only with the help of CU or CSU (and I actually think it would need to be CU to get a big enough crowd to offset the size of Nottingham Field). I think that in the end Fullerton would like the option of taking the BSC D1A. NDSU and SDSU already have large enough facilities. They just need to get butts in the seats. I think that Eastern Washington and Idaho State also have facilities with under the 15,000 seats (and of course you want more than 15,000 for those bad games when there would be less....so you can make the average). You need to come over to Bisonville and discuss this.....We are not supposed to discuss this on the Sioux Board according to administration .
  6. I wonder what a CSU/UNC or a CU/UNC game would draw at Mile High? Any speculation? I have absolutely no idea on that one.....
  7. My take.....NDSU needs to make sure we look good so we get a date to the big dance....the suitor is looking for a date!
  8. In the end the Bison are the odds on favorite to get in. Nothing is for sure, but my money would be on the Bison....We should see some indication by the 6pm news and sports tonight. I am sure the Sky will do a study and then hand out the invites. In any event, the DU rumor seems to have lost all legitimacy.
  9. Damnit.....I have to sit at my desk until 5pm and look at that beer....
  10. .....all I want to know is whether or not these Sioux fans will buy me a beer when they are proven wrong on this and the Bison are in the Sky.....after all, any vital issue really is over beer....
  11. Yes, that one seems like a heck of a stretch to me too.
  12. I would think the WAC would fit DU better than the WCC.....just from a geographic perspective.
  13. Over on Bisonville NDSU_grad said that the WAC may worry about loosing its baseball autobid if Denver is admitted (who doesn't have baseball). Gonzaga on the other hand does have baseball....hmmm...rather up in the air!
  14. I suspect that Gonzaga is happy in the WCC. It seems a good fit for them. I am sure the WAC tosses their name out there for sex appeal. Given what the WAC has been saying, I would think that Denver would be a very logical choice. Out here the WAC is SO overshaddowed by the Mountain West (who wouldn't touch Denver with a 20' pole) and so the WAC would love a team in the Front Range market. The MWC has 3 already (and actually 4 if you count Wyoming) and has a lock on that Front Range Market.
  15. It is incredible the amount of conference turmoil. Makes me wonder when it will find an equilibrium point.
  16. The smart money in Vegas is on the Dakotas....
  17. If Mary were to join the NCC they would be no slouch. There is some very big money in Bismarck and some big money that would back the Mary jump. They would soon compete with the best of the NCC. And they would do so because they would be the biggest show (athletic wise) in Bismarck. It's about money.....not the size of the school. It all would make for great competition. You wouldn't find me bad mouthing Mary..........and I am Lutheran!! Last I checked Sioux fans were a scarce as hens teeth in Crosby.....how do I know? I was born there.... Mary would have more fans because it is the WEST.
  18. Gonzaga would seem to make a hell of a lot more sense than Denver if the Sky was going to allow a non-football school in. They would for sure bring a top notch BB program to the conference.
  19. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the August meeting. I think that the Sky is nervous about loosing Sac State and/or Portland State. Who knows, pure speculation.....but that is what makes these sports boards fun.
  20. Obviously you have a lack of understanding of North Dakota issues if you think an East/West rivalry wouldn't be intense. No offense, but you must be from Minnesota....
  21. Good old siouxrock. That guy can't really be from ND....I hope.....
  22. Everyone has to have one of those guys, hell we got Bisonfan1234....
  23. It does seem odd when we agree with the Sioux fans....heck, on D2 I havehad to state the obvious and say I think the Sioux will sweep the NCC....
  24. What's up teamsioux.....can't have a civil conversation??
  25. Think about it....yes, the UND-NDSU rivalry was intense in North Dakota, but a Mary/UND game would pit East against West.....and in North Dakota that is extremely intense. There is not a lot of love for the Red River Valley in Williston and I think the western football fans would really be hot for a clash of such proportions. It would be damn interesting to watch.
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