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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. Well can you share where wiki got hidden at? I honestly think half the changes made anywhere are made with the sole intention on seeing how many people it can p**s off. So where do I look???? Thanks.
  2. It doesn't take much imagination to figure out what those loose feathers on the bottom of the neck area are implying.
  3. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/local/3911648-another-designer-puts-spin-und-logo-controversy
  4. It won't matter what you are, there is no way UND lets someone with a vested interest in a slanted logo do the design. We want a beautiful, non controversial logo and don't need head dress, etc to try and poke the NCAA bear.
  5. And, the only reason people mush and gush over it is because of the arrangement of the feathers to look like a war bonnet. We just don't learn, keep trying to give the finger to the NCAA and it doesn't work. We need a good, non-confrontational logo and this will only come from a paid, professional artist. There is zero reason to keep refighting this battle.
  6. I agree, no one here said we win a Natty Title but the fact that we keep bringing up not getting in the playoffs and whole quality loss thing is what keeps driving this issue. We laid an egg against Idaho State and Weber and it came back to bite us. No use constantly bringing up missing the playoffs because that just feeds the Bison with the idea that we somehow thought we make this long playoff run to the championship.
  7. Hawkster

    2016 Season

    With the strength we showed at the end of the season, I doubt we sneak up on anyone next year. A few teams learned the hard way we are for real.
  8. Sorry if this is posted someone, I miss things at times, anyway is there any way to watch this game? Hopefully someone has it some where.
  9. I like it! Looks aggressive and the Nodak Nation ties in with our flirtation at becoming the "Nodaks" rather than the Hawks. The other great thing is it's not overly busy nor is it trying to needle the NCAA with the misuse of strategically placed feathers.
  10. Hawkster

    2016 Season

    No Med Shirt for him last year. I'm sure it was too late in the season, so he'll be a senior next year
  11. You can pretend all you want that this doesn't imitate native head dress, but we all know those feathers are arranged that way for a reason. The NCAA is going to take a very close look at whatever we adopt and if we keep pulling stunts like this we not make the playoffs with an 11-0 record. This is the main reason Kelley is having a hired firm do the drawing and then we can finally move on.
  12. The bottom feathers look WAY too much like the headdress feathers on a Sioux war bonnet. No way this passes muster.
  13. The bigger question is, would UND be willing to pay a decent salary for someone who can turn this around? The idea that we can bring in a successful D2 coach and expect miracles is probably asking too much. Salary is going to need to be upped by 50% to attract the right guy. And I agree that Jones will probably be here in March, which is too bad.
  14. Hawkster


    I always thought Rog Thomas was a great coach but so so as an AD. Didn't want to move up to D1, burned our bridges when it came to playing NDSU at the time. Probably a few other things I've forgotten about.
  15. Hawkster

    2016 Season

    I can't imagine Bartles leaving, but wouldn't be surprised if Mollberg decides to take a powder, considering he didn't play a down this year. I really think his day has passed and he probably knows it.
  16. Yea, once again we get screwed and the mighty Bison get seeded. Why does this always happen to us??? 7-4 should be in
  17. I hope not, but I sure wish Cit hadn't won, that one has my stomach in knots.
  18. Shutout gone but still very impressive. On to Sunday morn now.
  19. I'm more worried about the Citadel winning then these other games. I just hope they didn't get our spot.
  20. 38-34 Hawks. The new name will prove to be a blessing.
  21. I think we are at a slight disadvantage with the late start, but not with the committee. Our guys are playing later than they are used to. I wish the game was an early afternoon game instead, but that said we win our first game as the Hawks.
  22. I'm glad FH won. I would have much preferred Nodaks, but I can live with FH. Come on guys, it's over with and we need to embrace the new name. Go Hawks.
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