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Everything posted by Hawkster

  1. That adds a whole lot to this conversation.
  2. I'd love it if we kept it within 30, but doubt it's happening. I'm going with 48-6 Washington.
  3. The real test still comes against Sammy. We played a team tonight that was horrible, actually worse than expected and maybe we played down to their level. I don't have faith in beating Washington, so that leaves us with SHSU being the team that SHOULD be on par with us talent wise. Time will tell.
  4. Lots of room for improvement all around. QB play was most impressive IMO, but everything else, meh.
  5. Thank you, refreshed and it's back
  6. Mine didn't, so updates appreciated.
  7. I've just got the sign that says Pluto tv
  8. Hawkster


    Just win Baby!
  9. Hawkster


    Let them think what they want. We win this thing 52-6 with none of the starters in the second half.
  10. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    But I really think Zimmie could have been successful last year given the right play alignment. He has the tools, just needed better plays and a better line so he wasn't running for his life at times.
  11. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    A loss will only reflect badly if it's a blowout. A 7 point or less loss doesn't worry a bit for the rest of the games. The team can overcome something like that and they will. It's the 3 TD loss that should be a concern and I really doubt that happens
  12. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    I have no doubt that we can and will beat Idaho. It's Sammy that I'm nervous on but a W is sure possible. We roll them and we'll be flying all the way to the playoffs. My gut tells me that's an L though.
  13. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    So has it been announced that Maag's shirt is being pulled, or is it just an automatic assumption? Great to see a kid come flying out of the blocks from the git go.
  14. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    I think our votes came from reputation. After about the 15th spot a lot of voters really don't know much about the current state of the team or just start marking the ballot. Since we are somewhat of a known national commodity we get the votes. This isn't a bad thing at all. It shows we are getting our brand out there and people realize even after a dismal year like last year they still throw a bone our way due to recognition.
  15. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    Only Mr. Faison can give you that answer.
  16. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    I fully realize that and therein lies the problem. I did say I thought the ceiling could be 9-2 and it's attainable and maybe the threat of not making the playoffs will be a bigger boost. I am really hoping for a playoff win this year but one game at a time and see what happens
  17. Hawkster

    2018 Season

    I'm going with 7-4 for the regular season. Loses to Washington, Sammy, Idaho, and Weber. Best case we go 9-2, worst is 6-5.
  18. I don't think he had any other offers, but who cares? Good recruit here
  19. Where do you think I got the name from? I sure ain't that creative.
  20. I'm pretty sure he is a cousin to Ho Lee Fuk.
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