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Everything posted by Siouxperman8

  1. I didn't notice seeing as much of Boltmann as usual last week. Was he limited or did I just miss him? He did have a big catch and run for a first down in the 4th quarter.
  2. Thanks for that info. It makes sense that playoff games would be excluded.
  3. And then stick that locker room tent up their arses on the way out of town.
  4. I agree the math doesn't seem to add up. What I don't know is how much student tickets affect the $$, what the expenses are to rent the Alerus and if REA would get their customary 52%. 52% off the top would really put a crimp on the dollars available.
  5. Just don't insult me by calling me apathetic. My goddamn Apple Watch went off 6 times during the UNC game to warn me that my heart rate had spiked and I was stationary.
  6. Again - what was the right number? Pick one. Here are my bonifides regarding UND football and UND as an institution. If this is apathy let me please let me know how I change that. Attending UND games for 50+ years UND grad and football letter winner 4 season tickets - I believe you said you were going to cancel yours this year 4 season tailgate spots drive 10+ hours round trip for every fb home game fly to 1 fb road game a year watch every fb road game I don't attend if its available, I listen if I can't get it Champions club member actively involved in on-campus recruiting of UND students for my employer and have mentored a few fb players who are in my field Chairman of an advisory board for my discipline at UND I am really disappointed we aren't at home too and I wish we would have bid more. I'm just not willing to throw Chaves and the athletic dept under the bus for a blind bid that didn't win.
  7. Did he have any limitations from the school? Did he tap what he could from donors and did he have any more room? he also didn't know we would be paired with Nichols
  8. I'm guessing he had some limitations on what we could bid. The good news is that you can fix this next time by yourself. Step up. Write to Chaves and tell him you want to help out next time and give him a number I ask you again - what is the number you think we should have bid? $100k - would that have been enough? Maybe $200k. Again hindsight is a wonderful tool if all you want to do is bitch.
  9. It is turf. Before the 2017 campaign, Manning Field received a makeover with the installation of a brand new GeoGreen™ artificial turf by Geo-Surfaces of Baton Rouge.
  10. What is the number we should have bid to insure we were at home? $150k? $500k? $1B? - per dr evil
  11. The point is you could have fixed it if you were willing to step up big rather than just bitching after the fact. What $$ number would have been considered adequate in your mind? $100k, $200k? $300k? there’s still no guarantee that we’d win the bid. Someone could still go higher.
  12. If we knew what the nut was and refused to meet it I would agree with you.
  13. So if you lose you weren’t competitive? that’s a novel concept. And no we weren’t competitive at ISU. You could have fixed it with a measly $10k. Next time you should step up and contact the athletic dept to offer it up. You could fix it yourself
  14. 20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing. We didn't skimp on our bid. It was a blind bidding process and we put out a competitive bid but got beat. If it was a live auction we probably would have gone higher. How much did you contribute to the bid? Maybe next time you can offer up $10k or so to push it higher but there'd still be no guarantees. I wasn't asked for a donation but I don't run in those circles.
  15. I remember Livingston claimed they didn't expect to get in and had already turned in their equipment. They insinuated that it was a big struggle to get the team back together to play.
  16. I was at that game as a 14 year old. I remember the disappointment and the drunk guy that had to be carried onto the bus going back to the KC's.
  17. SRS rankings at this link. The date says 2018 but it is quite different from the one from 2018 last year that had us at 38. This shows us at 23 just ahead of Furman and Nichols St. Eastern Washington at 15?
  18. to add to this - we downed a punt on the 1 or 2 which set up the punt block against Montana State. Kostich is very dynamic and the players love him. I for one hope he doesn't go anywhere.
  19. Was it McFeely that said we’d go 4-7 and looking for a new coach?
  20. That would be great. I was thinking that they have good attendance and would outbid us. I sure hope we get to play at home but that 5 hour drive each way every week is wearing on my productivity at work
  21. This is what I feared when USD beat SDSU. they will outbid us I'm sure.
  22. That is 2018 SRS rankings. You had me worried for a minute and then saw that E Wash was #4 and figured there was a problem. SIMPLE RATINGS SYSTEM FCS Coaches PollSTATS FCS Top 25Simple Ratings System Through Games NOV. 18, 2018
  23. We really needed to run the ball in when UNC fumbled on their second to their last play. Our DL had it in their hands but couldn't hang on and UNC got the ball back on their 5 or so. That extra TD would have looked good on the scoreboard and wouldn't have been considered running up the score.
  24. I don’t think he played
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