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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. so we cant even see the game on cn8 tv? Only NE zones can view it is that what they mean?
  2. theyll use it all up this game. no worries. Looks like Sioux have to go all the way now, cause I cant bring myself to root for the only other WCHA team in it if need be.
  3. THIS JUST IN... ST CLOUD WILL NOT PLAY TONIGHT!?!? Cause the boxer just got knocked the fk out!
  4. was anyone watching it or just gametracker and such?
  5. I hope the BU michigan st game works on CN8 tonight. think it will? I thought this first game was suppose to be but what a joke!
  6. Just got here. why cant i watch the game on CN8..Theres no link to view it, just a link says its going on? what is the ND game on? viewable?
  7. luapsided


    wow I thought i was in a football forum for a minute...whew
  8. finally! thank you very much for the information...can watch clarkson and massachusetts at 1:30 tomorrow and then st could and maine are on FSN at 5:00. Go Huskies!
  9. how are the games that are on Cn8.com? pretty good? cost anything?
  10. anyone ever see a game on cn8? looks like good quality. Im looking forward to watching the early game tomorrow. Surprising its free even!
  11. Sweet! get to watch the st could/maine game tomorrow on channel 28 here in the forks! Does anyone know if Cn8 is free on the internet. I wish digital cable got espnU, my head would've been a hocky puck come sunday night
  12. http://college.holycross.edu/wchc/hockey.htm Ive been waiting to hear the 'lets go sioux!' chant again on replay since I've left the REA about a year ago from now. I just noticed that they have the full audio up to the greatest upset in college history game and you can relive the moment once again, that being one of the loudest crowds ever in the new REA. Scroll down to full WCHC audio broadcast. The first link would only work for me, the second one that says 'NEW' would not work. Fast forward(or not ) to the end. about 3:01:15 (three hours one min, fifteen seconds) Then youll hear a crowd explode! Just wanted to share, it still gives me chills
  13. all home games though. I just go to the game! Ill really start to give props when the road games are more televised. But yeah its nice for the people who cant make it to the games of course. Im glad they picked these games up thats for sure. Are you sure they are not on tape delay? Great news!(unless its on tape delay)
  14. is Cn8 tv free on the internet or not some much? its just basically like a webcast right? Wow I might have a nothing but hockey weekend!
  15. -this link is why i ask if ESPNU is showing all the games? -cstv shows a game on friday evening, but thats just one game. I cant really tell that anything else is being shown on digital cable? Im speaking for the whole tourney in general. -And whats with this espn syndication crap? I saw another schedule somewhere where i saw nothing but espn sydication thats all new to me! Wheres espnu on digital? i cannot find it doesnt exist?
  16. So ESPNU is covering every game according to the schedule on the first page of this thread?
  17. how much is the fox sports package for digital? Throughout the season people have been watching different hockey games on the dish/digital cable or whatever...what package/es did you have to see most of these. I ask this in order to see if I'll be able to see any of these games. Im brand new to digital cable and also have NHL center ice. Does this benefit me at all? Or are there other channels that I could maybe see more regional action this weekend? THanks. O yeah..I seem to have lost the thread with all the times and channels to see some of these games. More help with that would be awesome..Thanks !
  18. Throughout the season people have been watching different hockey games on the dish/digital cable or whatever...what package/es did you have to see most of these. I ask this in order to see if I'll be able to see any of these games. Im brand new to digital cable and also have NHL center ice. Does this benefit me at all? Or are there other channels that I could maybe see more regional action this weekend? THanks. O yeah..I seem to have lost the thread with all the times and channels to see some of these games. More help with that would be awesome..Thanks !
  19. like this voting has anything to do with it? So the person with the most votes has always won it?
  20. To think sioux hockey/college hockey is what this part of the state/country revolves around. Gophers get whatever they want, why in the fu** cant we get A REGIONAL HOCKEY GAME HERE LIVE! sickens me!
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