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Everything posted by luapsided

  1. As I put on another post, jersey shaking is the most classless thing a player can do no matter what team your on. I dont recall the last time ive seen a sioux player do this someone help me out. The only thing is a few sioux fans may jersey shake because they have yet to find out that this is 100% classless on behalf of the school itself. If you want to show some class and represent your school at the same time, get a flag or a sign from a 'true fan' in the stands and skate around the rink with all your teammates or something...
  2. luapsided


    No. they would have all raised their hands up in the air, hog piled the goalie and give each other hugs and high fives....There would have been not one player shaking a jersey, but possibly a couple fans maybe who have no idea that that is a classless thing to do.
  3. luapsided


    Nice picture..jersey shaking in the most classless thing of all that a player can do.
  4. ESPN is the biggest joke of a network these days...pure basketball is all they show. I think its wrong that they even show any hockey highlights whatsoever. To think they have the right to the NCAA...and all they'll show is the last two games..woah, dont show too much hockey, please! And not even 4 seconds after the game is over, theyll jump right into basketball! No interviews, no postgame, just " thank you for watching NCAA hockey, BYE".
  5. yuck! This is a much watch weekend!
  6. Yup...too much talk going on on the forum right now. The WCHA is over, and we are moving on to the big time! Goofers who? There should be little to no talk about them. The only thing in the heads of players and fans should be all, 100%, on michigan. I am far from comfortable with this matchup. If I know the team who swept the goofers is out on the ice then I have not a worry in the world, but we wont know this for a few days yet However I do feel the sioux will be hungry to play and I cant wait! I bet the team would play today if they could! I just hope we get the quick goals in the remaining game/games of the year. It drives me crazy when we cant get a goal in the first period, or two, in a hockey game. Anyways.. GO SIOUX! and let this week fly by! please!
  7. Another horrid post....we dont play the gophers first game its michigan. Repost this possibly around saturday night sometime
  8. Maybe I had too many st patty beers but why do we play the late game? It seems as most tourneys have the number one team play the late games
  9. Im sure the goofs were overlooking holy cross last year and look what happened. Id maybe change that to we cant overlook mich and air force......
  10. Well the benefit of this is that we have a ton of sioux fans in denver and around the area to come and support them. Make sure you tell everyone you know down there to get to the game ! And Clay is the sh*t by the way. He was all about the Sioux. He knows what hes talkin about. I pray the Sioux team that swept the gophers are out on the ice for the remaining 4 games!
  11. Is lee leaving the sioux early by any chance You could see it in their faces after the game and I pray that we are in the same regional as the goofs, lets get it over with asap. Sioux will be playing that game with a massive chip on their shoulder and I expect domination.
  12. I do pray that he is done next year.. Yeah hes made a few key 'saves' but im more mind comforted with him not around. Lee and finley combined in the lineup is one crappy mistake in the making.
  13. is there a webcast of lucia banging shepards mother.? oops thats an edit for tomorrow. my bad!
  14. your #1 is like a fart in church. If a couple of the goofs goals were actually talent then Id give you #1. get a nice boat and do some trolling on the shore buddy
  15. The only research that ive done after this night thus far is coors light entering the blood stream but other than that I am praying for a gopher sioux rematch asap! I hope we are paired up in the regionals and can get the ass whoopin on as soon as possible!!! If I could pay for the sioux and the goofs to play tomorrow, I would! Everyone knows who the team to beat is and it will remain this way until the drop of the puck fall 2007. If sioux give 70% effort for the rest of the year we will prevail.
  16. Get ready to feel the wrath again goofer fans...sioux play their C game even, its all over for the goofs! Briggs<----siv goalie------>lammy Oakpizusay<-----siv the man----->Duncan
  17. If we dont get in now ill quit watching/supporting college sports forever
  18. makes me sick to my stomach. What other team has really had a run like the sioux have the past few months? at least 1/3 of these teams shouldn't even be allowed to ever be in the tournament yet still we could be the last team to not make it... Wow this makes me laugh.
  19. What did one autobid say to the other autobid..? answer: your gay.
  20. ditto..can tell that was the play in game
  21. Are there any webcast for the weekend. I have some friends in the south right now, and like most of the south it is impossible to even hear about hockey yet alone see it! Some would like to watch if possible? Thanks!
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