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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. Just wondering why REA would have anything to do with spending money on hosting a game at the Alerus. They bank their money for bi-annual locker room updates.
  2. So you think UND was ranked 24th when you look at #16-24? They try to avoid rematches plus it's the NCAA - nuf said.
  3. Except that this tournament is not seeded as a "National" tournament 1-24, it is seeded regionally to save the NCAA travel money.
  4. Yes fan noise is expected but music should absolutely be expected to help create issues for an opposing team - that is what a home field advantage is. Perhaps the speakers are positioned for fan experience but why have any chance that the home team doesn't have zero communications issues during their huddle? Not everyone is sitting at the 50 yard line with no one taller than them standing up in front of them. Sometimes you have to look at the screen to see what is going on - but again why have cameras in the crowd when the action is on the field? They never show a touchdown replay more than once - showing it during the XP it gets lost in the shuffle. Just my opinions.
  5. They should have an instructional sheet that stays in the AV room for those working in the studio that don't understand the nuances of football. My suggestions would include: 1. Know when it is important to play music loud. That would be when the other teams has the ball. Stop the music when UND is in their huddle. Part of a home field advantage is making it hard for the other team's offense to hear and easy for the home team offense to hear. 2. Put the camera shot on the field at least 10 seconds before the ball is hiked. There are numerous instances when the big screens have spectator shots on them and the ball is set and about to be put into play. 3. Wait until AFTER the extra point to show a touchdown replay and know that it is okay to show a touchdown replay more than once, if time allows. Other suggestions?
  6. First round the teams should be even - the stout defenses start in the second round. When Western Illinois got in with their 6-5 record in 2015 they were gifted Dayton in the first round.
  7. You really believe that? There is a difference between discussion and constant criticism. You do realize that there is no "questioning anything about su" by outsiders on bisonswille.
  8. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    Pemhaps the criticism they got from around the Midwest for leaving a deserving 7-4 U N D team out last time will give some of them a conscience.
  9. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    Yes but one team should not eliminate us.
  10. CMSioux

    2019 Season

    So we started the season with what appeared to be the toughest schedule in the nation, we are on track to win 7 of those games with two of the losses being to teams in the top 10 and one being to a team that will likely finish 7-4 (corrected) and undefeated at home. We have one stinker loss, but please show me a team ranked between 16-24 that has a higher SOS and no stinker loss.
  11. If all things were equal in the locked decision room UND's record of 7-4 and SOS puts them in, but as we know once the door shuts the decisions are not made on merit they are made on each person at the table doing everything they can to get the most teams from their conference into the tournament. Now if we don't hold up our end of the bargain and finish 6-5 we have no beef.
  12. Do you think anyone who see that as unsportsmanlike conduct? I know some don't care but you take a knee and guaranteed a win. Run a few plays and something bad can happen plus now you've given "the Committee" the opportunity to turn on you for poor sportsmanship.
  13. Easy to second guess the scheduling of SU now. At the time it made UND look good in the state and as The Flagship that is the way it should be. I agree that it did cost us a playoff run then and it might now.
  14. I thought I heard on some podcast that they actually tried to get a 12th game but the teams that were available didn't fit what UND was looking for (perhaps all the cupcakes were gone?).
  15. I booked an Airbnb within walking distance.
  16. 4 games allowed including playoffs so if they have no plans to play Schuster it will be a non-issue unless an injury causes UND to need him (dang I feel like it's bad karma even to mention this). As has been said UND wins 7 they belong in the field (SOS, perfect at home are two of the reasons) and could even host a first round and win it (teams in the lower half are all pretty average). Once you get past the first round the going gets tougher (yah I was around for 2016 so no need to bring that up).
  17. There was an explanation as to why they just don't use Massey similar to Pairwise - something about not enough games to be a true rating tool?
  18. #9 Illinois State beat a terrible Missouri State by 5 and dropped two spots. Northern Iowa got crushed and did not move.
  19. CMSioux


    It's what they do year in and year out.
  20. Waiting for FCS pundents to diss Illinois state for only beating Missouri State by one score.
  21. CMSioux


    Look at the resumes of the teams between 16-24, they all have bad losses. We finish 7-4 we belong.
  22. CMSioux


    If we finish 7-4 we deserve to be in, #12-24 are all about equal on any given Saturday.
  23. So if attendance drops on in what is basically a play off game we can stop with the "winning will fix attendance" and "band wagon fans will come when games matter" and accept that dwindling attendance is seasonal and a matonal trend.
  24. CMSioux

    On to UNC

    What ever happened to Izzy?
  25. I''ll assume that current players are also involved in the recruiting process and can share their perspective on after-thought PWO offers that are just trying to back fill their recruiting class vs a school that was on them early and thought highly of them, followed them and came to the table first with a scholarship for a quality education.
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