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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Here is a pic of the new U-dub field. (Go Pokes, keep the Bronze Boot!)
  2. I hope he gets that job. I have a good friend that went to Huntsville and used to go to all the games. Small but loyal fan base. Gwoz will make some waves down there.
  3. I hate to admit it, but this firetruck is pretty darned cool. Think of how many tractors they had to repair to pay for this!
  4. That's funny. It's amazing what alcohol does to tiny brains...
  5. Maybe they're all drunk on that site.
  6. Well, if you can't use the English language properly, why should we believe the word of a tractor mechanic?
  7. I don't get it. Why would they sell the bottom of their shoes? I mean, that would make it hard to walk on the hot pavement in the summer. Unless, of course, they were going to wear an alternative form of footwear.
  8. That whole family is so impressive.
  9. Gosh, if only UND would enable criminal activity like Tractor Vo-Tech of Fargo. Oh, then we would have all the "glory" and be the envy of all the mid major D-I schools. Oh, to make Ball State University jealous! So, so worth it!
  10. Could this be Tractor Vo Tech's new helmet?
  11. Well, if you really want to be jealous, you should see how many pages the State's Attorney of Cass County has on the Tractor Vo Tech school's football team. Heck, they probably had to bring in a few more filing cabinets.
  12. Heck, it's North Dakota media. They'll let anyone on the air! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0rP6IM4wjU I wonder if Lakes will be drunk when he's on the air?
  13. Naw, he wasn't drunk. That's just a typical Ag School football player. They keep it classy at FU!
  14. I'm sure the law school at the University of North Dakota is eternally grateful.
  15. Well, when we need a recommendation for a defense attorney in the state of North Dakota, all we need to do is turn to the Ag College's football team for THAT information.
  16. Well, no. I have plenty to do. But, the amusement level would drop off considerably...
  17. Wow. TSC Vo-Tech grad apologists sure come out of the woodwork here...
  18. Here is a very, very similar situation that happened in Laramie, Wyoming: http://collegebasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/03/06/suspended-wyoming-senior-luke-martinez-pleads-not-guilty-to-felony-assault/ I would imagine we will hear the same blustering out of the attorney of the Ag School's player. Now, I am not saying that the Ag School's football player kicked anyone in the head like the Wyoming Bucketball player did, but everything else is very similar. Oddly, Luke Martinez from Wyoming is also a North Dakota boy...
  19. You know, I'll bet that everyone thinks this Ag Coilege player's life is over now. It's not. Heck, it was over when he signed up to play for the AC....
  20. I just read that the suspension for the first quarter of the first game comes with a clause. Only when the Bison have the ball.
  21. Interesting on the Sioux gear slowing vanishing from the stores. I guess that is to be expected. I've got plenty for the rest of my life, so I'm set in that respect.
  22. I could see it developing into conferences with the winners and a few runners up guaranteed entry into an 8, 12, or 16 team playoff. It would make some huge...HUGE $$$$.
  23. We're playing the "Utes"? WTH? Isn't that name hostile and abusive? I say we kick their butts to teach them a lesson! I agree UND Colorado...it would be great to go see UND play at Folsom Field!
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